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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

They should just cave in and implement multi-server queues


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As much as many swtor fans hate the concept, without multi-server queues you will always have so many more worse problems.


1. Long waiting time. You might argue that WoW also had long waiting time horde side despite multi server queues, but that's not a problem in swtor since they put empire vs empire and republic vs republic, so regardless of population imbalance the queue will still be fast on both sides.


Let's face it, people like to DO stuff. That is much much more important in keeping subscribers than building community. If you have nothing to do, no matter how good the "community" is many people will leave. On a server that has a low amount of pvp, and queue times are long, it's basically game breaking for pvp players. This is especially true during off-hours.


2. Meeting the same players over and over again gets old. Some players feel this "builds community", personally I find it boring and I know I'm not alone. Forming Premades builds community, not meeting the same opponents over and over. And forming premades is just as beneficial with multi-server queues as it is with single-server queues. They should encourage premades (more rewards or something, even when losing) rather than have single-server queue.


3. If you implement a ranking system, multi-server ranking is much more epic than single-server ranking (although you CAN have both). On a single server, there are not that many premade teams. On most servers the rankings will become stale quickly.


4. On some servers there are some hardcore premades at 50 who own everyone they meet, and constantly pvp. This really puts off the less skilled players, nobody enjoys getting roflstomped half the time, with no chance of winning. With multi-server queues, you could seperate premades from pugs. You really can't do that with single-server queues since there just aren't enough teams to make it viable, you'd end up with the same 2-3 teams always competing against each other on some servers.

Edited by ddayyy
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As much as many swtor fans hate the concept, without multi-server queues you will always have so many more worse problems.


1. Long waiting time. You might argue that WoW also had long waiting time horde side despite multi server queues, but that's not a problem in swtor since they put empire vs empire and republic vs republic, so regardless of population imbalance the queue will still be fast on both sides.


Let's face it, people like to DO stuff. That is much much more important in keeping subscribers than building community. If you have nothing to do, no matter how good the "community" is many people will leave. On a server that has a low amount of pvp, and queue times are long, it's basically game breaking for pvp players. This is especially true during off-hours.


2. Meeting the same players over and over again gets old. Some players feel this "builds community", personally I find it boring and I know I'm not alone. Forming Premades builds community, not meeting the same opponents over and over. And forming premades is just as beneficial with multi-server queues as it is with single-server queues. They should encourage premades (more rewards or something, even when losing) rather than have single-server queue.


3. If you implement a ranking system, multi-server ranking is much more epic than single-server ranking (although you CAN have both). On a single server, there are not that many premade teams. On most servers the rankings will become stale quickly.


4. On some servers there are some hardcore premades at 50 who own everyone they meet, and constantly pvp. This really puts off the less skilled players, nobody enjoys getting roflstomped half the time, with no chance of winning. With multi-server queues, you could seperate premades from pugs. You really can't do that with single-server queues since there just aren't enough teams to make it viable, you'd end up with the same 2-3 teams always competing against each other on some servers.


Agreed Cross Server Queue's needed ASAP or I really have no reason to queue warzones on my republic 50, I wait 10+ mins only to join a BG without enough players, great job on that. Not to mention they didn't fix Illum at all, and republic still are fodder to empire and are at a great disadvantage for doing weeklies/dailies and gearing up to actually compete in PvP.

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or just slow?


You can't see what happens when things go cross server?


What happens?? Please explain that to me. Pvp was a lot better in WoW after the multi-server queues were implemented UNLESS you were horde side, due to the wait time. But as I explained, thats NOT a problem in Swtor.

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What happens? The community dies? It's already dead on low pop servers, it can't get any worse by allowing people to actually play PvP.


Sorry that you egotistical asses can't shove your pride away and allow people to actually play.

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No they should not,maybe merge a few servers but not this.


OP i have seen your types in so many games, first it's this then fast travel tokens then exp pots etc etc you types run games into a blur of what they could of been because you guys will not stop at que's you and i both know it.

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I very strongly disagree with your point #2. Multi-server queues completely destroy the community. Not only do they prevent people from playing against the same people all of the time, but they also prevent people from playing WITH the same people all of the time. They may not be a problem for players who have guilds formed outside of SWTOR or people in PvE guilds, but they pretty much prevent PvP guilds/premades from forming based on players having fun and getting to know each other by PuG PvPing.
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Multi-server queues completely destroy the community.

Have you been in some of the servers? There's nothing left to destroy, there's far too many servers, people are spread out too thin. Now that these sorry people can't even do PvP anymore, what incentive do they have to keep playing the game?


And don't come back with server mergers, it's not going to happen anytime soon since it's a PR nightmare for a game this new, they will avoid that option as long as possible, it's the last option.

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Care to explain why? Ofc not, you just haven an opinion without any valid reason to justify it.


Nothing that hasn't been said before. I already have a fun and heated rivalry going with a couple of guilds on my server. It would be lame to rarely ever see them again because of cross-server queues.


