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There will NEVER be another Star Wars movie


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Most of the books have been.... bordering on horrible.


This is true. There's very few Star Wars books that I can look back at in retrospect and say were truly good...even less so since Del Rey took over. There are some gems out there, of course. Anything by Zahn or Stackpole, the Tales from short story collections, Death Star...basically any of the stuff that wasn't a bunch of Jedi talking about their feelings or going Dark, superweapon-of-the-week or Mandos are 1337.

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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George Lucas just announced he will NEVER make another Star Wars movie. More surprising was he admitted point blank that the reason he won't make another movie is because of the critics who bash him for constantly altering his original films and for failing to re-release the originals in unaltered high-definition.


The free-spirit in me feels like his creation, his choice to do whatever he wants with it. But a more conservative part of me feels like he should appreciate and even be grateful for the fact that his original films are so popular that they are like pieces of Americana, and that he should not tamper with them out of respect for the massive cult following he created and who helped propel the series to the ridiculous level of success it's at now.


It's one thing to create totally new prequels using the latest technology that perhaps doesnt suit everyone's tastes. But it's another thing to flatly refuse to make more movies simply out of spite. Is George really so vain and shallow as this latest announcement makes him appear


HAHAHAHA, Are you living under a rock or something? :D He is going to relese every star wars movie again, but with 3d so he can make loads of money with no effort. Heres the trailer



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Oh Star Wars fanboys; how I love at thee, the way both sides ***** and whine to make themselves look right. It's a wonder why so many people who aren't science nerds probably won't feel sorry if someone decides to nuke all of Star Wars into oblivion ;)


In all seriousness though, as someone who "LIKES" Star Wars in general, I say Mr. Lucas that I would love to see you do VII-IX, I would personally enjoy them as I think the prequels and the originals are equal and good with one and another. But again I can understand your decision, as someone who aspires to be a creator of sorts in the video game industry, I can very much imagine having the same bitter taste if I ever get the same kind of polarizing fanbase like you do. Which is why I would like to give an advice to you if you ever come on here; ignore your fanbase, as Star Wars is your creation, and write down the story on what you think it is ight for these movies.

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Heck, imagine if Blur Studios made a full length version of the trailers? 0_o


I'd dig it... as a byproduct, George would see what he SHOULD have made the prequels like.^^


On topic... I find his reaction rather immature... but it was expected for an ego-centric person like him. I mean, rather then taking the criticism to heart and rethinking his course of action, he just pouts and leaves... while still making a **** lead of money of his re-releases and the IP as a whole.

Edited by WarBaby
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  • 2 weeks later...

The funniest part of this, is those who say that the man who created the entire story, did it wrong.


These were not film adaptations of anothers work, the creater, author, director, is the same person. Hate them? Then dont watch the movies, read the books, use this forum, or play this game.


Call me fanboy, I call you a hypocrite.


And yes, I am a fan. I watched the origional movies, in the theator. My Star Wars figures and toys, were new, not something bought off Ebay. I have the origional movies, on VHS, not Blueray. I can have my opinion, and desearve too. Call me anything you want, or say I am wrong. All that does, is make you all the more ignorant.


Move from my mothers basement? Har har. How origional. Did you come up with that yourself? Or did you google that one? Star Wars didn't even have CGI when I bought my house, try better next time, kid.


Oh wait, this is the internet age. I'm sure you'll try. Because we all can see, you have to "win" to feel you are important. You can prove me wrong, but I doubt you know how.

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The funniest part of this, is those who say that the man who created the entire story, did it wrong.


These were not film adaptations of anothers work, the creater, author, director, is the same person. Hate them? Then dont watch the movies, read the books, use this forum, or play this game.


Call me fanboy, I call you a hypocrite.


And yes, I am a fan. I watched the origional movies, in the theator. My Star Wars figures and toys, were new, not something bought off Ebay. I have the origional movies, on VHS, not Blueray. I can have my opinion, and desearve too. Call me anything you want, or say I am wrong. All that does, is make you all the more ignorant.


Move from my mothers basement? Har har. How origional. Did you come up with that yourself? Or did you google that one? Star Wars didn't even have CGI when I bought my house, try better next time, kid.


Oh wait, this is the internet age. I'm sure you'll try. Because we all can see, you have to "win" to feel you are important. You can prove me wrong, but I doubt you know how.


