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I am not /quit ing thread.


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Here for the long haul. I gotta say, it's like half of the people on the forum have never been around for a mmo launch before. I am not talking about the people giving harsh feedback, that is needed, it's the other group who seem to believe that things like mmo pvp should be perfect a month into release. Anyone playing pvp in an mmo has to understand that it will take a good year for that system to be fleshed out, you just enjoy the ride while you wait.
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How many of you lot are lvl 50?

and of those that are lvl 50 or have been for a week or two how many are bored now that youve probably got T2 /T1 pvp gear mix and or T2/T3 pve gear?.

whats left?


I'm all those things. What's left? A thriving guild of friends (over 200) to play with every time I log on. I enjoy progressing through gear, but I also enjoy playing with others on a game that is down right fun to me.


So, that's whats left.

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Will you stop referring to terrible design decisions as Bugs please. A bug is something that is not working as intended, where as a terrible UI (for example) is a design choice.


I plan to subscribe for at least 3 months to give it a chance.

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How can I quit if I can't stop playing? :D I'm in this for the long haul!


Bugs? Eh.. they'll get fixed.. and most aren't really "ruining" the game for me... I hardly see most of the ones I hear about... but no game launch was ever perfect. Also, for a first time crack into the MMO market.. Bioware has been doing a good job IMO.

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I'm not going anywhere, i have one 50 atm have another at level 39. People seem to think with bugs they can just patch it in five mins and it will be fixed. It really is not that easy. You can fix one thing that can affect three other things.


Anyway for me this game is such a nice change from wow, i have been wanting to leave wow for a long time. TOR is not perfect, but it will only get better.

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I like this game very much. I am a Sub and i will be for a wile. People in my guild love this game and they are subs. Mind you the game has its share of bugs and then again what game don't have bugs.


Then they fix bugs that make more bugs lol.....


Cant wait to see what BW will do next...

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This was an awesome idea, OP. A bright spot in a sea of complaining....


I am most definitely not quitting either. In fact, the only reason why I have not yet managed to purchase a game time card is because all of the local stores seem to have run out of them in my area. :jawa_wink:


I've got one more store I'm gonna check tomorrow (when it's hopefully less like Hoth out) and then I'm gonna be ordering a game time card online, so I can continue my saga. :jawa_biggrin:

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Im also staying for years to come, problem?


No problem at all, in fact I want to thank you for continuing to keep revenue flowing to BW so that they will fix the problems that keep me from being able to enjoy playing like you.


So no problem at all WinxownZ thank you for subbing, please continue to do so. I fact please consider a six month subscription, I would really like to be able to play soon.


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