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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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was just wondering per the ability to move things around on the ui section of the video, is it possible to move the chat section around? (the reason i ask is because it was not done in the part of the video that showed the dude moving stuff on the ui)


You can move the chat section as it currently is. Press both mouse button while mouseovering the General tab.





In addition to the changes explicitly announced in the video, here are some other changes I would strongly like, some of which have been mentioned by others:



1) More quickslots, and more customisation of them; the possibility to change each bar's orientation (vertical, horisontal), and to add more buttons to each bar, especially the 2 centre bars. This would also require the detachment of the player and target frames from the centre bars. (And yes, I have the companion bar collapsed and all 4 bars open, and still need more.)


2) Customisation of buffs on player, party and ops. Should be possible to scale buffs and debuffs independent of the player/party/ops frame itself, and make debuffs more distinguishable from buffs. This would be extremely helpful for healers using HoTs and for dispelling.


3) Health bar thickness scaling for party frames (including companions). I like that we can scale ops frame health bars, and miss this for party frames.


4) Chat bubbles for /say and /yell.


5) DPS meter, with HPS, dmg done, healing done etc included.


6) Mouse-over healing. Since we can't use macros, some alternative implementation would be required.

Edited by Neulwen
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I'm sick and tired of having to rebuild a friends and ignore list on everything single character I create. Why can't these lists be shared across all characters? Same goes for cargo holds... It would be handy if we could access our alts cargo holds, even if just to see what's in there
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1) More quickslots


2) Customisation of buffs


3) Health bar thickness scaling for party frames


4) Chat bubbles for /say and /yell.


5) DPS meter, with HPS, dmg done, healing done etc included.


6) Mouse-over healing.


All true and deeply needed.


After how fluid the use of those options appear in other MMO's it's amazing and sad that they left all of that out only to say:



Why release an MMO that lacks even the basics of MMO's from years ago? :confused:


I love the game...it is a BEAUTIFUL thing to behold and has massive potential...but let's get it to the level of a normal MMO before anyone considers these changes as amazing.


- DH

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See what you have to look forward to in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! This new video highlights just some of the new content and game systems coming out over the coming months, including a look at the expanded Legacy system, UI customization, and information on new Warzones and Flashpoints!


Watch Now


fix the 9000 error 2 Months you failed on this issue it is time you do something about this and stop blaming costumers that its their system like your so called customer support does

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Please address the insane amount of clipping in your game. It completely ruins immersion. I know it's quite low down on the list but it's a fairly simple one I think. Your robes bump off your feet they have good physics. So why does Bowdaars sword impale him through his back? Why does Satele's pigtails stab into her shoulders? Why does my weapon pop through my trousers/coat?



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Please address the insane amount of clipping in your game. It completely ruins immersion. I know it's quite low down on the list but it's a fairly simple one I think. Your robes bump off your feet they have good physics. So why does Bowdaars sword impale him through his back? Why does Satele's pigtails stab into her shoulders? Why does my weapon pop through my trousers/coat?




He's hit the nail here. The clipping sort of denies full immersion.


Please fix it.


And the poster above me is right on species too!


Togruta and Mon Calamari are obviously missing too! And Wookies and Jawas!

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Hello All,


I'm fairly new to the SWTOR Community but not new at all to MMOs. I really enjoy them and the thing I enjoy as along with many others is PvP. SWTOR has the potential to be a huge fun PvP game. I don't see it being too competitive but that shouldn't stop Bioware from adding arenas and its expected for these designers to come up with something ground breaking... something different then just Warzones and Arenas. I have a few ideas but I'm sure other people have some too. The game is missing a lot of things games like WoW and Guild Wars have. Makes you thankful for them. I think they really need to sit down and list down what they NEED to add and what they CAN add. I am really excited yet worried because the Star Wars Universe is amazing and if SWTOR is a mess up *knock on wood, then it probably wont be a long time until they release another :(.


Thank You

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Here is what alot of people are fortgetting: SWTOR is a BRAND NEW GAME. (Shocker, I know.) So with that being said, it isnt going to be like WOW or other MMO's. Because WOW has been out for 6 years! They arent going to have all of the bugs worked out after just 3 months! We have an awesome Star Wars MMO finally! Stop complaining and be patient.
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I can't wait for the legacy system to go live, any news on a timeframe? Also wish more would be revealed such as even if we have already created a character does it still get the benefits with the extra abilities, and exactly what abilities are we talking about? liek if i have a jedi Main then a gunslinger next is he gonna get like force push or something cool like that or just get the abilities he would have gotten just at an earlier level? So many questions soooo few answers..... comeon Bioware spill it already, stop being so guarded.
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All true and deeply needed.


