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Missing Unsubscribe Button Unacceptable


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I'm sorry but i can't read that ... it's a wall of text...


All i know is your complaining that you are canceling and can't cancel ... something of that sort.


I'm sorry but learn to paragraph.


Wall of text is almost as bad as putting each of your sentences on a separate line. Kids these days..

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Learn to read he's looking out for you. It's not that large a paragraph. Take two seconds out of your busy lifestyle and read before commenting like an ***.


Sorry, to busy enjoying the game, also, my IQ is high enough to be aware of methofs to unsubscribe if I wanred to :D

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im suprised at the amount of fanbois ok with this... i would have been furious too (im subscribed atm, but netherless a horrible practice)


whether it is a bug or not... its unacceptable ... one of many bugs... and i can see why people are quitting


Quite honestly, its most likely a JS/CSS issue due to some FF plugin (who the hell uses FF for anything but FireBug anyways?).


Deliberately doing such things would get EA sued so hard they'd be selling jawas on street corners just to get by. Random, angry postings from annonymous ppl on the forums are ofcourse the logic and sound source THE TRUTH.




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It really just blows my mind that users are far more willing to attack each other and question their motives rather than the corporation they speak of. I've questioned the legitimacy of this so called bug and consequently been insulted numerous times. People would seriously rather tear each other apart than question their own faith in EA. This is the problem with consumers, they have no loyalty to each other. I suppose a unified demand of better products and business practices is a hopeless endeavor. Forgive me for questioning our friend EA.


What blows my mind is that a person with an alleged subscription issue comes and posts on this forum (while wearing a tin foil hat) rather then actually contacting the service provider. What, are we supposed to fix it for him, give him money, or a hug, or a cookie or something?? Not to mention that the Mods have left the less ranty threads on this topic open so people could post in one thread, rather then opening a special snowflake thread after the poster wakes up in the morning.


I say alleged because for all I know he may actually not have an active subscription, or could have an issue with his browser (likely). The point is, nobody here knows. And if it was a problem on Biowares side, well then guess what....posting here won't resolve it. And if it was a problem on Biowares side and for some reason it caused a charge for subscription to settle on your credit card, once you make them aware of it they would reverse it.

Edited by Andryah
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This is absolute BS.



Every single button works on this site except for this one... You really think this is a bug.. Are you really that blind.. The button worked a few days ago. Desperate moves by a desperate company.

Edited by Taurusaud
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It really just blows my mind that users are far more willing to attack each other and question their motives rather than the corporation they speak of. I've questioned the legitimacy of this so called bug and consequently been insulted numerous times. People would seriously rather tear each other apart than question their own faith in EA. This is the problem with consumers, they have no loyalty to each other. I suppose a unified demand of better products and business practices is a hopeless endeavor. Forgive me for questioning our friend EA.



I responded and seriously, please read. It had nothing to do with some sort of loyalty to some big corporation. It had to do with your comments indicating that there was some sort of purposeful intentended removal which you said bordered on criminal.


I ask you this.. If as you are implying here by using 'supposed bug' that it is not really a bug then why does it only affect some people? They just randomly chose people to try to screw over based on IP addresses?


No my comments had nothing to do with my faith in EA but my astonishment and perhaps disapointment in seeing people not using there heads and brains logically.



Yes people should be upset at a glitch if it affects them. I have no doubt that some people have had problems. Taking it to the 'oh gosh it's a conspiracy, they did it on purpose' level is just ridiculous, especially since it has not affected every person who either checked when the issue came to light (and it was there) or actually unsubscribed using the button.

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I would go on about "what settings your on" or "what plugins your using" but troubleshooting this isn't the point.


The simple fact that it works for me and not you and we both use firefox means that the page was not flat out taken out. If it did, NO ONE would see it.


Unless... you guys honestly think they would purposely bug there own site? :p


They probably made it so the button disappears for one out of every 3 sessions. Takes two seconds to code. I don't trust this company for a second after what they've done with this game.

Edited by Taurusaud
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So let me get this straight...



You were thinking of unsubscribing, and the fact that a browser bug is preventing you from unsubbing is whats pushed you over the edge to unsub?


What kind of crazy freakin world do we live in today? Do people purposely look for meaningless things to complain about?




People need to grow some skin.

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I'm continuing my sub so this doesn't really affect me, but I do find it very hard to believe that the unsubscribe button is suddenly disappearing due to a bug or some other unintentional reason.


It's not disappearing for everyone. Why is this so hard to figure out. If it was an intentional removemal...like they took it out then no one could see it.


Unless people are going to start suggesting that they somehow decided to randomly do some sort of fancy programing that only removed it for random people.

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It's not disappearing for everyone. Why is this so hard to figure out. If it was an intentional removemal...like they took it out then no one could see it.


Unless people are going to start suggesting that they somehow decided to randomly do some sort of fancy programing that only removed it for random people.


If the problem has gotten to the point where people are trying to bend the problem to the cause rather than the other way around, then really it isn't a problem at all.

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People can't unsubscribe?? The media is writing articles about it??



If you take a few days and learn html/php/javascript you'll understand that it is impossible for a single button to be around since the inception of a website and then just disappear without effecting anything else on the website unless it's been coded to do so. The button just so happens to disappear at the billing cycle. Are you really that blind...

Edited by Taurusaud
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There is both a subscribe and a unsubscribe option I know since I just renewed for 3 months and it is all working fine.


No, it seems the subscribe button works great, thats not the one people are having trouble with. You statement even proves the OP's point of something fishy is going on. You can sub with no problem but the unsub is messed up. I smell a class action in the making.

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People can't unsubscribe?? The media is writing articles about it??



If you take a few days and learn html/php/javascript you'll understand that it is impossible for a single button to be around since the inception of a website and then just disappear without effecting anything else on the website unless it's been coded to do so. The button just so happens to come at the billing cycle. Are you really that blind...


Uh no I'm not. I can see the button with my own eyes. I can even click it. I clicked it last night. Other people saw it. Other people clicked it. It worked. Therefore it did not completely 'disappear' from the site.


So please explain how they coded it to disappear for some people and not for others.

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I just canceled without a problem. Try another browser. It's not a conspiracy, it's just some weird bug that happens to some people and not to others.


However, I can see why people are jumping to conclusions since it just started happening yesterday.

Edited by monjiay
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