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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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In future patches I would like to see SWTOR take it to a whole new level of space exploration similar to Eve Online so you can fly to the nearest astroid field to mine for crafting minerals. Implementing this would make it take abit longer to lvl crafting skills which I have no problem with. Also opening up space exploration would allow players to PVP with their starships. One last thing I think would be pretty cool is be able to upgrade your ship as in add more cannon blasters or change the color of your ship so others can distinguish you from other players in open space. I personally think making these changes would keep people around abit longer to continue mining to rank up in crafting lvls as well as just cruise around in space, it would definetly take Eve out of the picture. I've heard alot of complaints about people getting to lvl 50 and then have nothing to do but start a new character cause their bored.



This. This. And more this. I just finished the class quest for Bounty Hunter and Inquisitor on another server. And now.....I am bored to tears. Running flashpoints endlessly from this point forward just to grind for gear? Sorry, WoW is that way. The problem with TOR is that Bioware doesn't really have a free hand to shake things up because of 2 very large stinking gorillas in the room: LucasFarts and EA. LucasFarts wants this to be a WoW-clone with Clone War graphics...hows that for a pun. EA just wants to turn a profit. Fine. But in this day and age, most MMO players want something DIFFERENT that what WoW and others have to offer. People who moved from WoW just didn't come over because it was easy to get into, they came over because they are piss poor tired of WoW and its boring theme park game mechanics.


TOR's only saving graces is the storytelling and the voice acting. But. That's it. When you get down to it, the game has the same game mechanics of other games, which are boring mechanics I might add to those who play games hardcore. We are tired of the same thing over and over. Lot of us are burned out from the theme park crap. Once we finish with the storylines, there just isn't a reason to keep subbing. PVP has promise, but for a lot the FPS issues are too much to be fun (when I can have a pvp fight in EVE with 1200 people in a large fullscale battle with 60 FPS on my dual core, then by Duex I should be able to get the same FPS during a 16 man fight in a small arena...). I don't give a damn about the technical problems of implementing it blah blah blah. If first person shooters and other MMO's over the last 15 years have solved the problem, I know a game with a $150 million dollar budget should damn well have solved the problem.


And don't get me started on the immersion killing Hero game system with its copy and pasted character animations.


But I digress. I see potential in this game. And I love Star Wars Bioware. And I have played MANY a MMO before this. SWG, Planetside, EVE Online, Entropia Universe, even crappy WoW. And I want this game to be better than those.

Edited by Buxaroo
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The ui costumization looks nice, didnt get any wiser one the legacy system though, we get powers !! sounds like its gonna OP but whatever, i'd wish they would start unbugging and perfecting the content that is already in the game, my main wishes are a dungeon finder and a total remake of empire end game epics, first of all 90% of them look ridiculos, at least the sith ones, and then i checked the republic ones and they look GODlike, is this a personal grudge towards the siths of the empire bioware ? if not please fix, cba making a new 50 republic character just because you didnt make the same gear available, at least make a headsup in character creation "if you want to enjoy looking at your toon roll a republic cause empires epics makes you puke" !


guess the fastest way to make up for this would be implementing faction changes.

Edited by kussekurt
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Been playing SWTOR for a little over a week now. And have yet to see any players of the opposing factions. And now feeling very let down by SWTOR as it seems more of a role playing game than a contest of good vs evil. SWG had it right. The light and the dark players interacting with guilds fighting in the streets. Crafters able to make items for both factions and sell on a common market. Oh, and lets not forget shared banks. And segregated mail systems? Now, I know why the evil faction outnumbers the good. Because if you want to be able to craft items for your own alts, then they must be of the same faction in order to receive them. Will delete my new character of the good faction and start a new evil character and a second crafting tree. And did I miss the documentation that alerts players to the character segregation of light and dark? It would have been nice to know in advance.
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Been playing SWTOR for a little over a week now. And have yet to see any players of the opposing factions. And now feeling very let down by SWTOR as it seems more of a role playing game than a contest of good vs evil. SWG had it right. The light and the dark players interacting with guilds fighting in the streets. Crafters able to make items for both factions and sell on a common market. Oh, and lets not forget shared banks. And segregated mail systems? Now, I know why the evil faction outnumbers the good. Because if you want to be able to craft items for your own alts, then they must be of the same faction in order to receive them. Will delete my new character of the good faction and start a new evil character and a second crafting tree. And did I miss the documentation that alerts players to the character segregation of light and dark? It would have been nice to know in advance.


