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Missing Unsubscribe Button Unacceptable


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I have been on the verge of canceling my account for some time on the basis of EA's shameful track record. However upon seeing the article recently publish in Joystiq http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/19/swtor-unsubscribe-goes-missing-for-some/ the decision to cancel has undoubtedly been made. This type of borderline criminal action is completely unacceptable. Of course it has been said that this is just a "glitch" or a "browser issue" not a purposefully orchestrated event. However it wasn't until the final couple of days before the free month of play ended that such issue manifested. Any time before this the unsubscribe button appeared plain as day on my account (as well as others), but of course this must be just a fluke. Yet imagine my surprise when further reading that users who posted links to the "unsubscribe page" on these very forums had their threads closed and accounts threatened with a ban. This is absolutely disgusting and simply cannot be ignored. You should be ashamed of yourselves EA and Bioware for engaging in this type of behavior. However this should come as no surprise given EA's absolutely deplorable standards of customer service and unabashed support of SOPA/PIPA. SWTOR undoubtedly could have been a wonderful game but it has done nothing other than highlight the extent to which EA is willing to offend the customer. Fellow users I implore you to not simply overlook this issue and allow yourselves to be bought with the "Founder" title gimmick. EA and Bioware need to be held accountable for these transgressions.


No need to rant. If you want to quit, just quit. Stop robocalling the forum about it.


Protip: IF, big IF, there is even an actual problem with seeing a cancel subscription button on your web browser....... you can remove your credit card information and that my friend will unsubscribe you BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO PAY TO PLAY.

Edited by Andryah
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I would go on about "what settings your on" or "what plugins your using" but troubleshooting this isn't the point.


The simple fact that it works for me and not you and we both use firefox means that the page was not flat out taken out. If it did, NO ONE would see it.


Unless... you guys honestly think they would purposely bug there own site? :p


Don't know about these posters but yes some people really do think it was on purpose.



Count me and my two cousins as well as everyone in my guild that was on as people who can see the unsubscribe button. We all checked last night when the first threads appeared.


So yeah it is some sort of glitch which isn't good but not some sort of 'they removed it on purpose for everyone' thing. If it was we wouldn't be able to see it.

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im suprised at the amount of fanbois ok with this... i would have been furious too (im subscribed atm, but netherless a horrible practice)


whether it is a bug or not... its unacceptable ... one of many bugs... and i can see why people are quitting


are you quiting? or are you trolling? or both???

Edited by Andryah
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im suprised at the amount of fanbois ok with this... i would have been furious too (im subscribed atm, but netherless a horrible practice)


whether it is a bug or not... its unacceptable ... one of many bugs... and i can see why people are quitting


It's working fine.

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Don't know about these posters but yes some people really do think it was on purpose.



Count me and my two cousins as well as everyone in my guild that was on as people who can see the unsubscribe button. We all checked last night when the first threads appeared.


So yeah it is some sort of glitch which isn't good but not some sort of 'they removed it on purpose for everyone' thing. If it was we wouldn't be able to see it.


It doesn't actually surprise me either. I've seen my fair share of bugs on this site. Not exactly the most stable thing I've seen hahaha

But the unsub button was working for me :3

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People need to demand that companies meet a certain standard and call borderline criminal actions such as the removal of the unsubscribe button to attention. I'm simply baffled that customers seek to shame and silence themselves as well as other customers for questioning the methods of massive corporations such as EA. Why on earth would you feel more loyal to a multibillion dollar corporation than your fellow consumer. This mentality that people need to just suck it up in the face of bad business practices needs to stop. If it doesn't companies like EA will never own up to their actions and improve.
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I have not intention of quitting. Despite some encountered glitches/bugs/annoyances, I really love this game and intend to keep playing. HOWEVER, out of curiosity I did check to see if the option to unsubscribe was available to me. It is NOT.


Oddly the first page of My Account, 4th box down says You have subscribed! I go to the subscription line on the right right. On the new page it says I have NO subscribed time. It gives me the option to subscribe. Go to subscription history and it has my card information and the current billing date as today. Maybe it will bill me and then the UNSUBSCRIBE button will appear, maybe not.


To all the people BASHING others, give it rest and take your righteous indignation to some lame "I rage quit" thread. There are issues, whether your intent is to quit or not. Acknowledge there maybe something happening to some but not others and move on.

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People need to demand that companies meet a certain standard and call borderline criminal actions such as the removal of the unsubscribe button to attention.


The button was not removed. There's a bug that sometimes keeps it from displaying.


If you update your subscription settings (which seems to be a fairly natural thing someone trying to unsubscribe might do), it shows right back up.


Borderline criminal? Hardly. You can still always contact CS. Not having an "Unsubscribe" button on your website, even if it was intentional, would never be illegal.

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People need to demand that companies meet a certain standard and call borderline criminal actions such as the removal of the unsubscribe button to attention. I'm simply baffled that customers seek to shame and silence themselves as well as other customers for questioning the methods of massive corporations such as EA. Why on earth would you feel more loyal to a multibillion dollar corporation than your fellow consumer. This mentality that people need to just suck it up in the face of bad business practices needs to stop. If it doesn't companies like EA will never own up to their actions and improve.


Someone doesn't bother to actually read anything I guess....



Do you not understand that they couldn't have 'removed' the durn button if lots of people can actually see and use it? That it must be another stupid glitch and not some sort of as you say 'criminal' action that was done on purpose?


Or is it just better to sit back and believe want you want?


I'm gonna go with the easier to just believe rather then actually think option for this one.



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The button was not removed. There's a bug that sometimes keeps it from displaying.


If you update your subscription settings (which seems to be a fairly natural thing someone trying to unsubscribe might do), it shows right back up.


Borderline criminal? Hardly.


Or try a different browser. We are well the past the days of only having 1 browser available to us.

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It a conspiracy. My browser/BW is reading my mind. It knows that I do not want to cancel and so when I look, I can see the cancel subscription button. If I were actually going to cancel, I bet it would just poof right off the screen. It's a conspiracy I say!
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It a conspiracy. My browser/BW is reading my mind. It knows that I do not want to cancel and so when I look, I can see the cancel subscription button. If I were actually going to cancel, I bet it would just poof right off the screen. It's a conspiracy I say!


Oh dear. Don't even suggest that. Some may actually believe they could tell somehow... :eek:

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Yes, call them, spend 14 hours holding, then talk to some Indian call center.






hmmm. I call Microsoft and I get Bill in India.. I call Dell I get James in India.. I call most companies involved in an sort of technical venture and I'll get... you guess it India.. What is your point? The number of hours you waited was in direct relation to the number of people on hold.


Oh and btw I have also called into their technical support to remove the FOB authenticator in favor of the Android one. Total wait time.. 20 minutes. Not calling you a lair or anything, but I think there is probably some butt hurt embellishment going on...

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