After how fluid the use of those options appear in other MMO's it's amazing and sad that they left all of that out only to say:



Why release an MMO that lacks even the basics of MMO's from years ago? :confused:


I love the game...it is a BEAUTIFUL thing to behold and has massive potential...but let's get it to the level of a normal MMO before anyone considers these changes as amazing.


- DH


Here is somthing simple to answer, you cant put EVERYTHING from MMO's past in to a new mmo some just arent that popular and just cuz you like it dont mean everyone else does, secondly it took many mmo's years it implement all the features they have currently so how can you expect one to have everything off the startingline, next your gonna just want to start at max level I suppose too huh! So yes while some of those features would be nice you have to ask your self are they absolutely NECESSARY or can you manage without it. I think you would find that many of those features are just icing!

Edited by Robbygoof
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I can't wait for the legacy system to go live, any news on a timeframe? Also wish more would be revealed such as even if we have already created a character does it still get the benefits with the extra abilities, and exactly what abilities are we talking about? liek if i have a jedi Main then a gunslinger next is he gonna get like force push or something cool like that or just get the abilities he would have gotten just at an earlier level? So many questions soooo few answers..... comeon Bioware spill it already, stop being so guarded.


I'd strongly recommend toning down any expectations you have about Legacy; it is very likely the only things it will do will be primarily cosmetic or not impact play other than for your own character (additional class quests, slightly faster XP gain, etc). Why? Because anything which gave a legacy character MOAR P0W3RZ would mean an unfair advantage in any kind of level-based play, even something pure PVE like flashpoints -- if some level 15 characters are "more equal" than others, the Usual Suspects will refuse to group with anyone who doesn't have the maximum legacy benefits, because they'll be "carrying" them. This makes the game that much more frustrating for anyone starting new, and an MMO has to look at a lifespan of 5-7 or more years, not just cater to the players who bought the game at launch.


Even something as trivial as getting Sprint a few levels earlier would provide an advantage. This has a powerful negative feedback look -- "non legacy" characters have a harder time getting groups, so they earn less XP, so they gain legacy points more slowly, etc.


I suspect that legacy benefits will be:

a)Unlock new race/class combos (this has been confirmed; everything else I list is 100% my speculation based on no official data at all. Bear that in mind.)


b)Unlock new playable races (almost certainly the humanoid ones; Bioware has said they don't want races that lack human expression because it undermines the story/cutscenes)


c)More companion customizations.


d)Alternate companions (maybe... this is a lot of voice and scripting work.)


e)Possibly "legacy gear", orange items, but unlikely to be more than 1 or 2 at most. ("This is your father's lightsaber. He wanted you to have it when you were old enough. And by that I mean, this is some random lightsaber I found in a bin on Coruscant, since your father doesn't know you exist and I didn't even know your mom was knocked up until a few minutes before you were born and his last words to me were 'AUUUGH, I'm burning', not 'Please, give this weapon to my son'")


f)The usual shared bank space, etc.


g)Possibly the ability to mail bound items to your legacy character to have them use them, though this is risky due to the effects on the economy -- you remove people buying items to gear up alts.

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I'd strongly recommend toning down any expectations you have about Legacy; it is very likely the only things it will do will be primarily cosmetic or not impact play other than for your own character (additional class quests, slightly faster XP gain, etc). Why? Because anything which gave a legacy character MOAR P0W3RZ would mean an unfair advantage in any kind of level-based play, even something pure PVE like flashpoints -- if some level 15 characters are "more equal" than others, the Usual Suspects will refuse to group with anyone who doesn't have the maximum legacy benefits, because they'll be "carrying" them. This makes the game that much more frustrating for anyone starting new, and an MMO has to look at a lifespan of 5-7 or more years, not just cater to the players who bought the game at launch.


Even something as trivial as getting Sprint a few levels earlier would provide an advantage. This has a powerful negative feedback look -- "non legacy" characters have a harder time getting groups, so they earn less XP, so they gain legacy points more slowly, etc.