You know there is a neutral AH on Nar Shadaa right? (If thats what you mean)

Nobody uses it :(

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Been playing SWTOR for a little over a week now. And have yet to see any players of the opposing factions. And now feeling very let down by SWTOR as it seems more of a role playing game than a contest of good vs evil. SWG had it right. The light and the dark players interacting with guilds fighting in the streets. Crafters able to make items for both factions and sell on a common market. Oh, and lets not forget shared banks. And segregated mail systems? Now, I know why the evil faction outnumbers the good. Because if you want to be able to craft items for your own alts, then they must be of the same faction in order to receive them. Will delete my new character of the good faction and start a new evil character and a second crafting tree. And did I miss the documentation that alerts players to the character segregation of light and dark? It would have been nice to know in advance.


Hmm, I kinda thought it would have been common sense that the Dark and Light side wouldn't be trading with each other directly. After all they are enemies. At least that should be completely true for the current classes with exception to Bounty Hunter and Smugglers - they should have more leniency as normally they are not a faction specific entity. And as someone else points out there is a neutral AH available. Trading between char should be limited to the same faction, initially. Maybe a Legendary feature would be the ability to "cooperate" with the opposing faction and do trading and such.

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Is this a joke???? Lot of people can't even start the game!


Even the video doesn't work ... nice job!


I had the same prob when i first started playing (if you are replying to black screen), personally i believe that the bioware team were helpfull, if you are still having problems (or know anybody who is) and have followed their instructions, try uninstalling your graphics driver and re-installing off of the manufactuer website, as for the video on here it worked fine for me

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There's a lot of complaints about the separation of Empire and Republic, and in some cases I agree. There should be a DEGREE of separation...but as Players, some people like playing Republic, some like playing Empire. I'm personally of the opinion they need planets where interaction on a "Peaceful" level is done. Nar Shadaa would be a perfect option for this...having the ability to Party with Republics. It would in general be nice if Nar Shadaa(Or another possible Neutral Planet) could be made into having access to PvP specifically that is "Mixed"...might even be nice to have an area where it's Light Side vs. Dark Side instead of Republic vs. Empire.


The biggest issue is this: I want to be able to play with my friends REGARDLESS of Faction. Promote interaction.

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Random thoughts.


Agree with much of what has been said. This game has failed to learn from it's predecessors in a big way. Star Wars: The Old WoW-Public is rapidly fading into obscurity, and it's just launched. Which is sad. Rift is WoW done right. We don't need WoW with Lightsabers.


Just because the Republic and Empire are in an uneasy and short-lived peace doesn't mean that the People (and by extension, characters) don't continue to live next to and accept other people regardless of which side they rolled on. Money is a far more pervasive force for good/evil in the galaxy than Sith/Jedi, or Empire/Republic.


Intro quests to level 10: Ok the first time or two, then not so interesting.


Then...Esseles! OMG light/dark decisions, team work, real story! This game ROCKS! Run it till you get to 14, great customizable gear, meet peeps, etc. I guess I should pony up my credit card after all, this game will be great!


WooHoo, can't wait for Coruscant!




Back to solo grinding through Cor quests, with group instances designed to discourage their use through simple poor location (excepting Face Merchants, which is quickly outgrown.) And..none of the instances are even close to Esseles in content. None of the class quests are even close to Esseles in content. No one will group for questing, since if you are even off 1 step in a quest you have to wait/make others wait to catch up.


Maybe when I get off of Cor I can get away from the WoW instances.


Hammer Station! Wait.. One Light/Dark decision in a whole instance??? Ewwww.


But, then, Light/Dark decisions have very little impact on the game, so they don't really matter. Wait, this is Star Wars, where Light/Dark is the very core of the dichotomy in the story. And light/dark decisions have no meaning????


The fact that you can hear this on the Republic fleet, "Esseles Social Point run starting, any level or class, no Dialogue, 150+ SP in 20 min", says everything about the availability of group content for anyone past level 14. No one's running for Light/Dark pts. Everyone's running for social pts., to get social gear to make their toons look distinctive.


This game is supposed to have 800 novels worth of content. There's one chapter of 1 novel in Esseles. The rest, so far, is like walking into a library and in each room seeing scraps of paper on the floor to read before moving to the next room.


I've yet to take any of my toons to 50, perversely hoping to do every quest on every planet for every class in a self-destructive search to find some of those missing novels. Am at 37 so far..still looking.

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1. Forget global AH, make separete Ah in each planets.

