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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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I have a 50th Jugg on a very dead server... I rerolled on another server with a higher population, but would like to move my 50th toon there as well....


Hope this happens soon since I am getting rather bored redoing all the same bonus content. My BH is now 36th, but would prefer to be playing my Sith Jugg.


I like the game, but this needs to happen soon IMO. Lots of my friends and letting this last month subscription run out if it does not.

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Awesome video! I cannot wait to see the new content, I am extremely eager to see what BW implements, can't wait to jump onto the PTR to test it. I also can't wait to adjust the UI, been a struggle not having the minimap in the bottom center of my screen lol.


On a completely different note. Reading these comments makes me chuckle...Everyone is open to have their opinions, I will be the last to argue that. I also understand there are a lot of things desired by a lot of members in the SW:TOR community. However, the one important thing that keeps getting left out or forgotten...is that this is a freshly launched game not even 3 months old yet and ya'll are demanding things that other games may not have implemented until AFTER their launch. Would it be nice to have it AT launch? Yeah sure of course it would be, but the pure size and scale of this game, I can undertand some things not being implemented. Even during the beta, you could see them slowly implementing new features..Those of us from early on in the testing can recall how the UI looked back then....ya'll should be HAPPY it has changed LOL! Also it takes time for them to do all this and the scale of this project (SWTOR) is rather huge (Voices, Content, etc) which requires them to make content that we won't be seeing for years. Anyways, the community is demanding fixes that may not be able to be pushed out over night, or be done within the one month free sub, or even the first few months. Will they try to implement some of the stuff the community mentions? Of course they will, they attempt to listen to their community much like any other developer attempts to do, does that mean that they will implement the stuff YOU are asking for? No...probably not. If any player wants to play a game with the features this game lacks, then leave...go back to whatever MMO or game you came from that has them. SWTOR will be no different without you. You can even come back after a while and see a game that has had time to grow...I completely understand and support BW in their choices (Aside from outsourcing Customer Support...which was probably EA's fault) atleast until I disagree with something they've done. Those of you who say "Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, shoulda been included at launch!", need to stop and take a step back and think about how long it takes for them to develop the new content for this game or any game in general and how long the game WAS in development (Which basically hints at the time it takes for them to do stuff LOL). Also gotta think about them testing it and whatever else. If you're here now, then you simply have to live with it, no amount of complaining about lack of features will change it any faster. I personally prefer them to push content when its ready, so that fixes a wide array of things, rather then just pushing out patches that cause more bugs because the community is demanding "insta" fixes for issues. Anyways...just my opinion you're welcome to disagree with me. Troll me if it makes you happy.


Anyways, sorry for going completely off subject.



--- I'm not trying to defend this game, or claim that the game is the BEST (or perfect) game in its current state, far from it. In fact I would like to see a lot of changes implemented to the game that currently aren't in it (Target-of-Target, FP/Op loot sharing for eligible members, space improvements, moving the UI, etc). Many of you seem to be acting like you're being forced to play this and the...bugs, imbalances, or whatever, are being forced on to you...You have the choice to leave and wait for the game to get polished or you can learn to live with the problems for the time being (there is no rush to 50 take your time level some alts)....no one is saying that you have to play this game..Also, lets not forget many of the community's beloved World of Warcraft had a launch MUCH MUCH worse than SWTOR, including the features it provided. So lets just all learn to be patient, and wait --


Again..this is all my OPINION..you're welcome to disagree :)

Edited by Earitory
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so BW admitting that PVP is a prime focus of the game means no correction of open world PVP on PVE servers no anti auto flagging from AOE's


a guild bank is all they do for guilds -


Bioware made a great updated KOTRO2 game here but with a minimal amount of Multiplayer



You have failed miserable on the social aspect


Guilds are only good for level 50's to raid with and even that is limited

you cant help lower levels as no mentor system

no guild halls no interaction other than chat or maybe if you have players same levels on same quests


I think my first paid month is my last - good luck with the game


Actually sounds like you have a fail guild. My guild is great and why does there need to be a system in place to help Guild mates? We help out lower levels all the time with heroic missions and flash points. I would say that a guild hall would be nice but if it functions like Guild Wars then its pointless, no one is ever there anyway.


I love the social aspect, always have someone to run with. So might I suggest you find a better guild before you start bashing BW for not giving you something pointless?

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The community doesn't need calming, just needs to learn some patience... The game is less than 2 months out of launch and it has already accomplished more than most mmorpgs that have been out for more than 2 years.


thats so true man :) people need to learn to settle down. All the **** is coming...they just have to wait.


Unfortunately..we are in the NOW NOW NOW era...

