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Bioware: Worst MMO Mistakes, Ever?


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I don't think anyone will ever top Blizzard for worst MMO mistakes, except for maybe APB.


I played a fire mage in Vanilla. "Oh lets do Molten Core!" "Ok cool!" "Oh wait everything in the instance is immune to me."


They were following an model based off of MMOs of the time. MMOs back then weren't exactly geared towards your average gamer. People who played MMOs expected to be killing a thousand boars to gain a level or spend 5 hours in 1 dungeon.


Things have changed.

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Would Asia be in the red? Meaning they had to order from amazon or ebay out of their country?


I dont know if its officially released in Asia.


Asked same question, they getting it from some websites and and ebay.

Amazingly, its officialy getting banned for " fraud advertisement " and I really /salut the law there.

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Haters will always hate so why you all dont quit?!?! I can say only 1 thing: Patch Update 1.1 makes imporvement today maintenance as well. Future Option contest what BW present on movie makes me happy and want to say only one: Thank You BioWare





All WoW players go back to your funny WoW. SWTOR will never be like WoW and I would quit it When that happens.

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They were following an model based off of MMOs of the time. MMOs back then weren't exactly geared towards your average gamer. People who played MMOs expected to be killing a thousand boars to gain a level or spend 5 hours in 1 dungeon.


Things have changed.


That was just one example. In Wrath I'd get these awesome new tier pieces, and then compare them to what I had on. They'd actually be downgrades because of all the wasted hit they slathered on plate gear.


Oh and once again, "Additional Instances Cannot be Launched at This Time."

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Perfect example of the hype vs the product. Your link is from 2010, his is from this week. :rolleyes:


But they're both from Massively talking about how an MMO screwed up....SWTOR is fine. Its a little rough around the edges but people have forgotten what an MMO launch is like. They assume all the MMO companies go to each other and tell secrets like Middle School Girls on how to be successful. They don't. Its a lot of Trial and Error.


Remember guys...WoW has been dying since day 1 and SWTOR is the same....Might as well start a list similar to this one:



What killed WoW?

rooftop camping

the removal of rooftop camping

the lack of honor

the implementation of honor

the lack of dishonor

the implementation of dishonor

the removal of dishonor

the removal of wall walking

rank rewards

decaying rank

the removal of rank decay

the removal of PVP titles


Scourge Invasion


the cost of mounts

the lack of information about TBC

all information released about TBC

playable Blood Elves

playable Draenei

Horde Paladins

Alliance Shaman

flying mounts

the timing of the release of TBC

the cost of flight, Jewelcrafting

the LFG channel

holding people accountable to the Terms of Use

meeting stones


the number of arena teams one player can have

arena-based gear rewards

the lack of battlegrounds

the addition of battlegrounds

everything about battlegrounds

Illidan being killable

Daily quests

instance-based reputations

the Darkmoon Faire


playable wisps

Tinfoil Hat

the Armory


the lack of information about Wrath

all information about Wrath

a failure to revamp old world areas

the inability to transfer from PVE to PVP servers

hero classes

siege engines

cold weather flying

Wintergrasp being a PVP zone

death knights

the inability to start a new character of any class at 55 or higher

the lack of a dance studio

character recustomization

the inability to change race or faction

the cost of mammoths and motorcycles

Spirit of Competition

the fall damage negation of mammoths and motorcycles

the removal of fall damage negation from mammoths and motorcycles

the ability to transfer from PVE to PVP servers

dual specs


holiday events

Mountain Dew Game Fuel

streaming Blizzcon ’09 on pay per view

the revamping of Onyxia’s Lair

Worgen for the Alliance

Goblins for the Horde

revamped old world areas

the ability to change faction

the ability to change race

new race/class combinations

purchasable vanity pets

Icecrown Citadel

cross realm LFG

Celestial Steeds

the Disenchant option added to Need/Greed

combining raid lockouts

the initial announcement, then delay, then lack of information, then announcement, of the new X-53 Touring Rocket RAF reward mount

the removal of Path of the Titans


changes to Archaeology

the introduction of RealID as an option to the game servers

the introduction of RealID as a matter of mandatory disclosure for forum participation

as well as weekly maintenance and patches 1.1 through the current one inclusive.

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auto spotting from firing


regnerating health


Laser accuracy weapons




tiny maps with forced choke points



EA wanted that COD pie and failed.



I personally love BF3....


but anyway...The Game is a little rough but they are making improvements every patch. Yes they will break things but this is nowhere near as bad as some MMO launches I've been a part of. People need to see that the developers are working and making things smoother. My Framerate doubled yesterday....Progress if you ask me.

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Haters will always hate so why you all dont quit?!?! I can say only 1 thing: Patch Update 1.1 makes imporvement today maintenance as well. Future Option contest what BW present on movie makes me happy and want to say only one: Thank You BioWare





All WoW players go back to your funny WoW. SWTOR will never be like WoW and I would quit it When that happens.


What ?! it made the game unplayable for thousands including me lol!!

Can you play the game with the screen flicking then load screen pop up every few seconds ?!

Edited by Dark_magic
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... PvP now ruined at level 50 because of ridiculous queue times: clearly it was too early to implement this system, could have also been forseen instead of bowing to the cries of outraged casuals on the forums...


TRANSLATION: PvP now ruined at level 50 because I can't beat anyone my level. I need the advantage of a level capped, geared out character to be able to fight the lower level characters of players who have jobs and lives outside the game in order to have a chance at winning a fight.