If they want to implement cross-server queues, do it for PvE and low population servers. My server is fine. Don't change it for everyone because some people can't wait a couple of extra minutes in their super important and busy lives while queued for PvP.


Cross-server ANYTHING ruined WoW. It became a completely soulless shell of a game with zero community where everyone sat half-afk in safe zones while queued for PvP or PvE. Terrible.

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I very strongly disagree with your point #2. Multi-server queues completely destroy the community. Not only do they prevent people from playing against the same people all of the time, but they also prevent people from playing WITH the same people all of the time. They may not be a problem for players who have guilds formed outside of SWTOR or people in PvE guilds, but they pretty much prevent PvP guilds/premades from forming based on players having fun and getting to know each other by PuG PvPing.


I strongly disagree with you on that. Cross-server queues do NOT prevent people from grouping. And as I mentioned, they can add incentives to forming groups for pvp (premades) such as higher rewards, etc etc. You can just as well form a premade with a cross-server queue as with a single-server queue.


It's the grouping with other people that adds community, NOT always fighting the same groups.

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Cross-server ANYTHING ruined WoW. It became a completely soulless shell of a game with zero community where everyone sat half-afk in safe zones while queued for PvP or PvE. Terrible.

Now that's completely false. With cross-server you can explore the world while being in a queue. In this game you have to sit in the fleet to find people for groups anything other than the planet specific heroic quests.

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Nothing that hasn't been said before. I already have a fun and heated rivalry going with a couple of guilds on my server. It would be lame to rarely ever see them again because of cross-server queues.


If they want to implement cross-server queues, do it for PvE and low population servers. My server is fine. Don't change it for everyone because some people can't wait a couple of extra minutes in their super important and busy lives while queued for PvP.


Cross-server ANYTHING ruined WoW. It became a completely soulless shell of a game with zero community where everyone sat half-afk in safe zones while queued for PvP or PvE. Terrible.


Cross-server pvp didn't ruin the community. You might have a point with cross-server PVE (although I still don't agree with that, but I CAN see your point there) but not pvp (there were some other questionable changes to pvp that made it worse IMO, which had nothing to do with cross-server queues).


And you can also have the same sort of guild rivalry in pvp on Ilum. They need to really improve Ilum. THAT is the place for guild vs guild rivalry, not warzones. Open World PVP should IMO factor in guilds much more than it does now, where it's just a faction vs faction grindfest. Guilds should be able to conquer stuff for their sole use on Ilum, make bases there etc, THAT would really make it interesting.

Edited by ddayyy
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I strongly disagree with you on that. Cross-server queues do NOT prevent people from grouping. And as I mentioned, they can add incentives to forming groups for pvp (premades) such as higher rewards, etc etc. You can just as well form a premade with a cross-server queue as with a single-server queue.


It's the grouping with other people that adds community, NOT always fighting the same groups.


It's not that they prevent people from grouping. They prevent ungrouped people from getting to know each other, which prevents those people from grouping together in the future.

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Cross-server ANYTHING ruined WoW.



This is NOT factual.


It is a subjective opinion.


World of Warcraft is fine. I just checked, que's are decent, more folks than you can imagine just went back, today infact.


I'm not among them, simply cause I never left, I play both games.

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It's not that they prevent people from grouping. They prevent ungrouped people from getting to know each other, which prevents those people from grouping together in the future.


Well, you do have a point there, but that's also why I mentioned BioWare should encourage premades with some sort of incentives, so that people are encourages to form groups to pvp. I believe you can have the best of both worlds, cross-server queues but also a system that encourages grouping and community on your server.

Edited by ddayyy
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It's not that they prevent people from grouping. They prevent ungrouped people from getting to know each other, which prevents those people from grouping together in the future.

Ungrouped people can still find guilds, no? Cross-server didn't prevent people from forming dungeon guild runs in WoW, or guild PvP groups either for that matter. Premades are propably still rare in BG's but there's that other PvP arena if you will where it is most easy to go with your friends or find new friends to play with.

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I very strongly disagree with your point #2. Multi-server queues completely destroy the community. Not only do they prevent people from playing against the same people all of the time, but they also prevent people from playing WITH the same people all of the time. They may not be a problem for players who have guilds formed outside of SWTOR or people in PvE guilds, but they pretty much prevent PvP guilds/premades from forming based on players having fun and getting to know each other by PuG PvPing.



This is a good point. Learn to support your side. If your side sucks at pvp, well...try and get a team together and make something happen. I seen in other pvp games that happen....small man groups changing the outcome of pvp, or leaders being born that people will listen to. Now if you had cross server pvp....you will never have a leader, leader material might be there, but you will never get the same people so you can work together in a better fashion.

Only plus side of multi-server ques is the que time, but...heres an idea....lets take a concept from DAoC. Instead of making a WF timed and from 10-49, you can section it off a bit more as well. like 40-49 and keep the WFs. Then boost the rewards from the timed WFs.

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