2 add more planets, systems

3. Ships should not "teleport" to planets, add free flight with pvp options.

4. macros

5. Mini games at cantinas and on ships aboard. No need new ideas. Simple casino games, chess etc.

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Agree with vesuvi,give them time :)

Game has only been out for like 7 weeks,and i think they are doing great with all the things they add and have upcoming..no need to remind people how awfull certain other mmo's were in their first year (no names)

Cool video and really looking forward to it,i think its a great game that keeps getting better :)

Edited by Quellerya
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big fan of the game! I have some problems but a lot r because of crap computer lol. Want LOTS more warzones! and merge server please. level 50 pvp is impossible on any standard/low population server. so its rly hard to get champion gear OR centurion commendations. Also whats with the Imps having such an advantage. they nerfed 3 of our classes and hardly touch imps. sry but bounty hunter and inquisitor def hav huge exploits and they know it. i have one of each :) but it is honestly rly unfair lol. Overall i do enjoy playing and will probly play or quite some time. oh and please oh please dont make me level ANOTHER toon to take advantage of legacy. i have so many alts i already love so much.
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Random thoughts.


Agree with much of what has been said. This game has failed to learn from it's predecessors in a big way. Star Wars: The Old WoW-Public is rapidly fading into obscurity, and it's just launched. Which is sad. Rift is WoW done right. We don't need WoW with Lightsabers.


Just because the Republic and Empire are in an uneasy and short-lived peace doesn't mean that the People (and by extension, characters) don't continue to live next to and accept other people regardless of which side they rolled on. Money is a far more pervasive force for good/evil in the galaxy than Sith/Jedi, or Empire/Republic.


Intro quests to level 10: Ok the first time or two, then not so interesting.


Then...Esseles! OMG light/dark decisions, team work, real story! This game ROCKS! Run it till you get to 14, great customizable gear, meet peeps, etc. I guess I should pony up my credit card after all, this game will be great!


WooHoo, can't wait for Coruscant!




Back to solo grinding through Cor quests, with group instances designed to discourage their use through simple poor location (excepting Face Merchants, which is quickly outgrown.) And..none of the instances are even close to Esseles in content. None of the class quests are even close to Esseles in content. No one will group for questing, since if you are even off 1 step in a quest you have to wait/make others wait to catch up.


Maybe when I get off of Cor I can get away from the WoW instances.


Hammer Station! Wait.. One Light/Dark decision in a whole instance??? Ewwww.


But, then, Light/Dark decisions have very little impact on the game, so they don't really matter. Wait, this is Star Wars, where Light/Dark is the very core of the dichotomy in the story. And light/dark decisions have no meaning????


The fact that you can hear this on the Republic fleet, "Esseles Social Point run starting, any level or class, no Dialogue, 150+ SP in 20 min", says everything about the availability of group content for anyone past level 14. No one's running for Light/Dark pts. Everyone's running for social pts., to get social gear to make their toons look distinctive.


This game is supposed to have 800 novels worth of content. There's one chapter of 1 novel in Esseles. The rest, so far, is like walking into a library and in each room seeing scraps of paper on the floor to read before moving to the next room.


I've yet to take any of my toons to 50, perversely hoping to do every quest on every planet for every class in a self-destructive search to find some of those missing novels. Am at 37 so far..still looking.


sorry..this game isn't WoW with lightsabers. :/ It's Star Wars :)

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Enough of the whining about the video not loading. It is most likely an incompatibility with a browser plug-in on your system. If you want EA/Bioware to fix it, give up some info.


The video works great on my laptop, a Toshiba Satellite A665 running Windows 7 Home Edition, using the Chrome browser.


For what it's worth, I write software for a living, and I am blown away and awestruck by the quality and resilience of SWTOR.

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But with the UI stuff, why wasn't this sorted out and introduced before release in how you're suggesting it'll be from the video?


I find the whole UI issues totally unbelievable to be honest!!! I'm within 1 meter of my monitor and still can't read the small font, one hell of an oversight leaving it so small and not changable!


Hoping it'll fixed very soon in how the video shows!

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Random thoughts.


Agree with much of what has been said. This game has failed to learn from it's predecessors in a big way. Star Wars: The Old WoW-Public is rapidly fading into obscurity, and it's just launched. Which is sad. Rift is WoW done right. We don't need WoW with Lightsabers.


Just because the Republic and Empire are in an uneasy and short-lived peace doesn't mean that the People (and by extension, characters) don't continue to live next to and accept other people regardless of which side they rolled on. Money is a far more pervasive force for good/evil in the galaxy than Sith/Jedi, or Empire/Republic.


Intro quests to level 10: Ok the first time or two, then not so interesting.