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Some people really need to calm down. The vast majority of players are still levelling and clearly one of the major goals for 1.1 was to fix the problems that were spoiling the levelling experience.


However, by the time 1.2 rolls around the situation will be quite different given the majority of players will be at level 50. If Bioware aren't well on the way to improving end-game and the combat system by that time, the game will fail.

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All WoW players go back to your funny WoW. SWTOR will never be like WoW and I would quit it When that happens.


Funny WoW? Yeah, I guess you trying to get Corso to love you long time is serious business. So have fun grinding your "affection points" since this is likely the only place you'll get them. Oh newsflash: This game is already like WoW, save the talent trees. Those you learn from the bottom up whereas in WoW you learn them from the top down, therefore the talent trees are the opposite of WoW's design. You remind me of a religious person who claims "my religion isn't at all like x religion" Haha - "your book and ideas are borderline plagiarism of older philosophies!"


I get a chuckle from these WoWphobic people who were likely addicted to that game just a few months ago. Like most "phobic" people their lines of reasoning are often highly illogical.


You closeted, Downlow WoW fanboy -- you probaly have a Blood Elf paladin! Now let me insert an emoticon at the end of this sentence just to drive my point home and to be smug. :)

Edited by Shortwave
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Some people really need to calm down. The vast majority of players are still levelling and clearly one of the major goals for 1.1 was to fix the problems that were spoiling the levelling experience.


However, by the time 1.2 rolls around the situation will be quite different given the majority of players will be at level 50. If Bioware aren't well on the way to improving end-game and the combat system by that time, the game will fail.



As long as people are buying the game, testing it out, and the game is growing, the majority of players will not be lvl 50....I remember in BC and even in Wrath, Blizzard saying the majority of people were lvling...and that was when the game was still growing.

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auto spotting from firing


regnerating health


Laser accuracy weapons




tiny maps with forced choke points



EA wanted that COD pie and failed.


You forgot


Big maps






Bullet drop


Respawn on squad


Yep, totally copied cod.


But, if you knew anything you would know BF came before COD.

Edited by darthdoll
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You clearly have nobody on the developer team who has plays many (if any) MMOs extensively (or at all).


Ilum issues in 1.1 would have been forseen if you properly tested patches prior to implementation.


PvP now ruined at level 50 because of ridiculous queue times: clearly it was too early to implement this system, could have also been forseen instead of bowing to the cries of outraged casuals on the forums.


Lack of properly functioning raid master loot system, BoP item trading to group/raid members, ability to pass on all items without them DISAPPEARING, multiple specialization trees, etc. would all exist if you had anyone on staff that had a clue what was going on.


Customer Support BEYOND HORRIBLE. When there's a bug that affects us personally we get told "Sorry, can't help" Or "Galactic Droid CT2012414 here, thanks for the report it's been forwarded on" always ended by "....masters of customer service". I've been on raids where multiple of the same item from a boss went to the same guy, and GM REFUSED to fix the issue. I've been on a raid where an entire boss was un-lootable, GM REFUSED to fix the issue.


Let's not even get started on the terrible technical design flaws in this game that affect performance and stability, the list is already long enough.


So were you trying to make a game that wouldn't last a year or do you want to change your policies and start using your heads or, fire whoever is your current 'head', and replace it with someone who knows how an MMO in 2012 should actually function, what players EXPECT from customer support, and what features have come to be not only expected but necessary for an enjoyable user experience?



That being said I'm still on the fence on re-subbing: might renew for 30 more days to see if anything gets better, but I definitely might not.


Is the customer service sub-par? Yes indeed it is.


I take issue with your complaints about PvP, however. The majority of the PvP problems are caused by the players, not BioWare.


Players are choosing to exploit the turrets (or were, I don't know if this has been fixed yet).


Players are choosing to play empire side in great numbers. I've played both sides extensively and see no real advantage to imperial side over republic. Is it cooler? That's a matter of opinion, not fact.


Players are choosing to hang out in Ilum in a giant zergball farming those few poor republic souls foolish enough to venture to Ilum.


Queue times for PvP are bad, yep. Why? See the previous point.


PvPers LOVE to yell and scream that they want open world, unrestricted PvP. And what do they do when they get it? They do what happened yesterday in Ilum: they will choose to farm and exploit rather than look for real PvP. Queue times are awful because PvPers are CHOOSING to farm and exploit using superior empire numbers rather than engaging in real PvP that they love to claim they so desire.


Seems to me that while BioWare made some significant mistakes, the players flatly refuse to take any responsibility for these problems, despite the fact that the griefing, corpse camping, and rampant exploiting was done by them.


Does that mean that all PvPers are like this? Of course not. But based on videos from yesterday and the threads from PvPers QQing about the fact that their own community CHOOSES to exploit and farm rather than look for real PvP, it strikes me that they would far rather blame BioWare than take even the slightest responsibility for the situation.

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I've been on a raid where an entire boss was un-lootable, GM REFUSED to fix the issue.


GM's can't fix that, without going through looooong lines of coding that's reserved for DEVELOPERS and is addressed in PATCHES. I'm sorry you're impatient.

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Hello everyone!


We do appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. Allison's thread goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful. Please take a moment to read through that sticky which can be found here:


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a fantastic thread for suggestions and encourage you to continue your discussion there.


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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