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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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I could care less about a custom UI, maybe just add a third bar to the bottom.


the only thing I care about is character transfers. I'm full battlemaster and I want to play with my friends but I am not rerolling. Please add character transfers.

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I'm glad you are promising more content, but with respect, you guys need more devs or something- your finished project after 5 yrs of work and 6 wks of live servers is crazy buggy and lacking in previously promised content. I suspect Bioware has too many ppl working on Mass Effect 3 and not enough on SWTOR. I'm worried you're going to go the way of Anarchy Online and lose your player base because you're too slow to fix/implement things.


You must not have been there for the WoW launch or for that matter any launch of an MMO it takes time to get glitches out. These guys are hot fixing and patching faster than any MMO I have been a part of from launch(Only 3 UO, WoW and, Warhammer) This by far is the best I have seen. I have to thank Bioware and say keep it up. I would like to see character transfers. Also some more guild based things. I left WoW before they implemented the guild skill tree and would like to see that here, or something of the sorts. Maybe a guild cruiser where you can place vendors to give the guild a break on stims prices, armor, etc if the guild has someone with 400 in that profession. Given this would be a huge task but I think it would be worth it. As the guild levels allows more vendors/ trainers. A guild vault. Guild space missions as FP or Ops. Just an idea and once again thanks for the work.

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In future patches I would like to see SWTOR take it to a whole new level of space exploration similar to Eve Online so you can fly to the nearest astroid field to mine for crafting minerals. Implementing this would make it take abit longer to lvl crafting skills which I have no problem with. Also opening up space exploration would allow players to PVP with their starships. One last thing I think would be pretty cool is be able to upgrade your ship as in add more cannon blasters or change the color of your ship so others can distinguish you from other players in open space. I personally think making these changes would keep people around abit longer to continue mining to rank up in crafting lvls as well as just cruise around in space, it would definetly take Eve out of the picture. I've heard alot of complaints about people getting to lvl 50 and then have nothing to do but start a new character cause their bored. I just figured I would add my two cents in to what I would like to see changed but other than that I love the game, just needs some tweaks here and there.
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Yayy for UI customizing, will we be getting another bar or 2 at the bottom we can slot abilities to? that would really be helpfull for sure. Having 1 bar we can slot them to is nice but we could really use more control of the second (or third/fourth) bar such as pressing for example; pressing shift+1 for second bar slots.
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Yayy for UI customizing, will we be getting another bar or 2 at the bottom we can slot abilities to? that would really be helpfull for sure. Having 1 bar we can slot them to is nice but we could really use more control of the second (or third/fourth) bar such as pressing for example; pressing shift+1 for second bar slots.


You can bind those slots to keybinds now (as in your example). Go to preferences and look at the bottom of the window for keybind tab. Look in the options for 'quickslots' or quickbars.. something like that, and bind your keys to your heart's desire.




I'd really like a fully customizable UI (my own graphics, etc..), but I can deal with built-in options as long as there is an option to scale each ui element independently (each quickslot bar, each window, ability to toggle bars horizontal or vertical (at least bars 3 and 4), and an overall -UI scale- (which is in, from what was shown in video... but that alone for scaling isn't enough).


Stop the companion returning from missions and closing my existing windows (GTN, etc..).


Hire Norganna's (creator of 'auctioneer') team to build a new GTN.


When it comes to money, EA isn't in short supply. Why aren't they (EA/BW) hiring experienced programmers that know what gamers want in regards to functionality and aesthetics? GTN, GUI window behavior, chat system, as well as a few other items.. could all have been done in a manner that felt like it was 'meant for TOR'. Huge borders and an unchanging glow in your eyes don't make it easy for people who aren't on and off in an hour or three. Not even going to get into buff/debuff display.


*I haven't played WoW since WotLK first came out... unsubbed during the first month of it.*


Back to my thoughts on SW:TOR...

I really like the game mechanics though (aside from delays, animation glitches). I like not having auto attack, I like combat initiation behavior, I like my companions' AI, I enjoy the story, and I feel like I'm in an epic adventure. 1 VS 1 PvP feels fun, and Warzones are fun. PvP feels balanced, unless you consider faction imbalance ratios in regards to Imp:Pub (in places like Ilum).


I'd like to see chat bubbles too, with the option for others to turn them off (or option for me to turn them on).


Big deal for me: feeling comfortable playing for a few hours. Right now I don't, and the reasons are listed above (prior to my WoW disclaimer). Please think about what will keep people logging on and staying on.. feeling comfortable and having fun with a challenge.

