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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Lookin' forward to the Legacy System update, sounds quite complex and interesting.


You dolt.


It's just one more of a thousand existing mechanisms meant to artificially elongate the game. Played to 50? Bored? Create a new character! Got that one traditional cookie-cuter endgame too? Make another! Repeat!

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- It's possible to add a news BG with the PVPVE ?? for the fun !! worldboss and player !

This system are very good it's a news challenge ..


- We need a 3rd spell bar !! :mad:


- And where is the update for the gardian PVE/PVP ? :p




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UI Customization and Guild Banks...is that really something amazing and new to impress an already frazzled public? The video gave me no hope for the future of this game at all. I am sadly paid for 4 months from now and will stay but, will be happy to move on once the paid amounts are done. They ruined the game for me with having me pay for their extended Beta of this game. BioWare if you want to keep the MMO community you will have to do WAY better then this.:(
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This is not aion, you want thousands of customization options go play that or city of heroes.

This however does have more customization options then the following games World of warcraft, everquest,everquest 2, Rift, warhammer age of reckoning and i do believew even conan had less option then swtor. So i would say very sucessful charecter optimization sense they have beat out some of the most reckonizable and well known mmos.


Yes this is not Aion . . . But come on let us pick the height of our character, choose thier build (built, skinny, fat--and where).


Putting a slider to allow customized height and allowing us to choose weight, let us choose how big our toon's arms, legs, torso and so forth are. Let us choose the simple thinigs. It does not need thousands of options. But it should allow something beyond what lazy gamers like. And simply saying they did it better than WoW and Rift really says nothing. If we always set our standards to do slightly better than that which came before, really, where would we be?

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UI Customization and Guild Banks...is that really something amazing and new to impress an already frazzled public? The video gave me no hope for the future of this game at all. I am sadly paid for 4 months from now and will stay but, will be happy to move on once the paid amounts are done. They ruined the game for me with having me pay for their extended Beta of this game. BioWare if you want to keep the MMO community you will have to do WAY better then this.:(


Did you see the "CONTENT NOT FINAL" in the vid? It was pretty big and hard to miss, just because they say a few features that will appear in the vid, DOESN'T mean thats all they are gonna give.

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dunno what yall are talking about the vid works.... however i dont fully understand the whole *new bg's* new story lines* like..... dude... there are so many glitches in this game.... if no one is speaking up, feel free to message me... for real... i could list about 30 off the top of my head,.. 1 being the anoying *** glitch where u have to have all the items on the right side of your bags if you want to put it in the world trade galaxy thing... been out for more than a month now, not to mention all the beta yall did...i dont understand why it hasent been fixed... work more on fixing what you have right now before people quit your game cuz it seems unfinished and dosent seem to be getting fixed, i really like this game, i want to see it succeed ;)
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UI Customization and Guild Banks...is that really something amazing and new to impress an already frazzled public? The video gave me no hope for the future of this game at all. I am sadly paid for 4 months from now and will stay but, will be happy to move on once the paid amounts are done. They ruined the game for me with having me pay for their extended Beta of this game. BioWare if you want to keep the MMO community you will have to do WAY better then this.:(


i honestly, completely agree with this, IMO they need to spend more time FIXING what they already have, rather than trying to add new **** that will just end up needing to be fixed anyway

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Yes this is not Aion . . . But come on let us pick the height of our character, choose thier build (built, skinny, fat--and where).


Putting a slider to allow customized height and allowing us to choose weight, let us choose how big our toon's arms, legs, torso and so forth are. Let us choose the simple thinigs. It does not need thousands of options. But it should allow something beyond what lazy gamers like. And simply saying they did it better than WoW and Rift really says nothing. If we always set our standards to do slightly better than that which came before, really, where would we be?


we would be improving, and possibly they would end up making more money off of it, having those options would be unique, and rift was a fail.. if u havent read.... WoW on the otherhand, has the BEST updates as of today, as far as ui/combat/grouping/and most importantly balanced classes... see, im done with wow, its old, something needs to take its place, BUT we SHOULD follow ALOT of the things that were in that game, and mix it to match their's to an extent.. why? cuz there's a reason that game is the most popular MMO to date, and its NOT because its name is *World of Warcraft*

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There was something mentioned earlier while I was reading through all the posts I missed and I agree with:


There's nothing here at the endgame to truly satisfy those who don't have time to sit here for 2 hours or more doing raids.


