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Getting a Refund is a pain in the #$%


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You bought a game, redeemed the code for the free 30 days of play, used that time, and now you want your money back??


Wow... just wow.


Lemme guess, you're the type of person who goes to a restaurant, orders a meal, eats the whole thing, only to complain to the manager that something was wrong and demand he comp your meal???


Do they normally give you a half eaten meal?


Where do you eat?


Doesn't sound like that absurd of a thought to want a refund for something unfinished.

Edited by Beckwin
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Have you been standing in one spot? Because there are literally dozens of documented problematic zones in SWTOR, most notably the warzones!


You mean the issue they acknowledged and have said they are working on?


Playing with a constant 1k ping is unplayable to anyone who is competitive. When the game tells you you have 50 ms, but takes 0.8 seconds before registering your key presses... well if you don't think a lot of us quit because of it, you are blinding yourself.


Something is wrong with your set up if you are receiving this. Either you have crappy web access, bad routing or a crappy router/modem. I've yet to see my ping go above 50ms.


Texture problems anyone? Heat issues? Sporadric CPU usage? Model copy protection? The biodrone is strong in this one...


Really? All you'd have had to say was memory leak. Instead you mention Heat? Are you dense? Computers don't work like that, game X doesn't make your video card or processor run "hotter" If you are having heating issues its because your case airflow is insufficient. Try installing some more fans or pulling the side cover. If your video card is right next to your power supply, and getting no air you have a problem.


I'll agree its somewhat of a silly complain, but they did have a lot of issues with graphical preference ingame not matching the patched .ini. Supposedly fixed now... if you have reinstalled the game from scratched since that patch.


You don't know because you haven't tried or because you cancelled your subscription after you got KO'd once?


Actually they do have a terrible customer service. If you have ever called them, you would know. Then again, most american companies have terrible CS. Its a cultural thing.

If you think this is vague, its only because you are uninformed. Explaining this one would require multiple walls of text.


I have had wonderful customer service. However I use this thing that's called courteously when I speak with them and they REALLY seem to like that. Working in a job where I do phone support when others aren't available to do it I can honestly say 90% of customers are idiots.


I feel like your complaints are all so insignificant... If something really game breaking happened you newbies would totally lose your ****. An MMO is never "complete" just ask WoW as they ready for their 4th exp. pack! Demanding that an MMO that was was just released be perfect is not only stupid but extremely unreasonable. I have seen far worse games than this persist for many many years.


TOR will survive and when you come limping back I will laugh at you.

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CSR reps (droids) are not for account related issues (or payment issues).


Why people open accounts in game for this type of item is beyond me. I mean, without being rude, how dense do you have to be to think that is the right place for this issue?


Call EA directly and speak to them. However, you don't have any grounds to stand on in this case, so good luck.

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The only thing to rival it is AOC, as a close second.


Bwahahahahahaha!!! *cough* Oh, I'm sorry, you were being serious weren't you? Your list includes annoyances in a functional game. AoC had entire talent trees that did nothing..... There's a big difference between functionality (game breaking) and annoying (bugs).

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Look the game itself is fun, and I was really starting to enjoy the story. I will totally agree with that. I truly wanted to enjoy it. However,.....


Framerate issues

Ability Delay

Other General Performance issues

Worst patching system on the planet

God awful customer service

Hero Engine is Fail




...... completely killed it for me. So, yes I want my money back. The game does not work and doesn't work for a LOT of people. Any of you who don't believe me please go take even a short look at the customer service forums. The game needed another solid 4-6 months of work to fix.


If I had been able to get even 30-40 hours of enjoyable game out of it then I wouldn't be asking for my money back. But 10 hours of mostly trouble shooting BW's broken game is not my idea of $60 well spent. To top it off I am told by customer service I can have my money back twice and then told to go to Origin.


I will figure it out and get my money back or I just won't buy EA anymore, simple as that.


Lastly, I truly feel sorry for you fan boys. I understand game loyalty and approve it to a degree. However, you guys are so dead set on defending this game's massive flaws you don't even realize you should be demanding better. We all deserve better. Just imagine how much better your experience would be if the thousands of people who are about to quit didn't and were also fully supporting this game. That would mean a whole lot more subscribers, which means more money for BW, which in turn means more and better content for everyone.


Instead of flaming the thousands of people demanding the game get fixed why don't you guys try and support them for once? Otherwise enjoy the gaming ghost town you are about to experience.


As a "True MMO'er" we so called "fanboys" know there are bugs but nothing that completely renders your Char useless! Hell I gave FFXIV (worst MMO launch IMO) a chance and will return in the final month before 2.0 releases! I didn't cry about where's my refund, go on to the forums to express my rage quit!, I left quietly after stating problems in the forums.


