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There are several fairly easy fixes possible. It should be considered a defect btw.


The bottom line is that a squishy, which Qyzen easily becomes, is completely counterintuitive and it is more wasteful to have companions more or less thrown away than it is to fix them, considering the effort already expended.



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It's not gonna happen. Wanna know why? Because you'd also be forcing BW to create an entire slew of additional Hilts with Aim on them, relatively pointless since it's only for specific companions and completely useless for player gear.


Why not let the Vanguard use a melee weapon up close if in the tank roll? Maybe after they add in dual spec?

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The fact that Qyzen uses AIM is ridiculous in the first place, i am amazed how they didn't change it back to Strength already.


Dismissing Aim for Strength and an option for Qyzen to use other melee weapons would fix things.


I hope Bioware puts more effort in creating Consular companions in the future expansions, as things are now they are by far the most boring bunch when compared to companions of ANY other class.

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Just add the blade to a commendation vendor or two.


A new hilt mod would need to be included as well to account for AIM over STR.



On other Equipment:

I found a cool "orange" Jedi robe for Qyzen. I just replaced the mods with AIM specific ones. The cloak actually looks better on him than trooper armor. Having the hood cover his face makes him look more beastly and menacing.

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I have to agree with Phydra. They should do something to fix this. I also agree with Kitru that changing them to str would mes up the dev's intended aesthetics. But if we are going to bring aesthetics into the argument then why should we the players be able to have a weapon for the companion with an aesthetic we like. Maybe it would be a pain in the *** for the devs to do this but if I can pick and choose just the right gun for Kaliyo why should I be able to do the same for any and all companions. I'm not suggesting that it should be there A number one priority but at some point they should address the issue. WE play the game, WE pay for the game. So if WE want a modable tech blade then by thunder WE should get one. That's all I have to say about that.
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I support this. This is an oversight that should be corrected.


As for cluttering the loot tables, you don't need to add anything to the loot tables, merely to shift things around in the crafting allocation. It does not make much sense as it is right now, and could easily stand some drastic modifications. Adding Aim-based hilts to what Armstech can do would not be much of a bother.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My BH just got Torian after finishing up Taris. Flew to fleet to get him upgraded out of greens and no techstaves in the GTN or com vendors. I couldn't believe it so i came to the forums and found this thread. Why are any melee types stated with aim? Why are there no techstaves or techblades other than greens available? It appears Torian can only use techstaves and only green techstaves until I get to 50 where a blue non modable becomes available thru an heroic quest. This needs fixing please Bioware.
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I would rather them just reassign Qyzen's class from Bounty Hunter/Trooper to Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior and have him be based off Strength and using Vibroblades. Doing hard modes can get frustrating when nonstop Str pieces drop that absolutely nobody can use in the run.


In my opinion, that would only confuse the real consular companions issue of proper role assignment: Consulars have no melee tank. Compare consular/trooper companions...


Consular: willpower

Consular companions:


  1. Qyzen Fess - aim (techblade :: shield or power generator) - melee dps
  2. Theran Cedrax - cunning (blaster pistol :: scattergun) - healer
  3. Zenith - cunning (blaster pistol or blaster rifle :: scattergun) - ranged dps
  4. Lieutenant Iresso - aim (blaster rifle :: shield or power generator) - ranged tank
  5. Nadia Grell - willpower (2-bladed lightsaber or electrostaff :: focus) - melee dps


Trooper: aim

Trooper companions:


  1. Aric Jorgan - aim (assault cannon or blaster rifle :: power generator) - ranged dps
  2. Elara Dorne - aim (blaster pistol :: power generator) - healer
  3. M1-4X - aim (blaster rifle :: shield generator) - ranged tank
  4. Tanno Vik - aim (techblade :: shield or power generator) - melee tank
  5. Yuun - aim (electrostaff :: power generator) - melee dps


If BioWare is going to change the main stat Qyzen uses from Aim to something else, that stat should be willpower. Similar to the trooper and companions using aim, change Qyzen to be more in-line with consular's stat willpower; most of the trooper companions use heavy armor and aim. So, the conversion would allow Qyzen to wear the Rakata Survivor's Gear set with accompanying shield, i.e. melee tank. Or Jedi Knight Guardian (strength) would work as well.


If BioWare is going to keep Qyzen's main stat as Aim, wearing heavy armor and using shield, change his role to ranged tank (i.e. trooper vanguard shield specialist). This would allow him to use blaster rifle :: shield generator combination. Or like Aric Jorgan, trooper's first companion, blaster rifle or assault cannon :: power generator combination.


BTW, all trooper companions use aim, which in my opinion simplifies obtaining gear. Any gear upgrades you get, you can then pass along 2nd-hand pieces to your companions versus selling the outdated piece to vendors; though Yuun wears medium armor so no heavy armor can be transferred to him. Consulars have only one companion (Nadia Grell) that can use the same set as consular. Therefore, I would lean towards the conversion of Qyzen to using willpower-survivor gear set mentioned above.


