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There will NEVER be another Star Wars movie


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"It's not like he completely changed plot points and all of a sudden Vader isn't the father or something.


I know we cherish our childhood memories but is the color of the hallway Vader walked down THAT big a deal?"




If we are going to discuss this honestly, some changes were much more important than hallway color, and they did substantially alter- if not plot points- then characters.


I hate to drag out the old 'Han shot first' thing, but the character of Han Solo (and the ability to suspend disbelief in that scene) is substantially impaired by attempts to re-edit events to be more politically correct.

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I'm more than happy for there to be no more films.


I'm a huge fan of the first three films and yes, i'm a fanboy of the origional three, though I like a lot of what he did with the re-releases, just not the stupid energy rings when Alderaan and the Death Star explode and, of course, Han shot first.


The prequels were ok but not great. Didnt like the acting of Anakin and hated all the cliched and repeatative scripting. Couldnt they think of anything else other than 'I have a bad feeling about this' and 'my young padawan'?


I just dont think he could ever capture the magic of the first two films which I'll always rank as two of the best films ever made, particularly the Empire Strikes Back.


A TV Show? hmm, well I like the cartoon series. Something to listen too in the back grond but a tv show? Can't think of any tv show spin off's from classic films that were any good.

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George Lucas has had a variety of different things to say on Star Wars over the years. He admittedly took quite a beating with the prequels, but it isn't because the movies were as awful as some said (though even I'll admit Jar Jar Binks is an abomination; the Gungans in general, however, are kinda cool), it's because the media when Episode I came out was a very different animal than it was in 1977 when Star Wars was released. In addition, the moviegoing public had a much greater exposure to effects-heavy blockbusters than people had in the late 70s and early 80s.


At one point Lucas was hinting his intention for Star Wars to be a 9-part series, with intentions to give us the story of Luke's full restoration of the Jedi Order after Episode VI, as well as his father's story in Episodes I-III. We've gotten the latter. The former was mentioned again a few years ago where Lucas indicated that if he did Episodes VII-IX, he wouldn't be basing them off Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, which is widely held to be as close to a canonical Episode VII, VIII and IX as we're going to get, ignoring that a lot happened between the Battle of Endor and the time when Thrawn became an issue.


Right now, he's busy giving us 3D versions of Episodes I-III in the theaters; he's indicated it'll take about a year of post-production work on each film, meaning we'll have Episode I in 3D this March, and the next two re-releases in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Given that it took a total of 9 years to put out the prequels, this is a fairly fast release schedule.


He won't live forever, of course, but I figure he very likely has 3 more Star Wars movies in him, and while he'll (of course) take shots from the fanbase for whatever he does with them (if they wind up being the rumored Episodes VII-IX, he'll have to use different actors for everyone from the original trilogy; Harrison Ford alone ain't lookin' too spry, and Mark Hamill hasn't been good for much more than voiceover work in animated super hero shows for the past decade), he'll still rake in unconscionable amounts of profit from them and their ancillary tie-ins (even if he winds up invalidating a majority of the Expanded Universe novels we've had over the past 20 years).


I agree with alot of what you said. I, personally, would love episodes 7-9 to be based strongly on Zahn's books. The ancillary stuff before that and in between is TV series fodder.


I would agree that any other person would never give up making 3 more movies, if for nothing other than the sheer profit. But, I find it hard to believe that Lucas finds the dangle of more money as a motive. This is assuming that he has more than many generations of his family will ever have a need for at this point.


So, new movies will have to be done because of a passion for them, not the profit motive. Don't know if he has that anymore. Maybe he does.


Or if he just doesn't want to deal with the monstrous undertaking of making more movies, which is understandable, then hopefully he has the humility to allow others who possess that passion to do so. And give a worthy candidate the rights to continue on with his story.

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Why continue to make things that people hate?


How many of you hate the prequels?


How many of you hate george and think all his movie are crap?


Why should he make more star wars?


There will not be another star wars at all, thanks to all the haters.


I dont hate the prequels, just watched all of them on bluray and im even more in love with the genre than ever.


I dont hate the guy or his films, you need to chose better wording than "hate".


