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I am not /quit ing thread.


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I am not going to quit and having a lot of fun. After seeing the new video, I am even more excited.


I am sure the haters are fuming about the new content and upcoming stuff. This will certainly keep the wow server empty for quite some time to come.



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I'm quitting but only for like two weeks because I prefer to pay all my bills early in each month. Having something go out on the 20th just wrecks my preferred organization of bill paying.


So yea, no cool title for me but I'm fine with it. As to the game itself I'm still quite enjoying it. I've always thought it'd be a good hold over to future MMOG releases like TSW and most especially GW2 and that's exactly what it is for me. :)

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The only reason I'm not buying six months is because at the moment it's financially more practical if I just buy three. I am definately in it for the long haul. I'm level 17 on the fleet, haven't even made it to Dromund Kaas yet, because I'm having too much fun where I'm at right now. lol


However, sooner or later I'm progressing to see the rest of the story. Until then, crafting kicks *** in this game!

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I have had my share of complaints about SWTOR but... of all the mmorpg games i have played at launch this was by far the smoothest and most stable of launches i have had the pleasure of being part of.

Like many others that i enjoyed SWTOR will be hitting my wallet monthly for a long while.



Only one thing has a chance to pull me away but its in the distant horizon of still in dev sigh... PSO2... dam sega for taking forever on anything....

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Trolls, every time there is a patch/update they race madly to forums to be first to make negative comments. Bet they take screen shots of their posts. If you give mildest comment you are called a fanboy.


Guess I'll just suffer along and try to accept the "fanboy" title *smiles*.


I enjoy the game and will be playing for long time. Look forward to seeing each and every expansion.

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First of all I have been waiting for SCIFI and something new in the MMO Space for a long time. This game is a AAA title.


If I have to unsubscribe in the future to take a break I know I will be back. Right now I have zero plans of unsubscribing. Maybe during the summer when I am out and about more often.


I can tell a lot of love went into developing this game and the negative vibe on these forums really is a bummer.


I apologize internal staff/development team for the rudeness on these forums. Keep up the hard work, looking forward to what is next for SWTOR.




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How many of you lot are lvl 50?

and of those that are lvl 50 or have been for a week or two how many are bored now that youve probably got T2 /T1 pvp gear mix and or T2/T3 pve gear?.

whats left?


T1-3 PvP gear? besides it takes alot longer to get the PvE gear than PvP gear. also would like to lvl up alt and complete all bonus series quests, no i'm not quitting.

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Unsubbed. I've no strong feelings against the game, I'm just bored of this format now, and TOR is nothing new.


It's a fairly average but fairly enjoyable title that I might have stuck around for had it been released 2-3 years ago.


Still, I don't think it'll fail. I'm pretty sure it'll carve out a loyal niche following and enjoy the sort of 'success' that something like Lotro has.

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I'm not quitting because even though I hate this game, I have this strong need to keep posting that I am quitting because I get no attention in real life. I'll keep posting Unsubbing on variable timelines so that people don't see that it's just me spamming.


I put down $60 on this game thinking that even though deep down I know it won't be perfect right out of the box, I at least can still complain endlessly about minor issues to the new friends I make on this forum. They'll be the only ones I have so I'll cling on as long as I can without a valid reason.

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I'm not quitting because even though I hate this game, I have this strong need to keep posting that I am quitting because I get no attention in real life. I'll keep posting Unsubbing on variable timelines so that people don't see that it's just me spamming.


I put down $60 on this game thinking that even though deep down I know it won't be perfect right out of the box, I at least can still complain endlessly about minor issues to the new friends I make on this forum. They'll be the only ones I have so I'll cling on as long as I can without a valid reason.




Your post wins the forums!

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Stuck with BioWare through the development process, and I'll stick with BioWare until the servers for this game are permanently shut down.


I'm very curious as to what TOR will look like in 6 months. :)

Edited by Lazirus-
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Thank you OP. I spent too much time today reading negative comments about the game, mostly under the "I'm quitting" posts, and I was beginning to wonder if I was stupid for liking the game. I remember when other MMOs launched with major bugs and I also remember a time when I really liked some of them. I also remember when some of them "jumped the shark" (here's looking at you WOW, starting with the Mr. T commercials, and now with Chuck Norris and weird panda updates) and are now unplayable IMHO. I have to say, that despite the bugs and some much needed improvements. This game is far more enjoyable at launch than many others and I, for one, am looking forward to the years to come.
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