Leave and come back later on is all i can say, but you paid for a software program that is non-refundable, same can be said for music, other games both pc/console, and digital items!

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Yeah, i feel you OP, i always have a problem getting my money back for movies i go see and don't like, especially when i sit through 2/3 of it first. Man, so annoying. Those guys must have no souls or something. I never have a problem returning a video game, dvd, or other software after i've opened it and experienced it already. Always go so smooth, well with any other company besides BW, EA or Origin........
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Yeah, i feel you OP, i always have a problem getting my money back for movies i go see and don't like, especially when i sit through 2/3 of it first. Man, so annoying. Those guys must have no souls or something. I never have a problem returning a video game, dvd, or other software after i've opened it and experienced it already. Always go so smooth, well with any other company besides BW, EA or Origin........



Is this sarcasm....? I really can't tell.......... or Is it more Empire Lies?

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Yeah, i feel you OP, i always have a problem getting my money back for movies i go see and don't like, especially when i sit through 2/3 of it first. Man, so annoying. Those guys must have no souls or something. I never have a problem returning a video game, dvd, or other software after i've opened it and experienced it already. Always go so smooth, well with any other company besides BW, EA or Origin........


It always annoys me when, after I already ate the 16 oz steak, the waiter REFUSES to give me my meal for free, because the middle of the potato was kinda hard and the sour cream was too warm.

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Bwahahahahahaha!!! *cough* Oh, I'm sorry, you were being serious weren't you? Your list includes annoyances in a functional game. AoC had entire talent trees that did nothing..... There's a big difference between functionality (game breaking) and annoying (bugs).


So a non functional story in a "story driven game" isn't game breaking?


A non functional GTN isnt economy breaking?


Ability delay isn't game breaking?


FPS dropping to 5 in warzones and indoor environments for many many high end graphics cards isnt game breaking?


excuses excuses excuses


The people who "play" this game will speak with their money sir.


Again, this doesnt bode well for the game and anyone who isnt staring through rose colored glasses know it.


So go ahead and continue to say there isn't anything wrong as the ship sinks, the ones who are honest with themselves are heading for the lifeboats.


If this ship doesn't right itself soon its headed for Davy jones's locker.


I find myself hearing the same old saying in my head over and over again while playing this game(lvl 50 and doing endgame ops and pvp premades)


"Why feed a pig cherries when he will happily eat muck?"


If we don't begin holding these developers to a higher standard we will never get what we pay for.

Edited by TrakonBazzaak
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7. Refunds for Products and Services:


Subject to the following paragraph, there are no refunds for products or services purchased on our Websites.


If you reside in the European Union and you purchase a product or service on one of our Websites, you have the right to withdraw from your purchase within fourteen calendar days, commencing on the day after the date of purchase (the "Cooling Off Period"). If you reside in countries other than Germany you will lose your right of withdrawal if you start downloading your product, or if you remove or unseal the shrink-wrap packaging from your physical product, or if the performance of our services has begun, before the end of the Cooling Off Period.


If you reside in Germany, the following applies: the Cooling Off Period does not start before you receive your purchase confirmation email, and if you purchase a physical product, not before you received the purchased physical product. If you purchase a service and expressly consent to the service commencing, you will lose your right of withdrawal once both parties' obligations are fulfilled before the end of the Cooling Off Period. If you purchased a physical product, you will lose your right of withdrawal if you remove or unseal the shrink-wrap packaging from your physical product.


Please note that if you purchase services from us, the performance of our services will begin immediately after we have sent our purchase confirmation email.


To withdraw from your purchase within the Cooling Off Period, please visit support.ea.com, log in to the Account used for your purchase and open the "Email Us" tab on the left hand side of the screen. Complete the information in the "Email Us" tab and, if possible, attach a copy of your purchase confirmation email using the "Attach Files" feature. If you withdraw from your purchase within the Cooling Off Period, we will refund the Price as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any event within 30 days after the date that you exercise your right of withdrawal.


If you reside in Germany, the following applies: If you exercise your right of withdrawal from the contract in accordance with these Terms, EA is entitled to claim compensation for the services used up until the date of withdrawal and for damages of physical products that do not result from a regular testing of the product’s features and functionality.


This Contract does not confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the parties to this Contract. You may also have additional rights under applicable law.

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You bought a game, redeemed the code for the free 30 days of play, used that time, and now you want your money back??


Wow... just wow.


Lemme guess, you're the type of person who goes to a restaurant, orders a meal, eats the whole thing, only to complain to the manager that something was wrong and demand he comp your meal???


Sounds dead on to me. People disgust me.

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