Because people will watch it anyway. People went and saw all the prequels that they supposedly hated. Many fans bought the prequels.I think it would be awesome to see luke skywalker restore the jedi order on film. Not everyone has played all the games that elaborate on the story. Im not one of those fans who got butthurt because they changed things. I hate it when people assume that everyone hated the prequels. I thought they were great and i loved EP III.

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I dont hate the prequels, just watched all of them on bluray and im even more in love with the genre than ever.


I dont hate the guy or his films, you need to chose better wording than "hate".


Because people will watch it anyway. People went and saw all the prequels that they supposedly hated. Many fans bought the prequels.I think it would be awesome to see luke skywalker restore the jedi order on film. Not everyone has played all the games that elaborate on the story. Im not one of those fans who got butthurt because they changed things. I hate it when people assume that everyone hated the prequels. I thought they were great and i loved EP III.




I think the prequels got progressively more likeable as they went on. I don't think they ever reached the point of being 'very good.' I watched them and continue to watch them because I love the universe, but the movies themselves are not what I consider great. The first of the prequels in particular is hard for me to watch without feeling a great sense of disappointment at various points in the story.

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Lucas may never make another Star Wars film (thankfully).




But he will hold onto the Star Was ip and allow someone else to create movies with it, taking a sizable cut no doubt.




It's been rumored for years he was going to hand off the Star Wars ip to Spielberg and Spielberg could make movies.


Are you kidding? Lucas said there won't be another star wars movie.


He would never let anyone make a SW Movie unless he is EP or Writer.

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"On the Internet, all those same guys that are complaining I made a change are completely changing the movie," argued Lucas, pointing to irate acolytes who have taken to YouTube posting their own re-edits. "I'm saying: 'Fine. But my movie, with my name on it, that says I did it, needs to be the way I want it.'"


Boo hoo, George. Go cry in your piles of money. They're not your movies, unless it suddenly takes a crew of one to create a film, you stupid glory hound. You didn't direct ESB or ROTJ, and you had no right to piss all over Irvin Kershner's and Richard Marquand's movies, then forbid people from viewing the originals.


We don't complain that you changed the movies. We complain that you changed the movies and won't let us buy the original versions. People wouldn't give a **** if you'd just rerelease both versions. Those fan edits you're whining about are an effort to give us a high-quality version of the original with the material available on hand, your idiotic Special Editions.


At least this makes fun fodder for the list.

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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George ignored his fans. And now there will never be another SW movie.


Ignored his fans?


Fans asked for more movies, he came out with the prequels.


And he did, he wrote the entire PT and it took him years, not a couple of months. Then fans bashed him, and now we don't have SW Movies anymore






Lets see you make a multi-billion dollar franchise.


And the OT didn't make a billion for each movie. The PT made allot of that money. It revamped SW, we probably wouldn't have this game if it wasn't for the PT.

Edited by BrandonSM
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Ignored his fans?


Fans asked for more movies, he came out with the prequels.


And he did, he wrote the entire PT and it took him years, not a couple of months. Then fans bashed him, and now we don't have SW Movies anymore.


His fans asked he rerelease the originals on DVD. He ignored them (no, a pirate-quality rescan of a Laserdisc doesn't count). They asked he rerelease the originals on BluRay. He ignored them again.


Pull your head out of the sand.


And the OT didn't make a billion for each movie. The PT made allot of that money. It revamped SW, we probably wouldn't have this game if it wasn't for the PT.


You're right. We'd probably have another X-Wing game. Or they would have continued the Jedi Knight series. How much of a shame would that have been?

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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I am a fan of the original trilogy. I am also a fan of Episode I, II, & III. I thought they were all good. I saw StarWars when it returned to theatres with the new effects. I was pretty amazed.


Now I own a more recent version with even more touch ups. I really enjoyed some things - like when Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Yoda were all added in at the end as force ghosts.


I really felt a lot of passion when I saw Anakin as himself rather than Darth Vader:


"That evening, Luke returns to Endor and cremates his father's body and armor on a funeral pyre. As the Rebels celebrate the end of the Empire, Luke sees the spirits of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and a redeemed Anakin Skywalker proudly watching over them."