Dude...calm down :p. But really...someone doesn't put that much effort into launching a pre-emptive strike against trolls unless at least some portion of it is a reality :rolleyes:. Unless the idea of some faceless, nameless person you will never meet or interact with outside of these forums throwing some half-hearted insults your way really grinds your gears that much...? In which case, unfortunately, your last quip about people needing to win on the internet becomes quite hypocritical, as you are trying to win before anything even truly starts...


My opinion on new Star Wars movies made by George Lucas is somewhat split.


On one hand, I want to smack him in his face and tell him to ignore all the damn critics who are out to make sure everyone thinks he is a half-brained money-grubbing washed-up director, and get back to continuing one of the greatest sagas I've ever watched.


On the other hand, I want to tell him to stop being a half-brained, money-grubbing, washed-up director, and that if he's going to silence the critics, he needs to get back to the roots of what made IV through VI so enthralling.


It's a toss-up for me. Frankly, though, if movie directors consider themselves as much artists as painters, musicians, and sculptors do, then what he really needs to do is stick his middle finger high to all the haters and naysayers, and create what he wants to create. Some will love it, some will hate it, but at least he's making his talent and expression available to those who want to experience it. Lord knows he's got enough money at this point to just go ahead and do whatever he wants.

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The funniest part of this, is those who say that the man who created the entire story, did it wrong.


These were not film adaptations of anothers work, the creater, author, director, is the same person. Hate them? Then dont watch the movies, read the books, use this forum, or play this game.




That's nice dear. I also have them on VHS, and have the original toys, blah blah blah. The difference is you're still treating the false pretenses that were perpetuated in the late 80s and early 90s as fact.


George Lucas did not direct ESB or ROTJ. He didn't even write the screenplay for ESB. And based upon that, I find it highly insulting that not only did he change someone else's work, he has practically forbidden us from watching their version of the film.


And as one of the older generation, I am ashamed of you for failing to recognize that you can hate aspects of the Star Wars universe and still love Star Wars. I enjoy the original, unedited films. I enjoy several of the book series. I love most Star Wars video games. That doesn't mean I'm obligated to like the prequels, or enjoy any of the crap that Lucas threw into the Special Editions to consider myself a fan.


On occasion I enjoy watching The Rock or Con Air. It doesn't mean I can't consider Michael Bay a (feminine hygiene product).

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I love Fanboys. It's an entire film dedicate to the concept that one type of nerd is somehow less of a tool than the other.




exactly. and i can find at least 20 reasons in 2 minutes that proves star wars is supperior.

Edited by jannickj
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This might have been posted already, not sure.

But Lucas has already said that "Luke doesn't get married or rebuild the

Jedi Order". That the TZ books do not happen. That the EU is not his Star Wars

(unless he borrows from them of course lol), and that there won't be any more

movies. He hasn't even read the TZ books that anybody knows. Or has any

interest in doing so. It really is true that he sees it as solely his sandbox to

play in and no one elses. So that being said, if later on down the road, say 30

years, there is a reboot think what JJ Abrams did with Star Trek. Or

Ron D Moore did with Battlestar Galactica. It's not really smart to nitpick changes

that GL does (its his IP) as long as they aren't story/plot killing but aesthetic.

Cos a reboot would definitely change the Star Wars universe, like it or not.

Maybe for the better, maybe for the worse.

I would go with better though lol

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I hope not, The Clone Wars is already TOO MUCH on its own. Ive never actually gotten around to watching an episode of the cartoon series. But it really looks like it would piss me off :p


The Clone Wars series is actually VERY VERY good.

I was sceptical myself at first but I've recently started watching

them and am hooked. First off they are very well done whether you

like the animation style or not. At times the animation is simply beautiful while

at others not so much. Its not like they are trying to re-tell or force feed new

pre-Star Wars lore or rehash the movies. The stories really fill in some of the

gaps between Ep 2 and 3. I've seen people say that a Boba Fett movie is

wanted. Well Boba's life after Geonosis is told in the Clone Wars series.

And even incorporates some of the books series. Karen Traviss' Mandalorians

are in the series and BEAUTIFULLY shown, including the Death Watch.


I dunno. I would honestly have to suggest watching it.

Like I said, I stayed away from it like a plague. I'm kind of regretting that now.


~Izzy :)

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