I suspect that legacy benefits will be:

a)Unlock new race/class combos (this has been confirmed; everything else I list is 100% my speculation based on no official data at all. Bear that in mind.)


b)Unlock new playable races (almost certainly the humanoid ones; Bioware has said they don't want races that lack human expression because it undermines the story/cutscenes)


c)More companion customizations.


d)Alternate companions (maybe... this is a lot of voice and scripting work.)


e)Possibly "legacy gear", orange items, but unlikely to be more than 1 or 2 at most. ("This is your father's lightsaber. He wanted you to have it when you were old enough. And by that I mean, this is some random lightsaber I found in a bin on Coruscant, since your father doesn't know you exist and I didn't even know your mom was knocked up until a few minutes before you were born and his last words to me were 'AUUUGH, I'm burning', not 'Please, give this weapon to my son'")


f)The usual shared bank space, etc.


g)Possibly the ability to mail bound items to your legacy character to have them use them, though this is risky due to the effects on the economy -- you remove people buying items to gear up alts.


Yes I understand those points you brought up and some of them are good however in the video for upcoming features it distinctively says under News Articles - Coming up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic ---- in the video and I quote "Unlock abilities and powers you normally would not have access to!"

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Yes I understand those points you brought up and some of them are good however in the video for upcoming features it distinctively says under News Articles - Coming up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic ---- in the video and I quote "Unlock abilities and powers you normally would not have access to!"


I was thinking more of having map exploration and codex entries across all chars and a legacy tab in your storage.

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Other than the Legacy announcement...umm...yeah. The rest of this stuff should have been available at launch :D Love the game guys. Please keep the team together and making better things.


This looks like utter garbage and gibberish when considering the proper syntax and diction of the English language. But alas, I'm nodding off between words and having to focus really hard to pull this little utterance forth from the depths of where ever tired people go to. Maybe a mountain dew can? Actually, I'm eating raw Ramen Noodle Pork Flavored soup. (Which I guess isn't even soup at all cause it's uncooked and crunchy; hence, raw) Now I'm rambling thoughts that hit the tip of my brain. Thought tongue, but how cliche that is. Sorry no French keyboard layout so no "accent aigu." Oh there goes another missing one. Dang.


Love the game Bioware. EA you can take Origin and... nevermind.

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Here is what alot of people are fortgetting: SWTOR is a BRAND NEW GAME. (Shocker, I know.) So with that being said, it isnt going to be like WOW or other MMO's. Because WOW has been out for 6 years! They arent going to have all of the bugs worked out after just 3 months! We have an awesome Star Wars MMO finally! Stop complaining and be patient.


They don't care. The mature ones know it's a brand new game that is fresh off the line that will take time to iron out all the kinks. The patient ones know that.


Again..it's the glass half empty people and little kiddies or immature people that are yellin about every, single, blasted thing. They don't let people work on anything. They want it NOW and they will do anything for it. They don't care for waiting, to them, waiting a day for anything is torture. Let them leave this game, I don't want complainers around. I like constructive criticism, but I do not care for moaners or QQers. I care about the nature of the game and how well it is doing and will keep on doing for as long as BioWare is a company.


This game will keep getting updates and content. The expansions are probably going to have a HUGE amount of content with it. With like 20 plus more planets and more starships!! I would bet on it the super secret space project is the expansion and you will get to do battlefront 2 style space pvp battlegrounds and stuff! THATS what I think it is.

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I counting on you.


more content!!! i need it!! so much

more spaceship war , pvp by ships and do raid by ships.

more ships(capital ships, cruisers, destroyer,intercepters,carrier and drones.. etc) and more ship module


more emotional express between npc and me.

i feel just inconvenience there a just 3 choice to select answer.

why i can't be a select ebrrassing answer? like a...


for example,

'i will crush you' or i will **** you cuz my dick is rage' or

'i will become a traitor , betray my own side and join opposite side'


and economic systems .. please bring it up to 'EVE ONLINE' it's kind of perfect

economic systems .. amazing. yes everybody has the right to become a true manufacturer. to make ship , to make vehecles, to construct buildings yes even house.

to construct 'planetary management'


like that, you know.


everybody knows you made a baldur's gate. there's so many kinds of answer and effects.


more customizable character appearance.


we have no choice to customize various way.

ask yourself, it's the best way to customize to demonstrate player's own personality and fashion? . yes not enough.

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I just hope that SWTOR doesn't scale new gear stupidly. I know that 'some other mmos' make it feel like all the work you've done up to a new season or tier is effectively worthless. Clearly you won't be 'number one' until you have the 'best' gear, but you shouldn't feel like you can't play until you have the most recent gear. Right?
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They say they are listening to the players.....well.....


What is the feedback regarding downtime?


Every week we are stuck with a offline server for several hours during the day, why can´t this be done during the night like several other games do.

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