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I like how you think your customers are stupid. Instead of taking responsibility for improper software design, testing, and debugging you call every bug an exploit and try to punish us for your poor designs.


90% of the stuff that is coming to light now was reported in the forums during the beta. You just got lazy and locked and deleted most of the threads.


"This game screams rushed and sloppy to any experienced gamer."


Sure, your servers were rock solid but what good is a rock solid server if the software it's serving is a turd.

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You must not have been present at the release of any other MMO.


Making up non-sequitur excuses means nothing. Bioware dropped the ball, so stop apologizing for them.



SW:TOR deserves to fail because of the fact that BW refused and still refuses to listen to feedback.

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I like how you think your customers are stupid. Instead of taking responsibility for improper software design, testing, and debugging you call every bug an exploit and try to punish us for your poor designs.


90% of the stuff that is coming to light now was reported in the forums during the beta. You just got lazy and locked and deleted most of the threads.


"This game screams rushed and sloppy to any experienced gamer."


Sure, your servers were rock solid but what good is a rock solid server if the software it's serving is a turd.


Lol you Obviously werent there for WoW's release and you are basing your opinions on the more polished version.

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I like how you think your customers are stupid. Instead of taking responsibility for improper software design, testing, and debugging you call every bug an exploit and try to punish us for your poor designs.


90% of the stuff that is coming to light now was reported in the forums during the beta. You just got lazy and locked and deleted most of the threads.


"This game screams rushed and sloppy to any experienced gamer."


Sure, your servers were rock solid but what good is a rock solid server if the software it's serving is a turd.


The Elevators work fine in this game I see no problem.

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Lol you Obviously werent there for WoW's release and you are basing your opinions on the more polished version.


2004 vs 2012. Stop making up the most asinine excuses in existence.



WoW's launch was better than this.

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4 out 5 stars... it's not that bad really.

considering this is their first MMO title? -- you have to have certain expectation that they can't excels in all cylinders. Everything will get more polish as time take its course and as the title matures.

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I"This game screams rushed and sloppy to any experienced gamer."


Next post will no doubt be: "Fix everything by tomorrow, ******y-split or I'm leaving."


Which wil then be followed by : "OMG this is teh ridinkuluss!!! They rushed out a patch and it done breaked teh game!!!"


And round and round the mulberry bush we go....

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Making up non-sequitur excuses means nothing. Bioware dropped the ball, so stop apologizing for them.



SW:TOR deserves to fail because of the fact that BW refused and still refuses to listen to feedback.


THats your opinion. Tons of people like the game, don't know why your here if you don't. I have played just about every MMO since EQ. If there is one thing that is certain its that you can't tell if the game is good or not from the first month of release. ANyway who disagrees is a moron or inexperienced.

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Making up non-sequitur excuses means nothing.


But but but... you do it all the time Xugos. Fair is fair you know.


Actually, making up non-sequitur excuses means everything in the context of the meaningless and childish rant that started this thread.

Edited by Andryah
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Making up non-sequitur excuses means nothing. Bioware dropped the ball, so stop apologizing for them.



SW:TOR deserves to fail because of the fact that BW refused and still refuses to listen to feedback.


Please explain how they aren't listening to feedback? So far, I have seen every issue brought to light in the forums addressed.


Just because what they said/did isn't exactly what you wanted, doesn't mean they aren't listening to community feedback.

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