Then...Esseles! OMG light/dark decisions, team work, real story! This game ROCKS! Run it till you get to 14, great customizable gear, meet peeps, etc. I guess I should pony up my credit card after all, this game will be great!


WooHoo, can't wait for Coruscant!




Back to solo grinding through Cor quests, with group instances designed to discourage their use through simple poor location (excepting Face Merchants, which is quickly outgrown.) And..none of the instances are even close to Esseles in content. None of the class quests are even close to Esseles in content. No one will group for questing, since if you are even off 1 step in a quest you have to wait/make others wait to catch up.


Maybe when I get off of Cor I can get away from the WoW instances.


Hammer Station! Wait.. One Light/Dark decision in a whole instance??? Ewwww.


But, then, Light/Dark decisions have very little impact on the game, so they don't really matter. Wait, this is Star Wars, where Light/Dark is the very core of the dichotomy in the story. And light/dark decisions have no meaning????


The fact that you can hear this on the Republic fleet, "Esseles Social Point run starting, any level or class, no Dialogue, 150+ SP in 20 min", says everything about the availability of group content for anyone past level 14. No one's running for Light/Dark pts. Everyone's running for social pts., to get social gear to make their toons look distinctive.


This game is supposed to have 800 novels worth of content. There's one chapter of 1 novel in Esseles. The rest, so far, is like walking into a library and in each room seeing scraps of paper on the floor to read before moving to the next room.


I've yet to take any of my toons to 50, perversely hoping to do every quest on every planet for every class in a self-destructive search to find some of those missing novels. Am at 37 so far..still looking.


This has been my fear, I hear ya brotha! Hope you're a rare one off, but I keep hearing similar things and I've only been subbed 2 weeks. I'm gonna give it a good crack and keep going and make my own mind up, but this is the feeling I'm already getting.

Edited by Herei
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There have been 60 pages in this thread, mostly disappointed people, myself been one of them.

Instead of announcing what goodies they have in store for us, I think they should get down to fixing the myriads of bugs and things that should have been implemented in the game in the first place. No one wants this game to fail, but if it stays like this, it will.


PROMISING US THINGS IN A FEW MONTHS (yeah right Pinocchio's) is rubbish to me. Why weren't they there at the game launch?


For example, they say: People asked for Guild banks ...so we will give them guild banks .....Why werent guild banks available when the game was launched?


Seems some people (Bioware-EA) probably think that they are dealing with morons.

Edited by miikke
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I dont normally post on forums, as they generally seem to be where the whiny emo kids congregate, But i was bored, as servers are down atm, and i actually managed to skim over the100 pages worth of cry faced kids over last hour,


But cheer up children i have some great advise for you all, if your having trouble playing or loading the game toss that P.O.S computer you own out the window n buy a new one.


If your experiencing multiple bugs or glitches, same step as before, out the window with that POS,


If your unhappy with content that came out at launch, cancel your sub, and resubscribe when your happy with amount of content released.


I play for over 8 hours every day, and theres only one bug that gets me, that damned Illum daily quest, i dont recall the name, but if your 50 on imp side you know what one im talking about.


And for those of you about to make the 30 year old living in parents basement comments, im actually 35 and living in my sons closet, but one day when the wife succumbs of rat poisoning, i may move back into the bedroom.

Edited by Sinvius
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I dont normally post on forums, as they generally seem to be where the whiny emo kids congregate, But i was bored, as servers are down atm, and i actually managed to skim over the100 pages worth of cry faced kids over last hour,


But cheer up children i have some great advise for you all, if your having trouble playing or loading the game toss that P.O.S computer you own out the window n buy a new one.


If your experiencing multiple bugs or glitches, same step as before, out the window with that POS,


If your unhappy with content that came out at launch, cancel your sub, and resubscribe when your happy with amount of content released.


I play for over 8 hours every day, and theres only one bug that gets me, that damned Illum daily quest, i dont recall the name, but if your 50 on imp side you know what one im talking about.


And for those of you about to make the 30 year old living in parents basement comments, im actually 35 and living in my sons closet, but one day when the wife succumbs of rat poisoning, i may move back into the bedroom.

+1 Sinvius

Bugs are, and not so few but that aint so big fasssss game experiance is wonderfull and i'm a bit tired to read all the wining threads about a good intention that BW had ...to anonce the changes in the future, you guys lough and / or criticice all the changes...patetic

Edited by Amodytes
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I want to see darth revan armor with mask.



I want to see darth pleagius armor with mask.



in the game for players just starting the game



and whom have had the game since december 20,2011.



who pre ordered the game also thoes who didn't reserve the game



but bought it on december 20,2011.

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