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People doing this should be banned on sight


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I have a better idea. Delete Ilum and stop thinking a world pvp zone is a good idea in a 2 faction game.


This doesn't happen in Rift and that is a two faction game. Well not to my knowledge anyway.


That game also has kill X of the opponents as a daily and the two factions can talk to each other, you would think it would be easy to do, but oddly, no, people don't trade kills in that game as far as I know.

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blame the game design


it promotes this kind of gameplay because dying has no penalty.


Is that really what you think? That it's no death penalty and not the fact that everyone hates Ilum and only go's there for gear? Or that repubs can't do anything? Or that Ilum is pretty much unplayable with lag/stuttering?


Ilum is an absolute failure. Make kill trading not work and people simple won't go because it won't be worth it.

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This doesn't happen in Rift and that is a two faction game. Well not to my knowledge anyway.


That game also has kill X of the opponents as a daily and the two factions can talk to each other, you would think it would be easy to do, but oddly, no, people don't trade kills in that game as far as I know.


They probably do. It would be a little different if the quests were world quests or if you had other options beyond farming coms after you get your WZ quests done. It really comes down to the fact that people farming ilum are not there for pvp to begin with, they are they for gear and if they don't need the gear they will not go,

Edited by Dystopic
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Is that really what you think? That it's no death penalty and not the fact that everyone hates Ilum and only go's there for gear? Or that repubs can't do anything? Or that Ilum is pretty much unplayable with lag/stuttering?


Ilum is an absolute failure. Make kill trading not work and people simple won't go because it won't be worth it.



that makes it ok to exploit the games mechanics? Really?

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that makes it ok to exploit the games mechanics? Really?


I don't necessarily think it's ok. But I think it's completely understandable and rather than banning people they should fix the real problem, the broken system that makes win trading a reasonable workaround.


Everyone's first response is "ban them!" Lets be honest, that doesn't actually solve anything. This isn't a speed hack. Bioware has failed hard with PVP and people are losing patience.

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Ilum will inevitably fail in every iteration because BW is acting like a bunch of kitties with their soft soft gloves on.



Butch up BW and start banning people for stuff.


Wield the proverbial ban-hammer and terrify the masses! Atm every tom, joe and sam bored on Ilum is figuring out a way of how to cheese/brake the system to their advantage.


Cos they know by now f all is gonna happen if they do find a loophole and gain an advantage.


Send them to bansville USA.



It doesn't take a genius to figure out how you WANT the open world PvP to play. Sanction everyone who doesn't play ball but obviously cheeses/exploits. And people won't do it anymore if they KNOW forced vacation is 100% on the cards. You don't even slap em on the wrist ffs.


In PvE raiding exploits are not used, frowned upon and above all - met with swift GM justice. You don't evasion cheese a raid boss and lol to the bank with your epics, you report it as bug. If caught abusing you bow your head in shame as the community lynches you.


I dunno why PvP has this culture of "exploiting is ok" and why devs tolerate it. They're only digging their graves with this leniency.

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Is that really what you think? That it's no death penalty and not the fact that everyone hates Ilum and only go's there for gear? Or that repubs can't do anything? Or that Ilum is pretty much unplayable with lag/stuttering?


Ilum is an absolute failure. Make kill trading not work and people simple won't go because it won't be worth it.


It is one of many flaws in the pvp game design because killing guarantees reward (+valor) whereas losing (dying) has absolutely no cost.


I didn't say it is the only flaw, and a dynamic gain/loss system wouldn't be enough to fix it on it's own, it would require much more, such as total separation of the instanced pvp and world pvp systems.


All this was discussed in depth pre-launch and ignored by BW who obviously knows so much more than actual gamers.

Edited by Roak
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Please tell me how in the world it's the player's fault? Bioware put an easily exploitable mechanic into the game that is normally already a major chore to do, but necessary for gear progression.


Open world PvP is a complete joke, with the sides being ludicrously imbalanced. Imps don't have enough people to kill, and Reps don't stand a chance against the overwhelming numbers.


If I'm an Imperial, I can search for long periods of time and not find any non-dead Reps because


1.) The ones there are getting killed off by the other Imperials


2.) The rest of them are avoiding Illum COMPLETELY because, quite honestly, there simply is absolutely no point in going to Illum if you're just going to get ********ed every time you go out to fight.


Blame that on not only the hideous Republic armor compared to the awesome looking Imp armor (Jedi knights get to be an ugly samurai with a backpack instead of a cape), the blatant imbalances, like the only recently fixed cooldown issue with the flash grenades, troopers sucking major tail compared to Bounty Hunters, Lightning being all around more effective than whatever it is Consulars can use, ect.


And, of course, there's the fact that every single MMO that requires players to fight will be exploited for the rewards. Even Maplestory, a friggin 2D MMO has this "Problem". Bioware just seems to have absolutely no idea how to stop players from doing this, either. Here are just a few examples of things they could do:


1.) Make it so Illum doesn't feel like a required task. Sure it could be fun, but I don't want to have to do it every day... And before you spit your useless "Don't like it, don't do it" garbage, I have to do it because I want my Battlemaster gear.


2.) Actually give the republic some appeal. Give them a bonus for rolling Rep, or get some better artists to make the Reps look and feel cool. I would even go as far as to say they should make white lightsabers Republic only and have them built into their PvP gear, as tons of people seem to want a white saber...


3.) Give us other options for getting those dailies done, and other options for getting the valor. Choice can never be a bad thing in an MMO, right?


Seems like they completely rushed the game towards the end of development, really. And I can't believe they didn't have a single MMO player on their dev team who could tell that what they were doing with Illum was a bad idea.


Just my two cents.


Even as a pvper in very moderate ways i have to agree on this post.

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You know why you were called that, and you know calling for someones job because you aren't happy with a videogame is wrong.


Don't sit there and play the victim card when you were 100% in the wrong and you just got caught. I am glad BW responded to me flagging that thread.


To the OP I really hope they fix that man because doesn't seem like fun on either side.


He lied to the community about his failed design. Theres prove for this!


We have every right to call for his job, because we invested time and money into this, and we as playerbase want it to be a success and the shareholder want it to be a succeess.


So as shareholder and player i have evry **** right to call for his job.


This is not a "videogame" you imbecile, it'S an MMORPG where i pay a monthly fee and investing time.

When i buy a videogame and it was bad, i just can decide to not buy another videogame of this company. But in a Mmorpg where many people have to work as a team and where you invest much more time, you actually can ask for someones job, if he fails miserably in his part.

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I don't necessarily think it's ok. But I think it's completely understandable and rather than banning people they should fix the real problem, the broken system that makes win trading a reasonable workaround.


Everyone's first response is "ban them!" Lets be honest, that doesn't actually solve anything. This isn't a speed hack. Bioware has failed hard with PVP and people are losing patience.



Ill give it to you lol. Ilum does need a revamp. :)

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Ilum is a complete joke. While I don't condone "Valor trading", it's certainly understandable given the dire state of pvp in this game.


I can't remember who the lead pvp designer is, but he certainly needs to be fired. Ilum is so bad, I have to wonder if any of these guys actually play MMOs or the system they've put in place.

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