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I'm thoroughly enjoying the game so far, but I'd like to join the chorus on the Legacy System: Please give us more details. Will it apply to pre-existing characters? If so (or not), knowing sooner rather than later would be very helpful. I'm near level 50 and I'd like to make an alt, especiallly since three friends of mine have recently started playing on the same server and are much lower level than I am. But I am hesitant to start a new character and lose out on the legacy benefits I would gain.


Also, being able to migrate characters from servers would be nice. I created an alt on a different server to test it out - and now the character is pretty far along, so being able to integrate him into the server I usually play on would be nice. I don't care if I have to change his name (and obviously give up his legacy title and XP) - I'd just like the option to do it.



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Collector's edition holocamera DLC. That's the only one I know of so far


ALT + Z. My problem is finding the screenshots I've taken. I can't seem to locate the exact file it's in.. would love a PM detailing how to find it. Problem could be I still run Vista Home Premium and still have trouble navigating to exactly what I want in some specifics (not all just a few annoying ones).


Edit: Post not included was: "How can I remove the UI for screenshots" (paraphrase)

Edited by Driadyka
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Yeah, Hurrah..Hurrah! for the indicated content upgrade and the UI changes.


While you're at it, I want to be able to

* cut and paste text,

* create [iTEM LINKs] in chat via some mouse action on ITEMs displayed anywhere,

* subsequently clicking the link will make a static tool tip from the temporary one that will appear on mouse-over.


I want an Auction House with plenty of in-game analysis tools AND a crafter driven economy. Crafters in the real world don't pay more for raw materials than they can charge for the products. Dark Age of Camelot had crafting down really well except for some external tools built to fill holes in Crafter's UI.


Competing for Wealthiest Person on the Server would keep me occupied. Maybe add quests to gain crafting skill-ups found no other way.


The market can be driven by the Raider's needing the crafter's products in order to gain some other desirable thing.

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Finally some news on the customizable interface.. yet, in the video, one big thing seems to be missing (i.e not configurable) and that's the standard actionbar , and enemy unit/target frames. I cannot stress enough how important it is that THOSE are unlockable too, and possibly be modified. I want 4 actionbars on top of eatchother.. Not 2 + 2 on the sides. PLEASE make that happen. Give us the freedom to adjust our interface further then displayed in the video.. though the rest looks promising.
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Can you fix the billions of bugs this game has before releasing more content?? Which I'm willing to bet will also be infested with bugs?


Oh yeah, after all the teams who make content are the same ones who fix bugs...


Might want to do some research.

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This may not get read due to 97 pages of people generally being upset over a great game, but I would like to see appearance slots for gear. There are some really nice looking items in the game that get out-leveled rather quickly, and it would be nice to be able to enjoy the time the developers put into making it look nice.
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I love the UI customization and the Legacy bonuses. However, since you mention Legacy unlocking character customizations in creation, does that mean we should not roll any alts until we see what we get? I would certainly hate to level an alt just to see a really good character creation option unlock that I wish I had been able to use when making my toon.
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Looking okay, but in my opinion just some of the things that already should've been in the game from the beginning. I'd love it if Bioware took a look at Aion's UI and a lot of the game mechanics from that game, as most of it overshadows SW:TOR completely. Like marking places on the map and getting a link to it in the chat so you can show people, or drawing on the map. Also would be nice to customize the appearance of weapons and gear like on Aion. :p I would also like to see a lot more statistics and stuff in PvP etc., again like on Aion.. Oh, and the guild system needs a whole lot of improvement. Not only a guild bank. In general so many things are missing, that it makes the game seem five years old. At least.


Does anyone know when this patch is coming? How far into the future is it supposed to be? 'Cause it should've been here yesterday. Or like.. 1,5 months ago.

Edited by Aikaryu
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Why copy Aion? Its already too much like WoW, if i wanted to play those games then I would. Lwets see Swtor find its own way without ripping off other games ideas.


Wow is not the source of all mmorpgs they actually copied all other mmorpgs that were online before them , And Aion is complete ******** .


Go whine on youtube k thx bai

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First of all, making SW:TOR more like Aion would make it less like WoW. And it's not like SW:TOR already hasn't copied almost everything from every other MMO that has been made. The problem is that it's still about 5 years behind on most MMOs (except the story). And almost everything on Aion (except story) is better than almost any other MMO. I'm not saying they should "copy" everything off Aion directly. They don't have to make everything look like the same, I would just like more functions that work better on everything, like on Aion. If lack of functions is "going their own way", I don't know what your or their problem is.


Adding more guild functions, PvP stats, a better map or map functions etc. that exist in other games (like Aion) would not necessarily make it into Aion either. It's called "copying" what works great from other MMOs, as most MMOs steal everything from each others anyway. In that sense not "copying" is just stupid as it makes the game lag years behind.

Edited by Aikaryu
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