So, unless I am wrong on the roles listed above.... consular has two melee dps, Nadia and Qyzen; conversely trooper seems to have only one companion for each role. Changing Qyzen to a melee tank just makes sense. If I am right on this, expect to see him converted to a melee tank using similar to Jedi Knight Guardian (strength) or Jedi Consular Kinetic Combat (willpower).


*Note: I realize he can be assigned as a melee tank, but due to lacking weapon access, he fails to hold aggro. Additionally, Lieutenant Iresso's damage mitigation and aggro control are better. Therefore in my mind, Qyzen Fess can only act as a melee dps.


Given that BioWare fixes Qyzen's aggro mechanic and damage mitigation, the patch 1.2 will fix his weapon issue...


We are adding a set of moddable techblades in 1.2.


Until then, another option for Qyzen Fess weapon:

1. Find a player with 400 Armstech

2. Crafter learns the Premium quality (Exalted Gladiator's Techblade; rating 106) techblade from trainer

3. Crafter crafts premium quality techblade and reverse engineer (RE) to learn the prototype quality version (Redoubt Exalted Gladiator's Techblade; rating 116)

4. Crafter crafts prototype (redoubt prefix) versions, RE to learn the artifact quality version (Veracity Exalted Gladiator's Techblade; rating 124). This seems to be the best crafted techblade for Qyzen due to the defense rating and shield rating bonuses.



Edited by Holytoe
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It's not gonna happen. Wanna know why? Because you'd also be forcing BW to create an entire slew of additional Hilts with Aim on them, relatively pointless since it's only for specific companions and completely useless for player gear.
they could make the exact same number of hilts at the same levels that the craftable techblades exist at.
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In my opinion, that would only confuse the real consular companions issue of proper role assignment: Consulars have no melee tank. Compare consular/trooper companions...


(stuff about making Qyzen a better tank)


Huh? Qyzen is one of the best companion tanks in game. I have used him almost exclusively to level 40 so far, I have a character of every class, and let me tell you I'd much rather have Qyzen tanking than Bowdaar. Now, I love my Bowie and all, but Qyzen far exceeds any of the other companion tanks. And yes, he is melee, he uses a sword, in case you didn't notice ;)

Edited by ikinai
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I'm playing a vanguard trooper, so I don't have access to Qyzen as a companion. But I'm signing this petition because I have the same problem with my melee tank companion, Tanno Vik. I'd very much like to see a fix implemented for Qyzen and Tanno Vik.


I now have a Trooper AND a Sage.


It'd help me twice over.


Add me to the list, they really do need to tweak the itemization badly, including adding more techblades to the list. Bowdaar on my Smuggler is making my two other favorite characters rather jealous...

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Huh? Qyzen is one of the best companion tanks in game. I have used him almost exclusively to level 40 so far, I have a character of every class, and let me tell you I'd much rather have Qyzen tanking than Bowdaar. Now, I love my Bowie and all, but Qyzen far exceeds any of the other companion tanks. And yes, he is melee, he uses a sword, in case you didn't notice ;)


Qyzen's damage mitigation is sub-par. His aoe damage ability does not have large enough range, and he has trouble holding aggro due to lack of proper weapon access.


Comparatively, Lt Iresso uses a blaster rifle and can easily be fitted with a version that can be modded out. He has better damage mitigation than Qyzen, and he can remain in position while switching targets. All this combines to decisively make him a much better tank than Qyzen. Gear is a huge part of this decision of mine; but even when swapping Lt Iresso's gear to Qyzen, Qyzen under-performs when compared to Lt Iresso.


Therefore, in my opinion, Qyzen Fess can only be used in my list of consular companions as a melee dps.

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they could make the exact same number of hilts at the same levels that the craftable techblades exist at.


This is a question I have. I didn't see the patch notes say BW was adding AIM based hilts. So an modable Techblade is still subpar if we have to use a STR hilt.


And I thought Tanno Vik was a Vibrosword not Techblade, still a melee companion with AIM.

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This is a question I have. I didn't see the patch notes say BW was adding AIM based hilts. So a modifiable Techblade is still subpar if we have to use a STR hilt.


And I thought Tanno Vik was a Vibrosword not Techblade, still a melee companion with AIM.


The codex entry for both Qyzen Fess and Tanno Vik currently lists them as Aim (correct) and vibrosword (incorrect). They both are...


Qyzen - Techblade :: shield or power generator :: aim

Tanno - Techblade :: shield or power generator :: aim


Due to what I believe is a bug, the character sheet drop-down for melee lists strength attribute as a contributor to increased melee damage. I know the soon-to-drop patch will fix this display bug, but I would love to know now.


Can these companions use strength gear?

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