That was such a humble moment for me I almost cried. I really have a lot of respect for George Lucas. Give the old man a break. I don't think any director can make an original trilogy 30 years ahead of a prequel trilogy, and pull it off quite like he did.

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I'm also tired of Lucas defending his "vision," and getting all butthurt that people criticize the prequels. If his "vision" was that important to him, he wouldn't have spent 15 years sitting on his butt doing nothing, only to cram for exams at the last minute and churn out scripts while they were filming the prequels.


Lucas doesn't care about these movies, nor his so-called vision. He's just sulking because so many fans have stopped worshiping him.

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Now I own a more recent version with even more touch ups. I really enjoyed some things - like when Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Yoda were all added in at the end as force ghosts.


Uh, what? Anakin, Obi-Wan and Yoda were force ghosts in the original. The only difference is they replaced Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen.

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I respect Lucas so much for what he gave us.


I do not respect him for the money grab that is episodes 1, 2 and 3.


His story, while the beginning of star wars, was edited by many people. Lucas gave it to us, but not without help.

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Better no more movies then another 4 bad movies. Its been all downhill since empire


Thats harsh... ROTJ was pretty good. Ep 1-3 were, ok, but not horrible. I would like to see more star wars movies, and I would like to see someone else other than Lucas direct them, I would like a return to a more simple storyline (like Ep 4-6), and more more importantly I'd like to see those moveis set in the Old Republic. :jawa_cool:

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...I'd like to see those moveis set in the Old Republic. :jawa_cool:


I'm perfectly okay with the interactive story that is SWTOR. Hell, the cinematics in this game are better than any of the combat Lucas directed in the prequels. I get goosebumps whenever I watch Satele drop into the fight on Alderaan and start tearing **** up.

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I'm perfectly okay with the interactive story that is SWTOR. Hell, the cinematics in this game are better than any of the combat Lucas directed in the prequels. I get goosebumps whenever I watch Satele drop into the fight on Alderaan and start tearing **** up.


Yea...they are pretty top notch! :jawa_cool:

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What I would love to see is an "Honest" poll.


One in which everyone that has ever complained, *****ed, whined, raged, cried, protested, or sobbed in their mothers basements about the movies. How many of them have only watched the movies once.


I bet the entire lot of you have watched them every single time they have been on TV, or just fired up the movies when your internet was down.





But I know there will never be an honest answer. I have yet to hear of a single person completely shun the movies. Instead you get the "everytime I see Jar Jar I scream!"


Yeh? Then don't watch them. Oh wait, you can't.



You'll be missed Lucas, sorry for the haters. But we have to suffer them for you now.

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Well its his choice. I respect that much, I can't blame him for wanting to call it a day, suffering at the hands of constant critique is not nice, even if some of it happens to be true or not. I still hope we see a Star Wars TV series based on the era they were talking of, that leads into Episode IV.


Other than that a new Trilogy of movies based on the Old Republic era that we are playing would be really nice too. (I know Lucas wont be doing it though)

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What I would love to see is an "Honest" poll.


One in which everyone that has ever complained, *****ed, whined, raged, cried, protested, or sobbed in their mothers basements about the movies. How many of them have only watched the movies once.


I bet the entire lot of you have watched them every single time they have been on TV, or just fired up the movies when your internet was down.




But I know there will never be an honest answer. I have yet to hear of a single person completely shun the movies. Instead you get the "everytime I see Jar Jar I scream!"


Yeh? Then don't watch them. Oh wait, you can't.


You'll be missed Lucas, sorry for the haters. But we have to suffer them for you now.


I never watch the prequels. Ever. Nor do I watch the Special Editions. I'm never even tempted to watch them. When I watch Star Wars, it's the unedited DVD versions of Episodes IV-VI, or Adywan's Fan Edit. So I guess your theory is crap.


If you stepped out of your mother's basement, you'd realize that mainstream media blasts these movies as garbage. It's not just raging fanboys. It's the basement dwellers that keep defending them as quality cinema.

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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