I work alot and I have other things in life that needs to be done to where I can't really devote time to sit here and play TOR for more than an hour or so at a time (maybe once or twice since release I was able to get several hours in a row, but that is a rarity). I've finally reach level 50 and hit Illum, but even after class story quests, I don't have time to sit there, wait for a group or guild to gather just to do a raid. I've checked at various times of the days but, not sure if its the server I play on or what, there seems to never be enough people on. Sure I can go back and do some heroics again, but why do something twice when there's no real benefit from it. Once I hit level 50 and finished the class quest, first question out of my mouth was: "Now what?". Sure I could go PVP, but I'm not a PVP fan which is why I joined a PVE server. Not enough time for nice Raids or anything so I really see no longevity for this game. More single quests and or story expansion would be great.


The only feature that looks great is the Legacy cause it seems that might expand the character I have more to making it worth playing again.


... sooo you solo? time to play a new game? make a new toon? when u hit max level you raid.. or pvp... in an mmo... in almost all of them.... if you have no time for those or dislike... you are pretty much done... go kill **** for fun maybe? craft? the end of the line is the end of the line.... there will ALWAYS be an end...

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I'm glad you are promising more content, but with respect, you guys need more devs or something- your finished project after 5 yrs of work and 6 wks of live servers is crazy buggy and lacking in previously promised content. I suspect Bioware has too many ppl working on Mass Effect 3 and not enough on SWTOR. I'm worried you're going to go the way of Anarchy Online and lose your player base because you're too slow to fix/implement things.
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Those complaining about the video not working need to get a clue. Mine worked JUST FINE.




On topic:


Legacy really needs to come out because I'm holding off on creating new characters because of the promised "legacy character customizations at creation." I would like to know if you guys are planning to implement some kind of remodeling ticket system or barber or whatever you want to call it to edit the features of existing characters. Those who reach 50 are CERTAINLY not just going to re-roll their character to get the new customizations! (One dev or GM or someone I saw in a thread once suggested this which is totally asinine.)


Good to see the guild options are coming, as there is no real reason to be in a guild as of this moment. Also the UI customization is another sorely needed upgrade.


Pvp needs to be made cross-server, as the server I'm on the queues are WAY too long for both 50 and 1-49. A new warzone would be cool though because the 3 existing are kind of old. (The turrets one being the only good one worth playing, huttball being absolutely stupid and a waste of time.) On a side note, I think the healers in pvp need a little more medals or something because they really get no respect from most players. Most of them see who did the most damage or most medals, which means very little in a team oriented warzone. You want to kick *** solo? Go to Ilum. Or duel the person you want to fight to prove who is better. If you're in warzones, support your damn team!


Flashpoints for level 50 endgame material is nice, but what about the lower levels? Can we expect any kind of flashpoints for those? Maybe like a noob version and then the hard more be just for 50s.

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Well, if they're listening to the community then please make sure to fire the people who designed most armor sets, you made bounty hunters look like robot chicken delivery people and jedi counselors look like fairy queens


I know you're trying to "keep your team together" but the people who designed the armor sets have absolutely no understanding of the appeal that players want to see in a game. WE like to look bad ***, tough, and like we're ready to destroy.


AS for the upcoming content pretty awesome, just toss in new armor designs which have been VOTED on by the COMMUNITY so that way you will really be listening to us.



A bounty hunter who delivers chicken for a credits in game.

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when are these legacy features coming? im about to be lvl 10 legacy but so far that doesnt mean anything for me.. i want to make a jugg now but i dont want to make it then find out there are new features at character customization based on legacy that i missed out on....so maybe some info on what your doing and when? that would would be cool.
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