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so BW admitting that PVP is a prime focus of the game means no correction of open world PVP on PVE servers no anti auto flagging from AOE's


a guild bank is all they do for guilds -


Bioware made a great updated KOTRO2 game here but with a minimal amount of Multiplayer



You have failed miserable on the social aspect


Guilds are only good for level 50's to raid with and even that is limited

you cant help lower levels as no mentor system

no guild halls no interaction other than chat or maybe if you have players same levels on same quests


I think my first paid month is my last - good luck with the game


you do know they announced Guild Capital Ships just before launch right?

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thats so true man :) people need to learn to settle down. All the **** is coming...they just have to wait.


Unfortunately..we are in the NOW NOW NOW era...


Amen, Brother. Seems people today are all about the instant gratification. Like I was in a previous post, there are tons of MMOs out there, I am sure one will have what you like in it(then again, probably not), so quit yer *****in' and go play one you REALLY like.


Just my two cents.

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Like the look of the new features 1 thing i would like to see is some sort of summoning stone for the heroics+2/+4 as it can be a pain waiting around for other people to arrive' But other than that updates sound like something to look forward to
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Like the look of the new features 1 thing i would like to see is some sort of summoning stone for the heroics+2/+4 as it can be a pain waiting around for other people to arrive' But other than that updates sound like something to look forward to


in beta they had an ability that was supposed to do that but it never seemed to work.



So it seems they are thinking about it.

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I hope that they have been listening to the community well enough to know that we want a toggle hood option for jedi knights. The fact that jedi always wearing their hood up is "lame"


As a marauder, I'd LOVE to have hood up chest armors ... I have none unitl teir armors.


Ofcoarse I'd also like to have a chance at a drop during hardmode flashpoints ... but ofcoarse there is NONE .. nadda. The ONLY thing I can hope for is winning the 'teir token" from the last boss in a hardmode ... otherwise I hve zero chance of loot. I feel like I'm playng end-game ... but I haven't reached the end-game.


Please fix the marauder loot issue bioware that YOU created by changing us to medium armor so late in beta. I tire of seeing EVERY (and I am not exxagerating in the least here) ... mob in a hardmode flashpoint drp Heavy armor and Imp Agent armor. I've have NEVER saw a medium armor drop that was for a marauder.


Hopefully this same loot descrpeency doesn't exist in Operations.

Edited by Deurg
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There was something mentioned earlier while I was reading through all the posts I missed and I agree with:


There's nothing here at the endgame to truly satisfy those who don't have time to sit here for 2 hours or more doing raids.


I work alot and I have other things in life that needs to be done to where I can't really devote time to sit here and play TOR for more than an hour or so at a time (maybe once or twice since release I was able to get several hours in a row, but that is a rarity). I've finally reach level 50 and hit Illum, but even after class story quests, I don't have time to sit there, wait for a group or guild to gather just to do a raid. I've checked at various times of the days but, not sure if its the server I play on or what, there seems to never be enough people on. Sure I can go back and do some heroics again, but why do something twice when there's no real benefit from it. Once I hit level 50 and finished the class quest, first question out of my mouth was: "Now what?". Sure I could go PVP, but I'm not a PVP fan which is why I joined a PVE server. Not enough time for nice Raids or anything so I really see no longevity for this game. More single quests and or story expansion would be great.


The only feature that looks great is the Legacy cause it seems that might expand the character I have more to making it worth playing again.

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I've been looking around and can't find anything on what exactly is coming out in the next patch. If there is can you provide the link? I've found the upcoming maintenance patch page but that doesn't tell me what's being done to improve the game.


Is there any word on game efficiency? I was thinking my computer was in need a some serious upgrading (I'm not going to lie to you it is) but I've been talking to people running 2x 1g graphics cards and 12+ g of ram and still lagging... Is there anything being done to help out the low end budget people that cant afford a $5000 computer? 1-10 FR is hard to play through. :(

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Reading some of the responses in this thread, I realize it's a good thing I wasn't in charge of developing a game like this, because I'd be all like "Fine, the hell with ya's all then, game over."


People whine and nerdrage about the 37 broken things in the game, but do these same people take time to praise the 3 million other moving parts that are working just fine?


I guarantee at least half of the complainers couldn't even conceive of all the things that could go wrong as compared to the things that actually have gone wrong.


Personally I say, sure there are some bugs, (some enough to make me pull my hair out, lol), but overall great job devs, and thank you!

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UI Customization. Very nice.


Please don't dumb this game down. Please?!? While improvement and tweaking will always be a part of MMO life, improvement and tweaking for it's own sake.... meh me don't likey so much. :D


The only other thing I would like to see added - a Target Assist when grouping.

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and i really prefer not to go through thousands of posts to see but...


I'd like to see some kind of threat tracking system. Maybe a meter, maybe the mobs nameplate goes yellow when you start to lose threat, it's red when you have full threat, something along those lines. And it'd be nice to have clickable nameplates. Tab target isn't too friendly right now, and targeting can be an issue when there are lots of mobs im trying to keep off ppl.


I realllly can't wait to see the UI customizations and the legacy benefits. Quite ready for a guild bank as well!

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