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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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UI Customisation would be great - though they're working on improving it (which may or may not mean it'll be custom but atleast it'll better.


As for the adding friends - you can add them when they're offline you just need to know their character name :)


Hmm . . . unless this is an update in the last week, I have been unable to add any friends when they are offline. It says that they are offline or don't exist. And yes I have checked spelling and so forth.

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Ok, so I have a bone to pick with Bioware. Given that this is a brand new MMO, the character customization options are some of the most limited I have ever seen. I mean, how many toons do I need to see wandering around that look almost identical to mine (minus makeup and perhaps hair color)?


We first have only 4 types of very basic and boring character builds--and even stereotypical--super skinny, average/built, really tall/built, and super fat. Where are the other choices? Not ONE of these resonated with me: Ohh, I suppose I had to chose one, but the toons I have created are no where near what I want them to be like.


Hair types? We must mean a lack of hair types. Some races may have a type they normally run with, but there are always those who try to move beyond the "normal" to something different.


Complexion? Ok there are many different options for character complexion; unfortunately, one's complexion does not significantly change the character. Its like being tan or having liver spots--same face with seasonal/health differences.


Makeup options? I do have to say that even this was disappointing. My wife went through them and could not decide what she wanted. I asked why and she said there were none she liked.


It's time to get with it Bioware: put features in that are expected in what you have so nicely called one of the most successful MMOs in history.

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Yeah, he's definitely a Miralukan sith - but even if he's not, a dark Jedi getting to go tear it up on Korriban would also be pretty cool.


Poor James, he looks (and sounds) like he's been up all night. I'm guessing he got called in to make that video. Don't listen to the haters BW! You're doing yeoman's work with this game, it's awesome, and you've got my sub!


I saw a miraluka darksider, i never saw korriban.

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Ok, so I have a bone to pick with Bioware. Given that this is a brand new MMO, the character customization options are some of the most limited I have ever seen. I mean, how many toons do I need to see wandering around that look almost identical to mine (minus makeup and perhaps hair color)?


We first have only 4 types of very basic and boring character builds--and even stereotypical--super skinny, average/built, really tall/built, and super fat. Where are the other choices? Not ONE of these resonated with me: Ohh, I suppose I had to chose one, but the toons I have created are no where near what I want them to be like.


Hair types? We must mean a lack of hair types. Some races may have a type they normally run with, but there are always those who try to move beyond the "normal" to something different.


Complexion? Ok there are many different options for character complexion; unfortunately, one's complexion does not significantly change the character. Its like being tan or having liver spots--same face with seasonal/health differences.


Makeup options? I do have to say that even this was disappointing. My wife went through them and could not decide what she wanted. I asked why and she said there were none she liked.


It's time to get with it Bioware: put features in that are expected in what you have so nicely called one of the most successful MMOs in history.


This is not aion, you want thousands of customization options go play that or city of heroes.

This however does have more customization options then the following games World of warcraft, everquest,everquest 2, Rift, warhammer age of reckoning and i do believew even conan had less option then swtor. So i would say very sucessful charecter optimization sense they have beat out some of the most reckonizable and well known mmos.

Edited by Celticprince
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re-posted per mod:



I'm drooling over the upcoming UI changes, that will be an epic patch.


I would love to see the following changes to the UI included:




- Ability to re-size all elements (from the video looks like this is a go).


- Ability to unlock, move, and lock all elements.


- Goes with above but I particularly want to be able to lock chat window position(s) and sizes.


- Allow us to move around Companion skills in their expanded and collapsed quickbars, and particularly allow us to put any of their 12 skills in the 4 collapsed quickbar slots.


- Ability to show all 5 quickbars at bottom center simultaneously. Or 4 at the very least.


- Access to a UI API or client-side UI elements so the community can begin to make custom skins.

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This is intended as constuctive, please dont take this as an attack:


More of the same that every other MMORPG has.


We have had over a decade of exactly what is in the video in other games (we all know them), its stale and boring.


The legacy system looks like its rewarding people for bum in seat time infront of a monitor, something I REALLY dislike.


Things id like to see however;


i- A way to gear up and/or have something to do at end game for employed gamers who cannot and will not sit in front of a monitor for 3-4+ hours, in one sitting, "raiding", I work 10 hour days, with a wife and little girl, gaming time is a precious commodity.


Simply treating the guys and gals that slug it out in real life like second class citizens because we cant glue ourselves to a computer game is why world of warcraft has pandas.


ii- An option to select a voice for your charictor, I find myself not being able to tolerate some classes solely due to their voice.


I realise that this is a new game, but watching the video i get the sinking feeling, that there is again nothing for me here... please dont have pandas, try to keep us working adults interested


those who put in the time get rewarded, all there is to it, if you can't play more then an hour at a time your still going to get what those that play 5 hours a day are going to get, and in the same amount of time just count it by actualy hours played, takes me 5 hours of raiding in one night to get a nice peice of gear, takes you 1 hour a night in 5 nights to get that same piece of gear, same amount of time spent. I don't see a problem here.


now on the other hand, the selectable voice idea, that I would love to see.

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I just want to have a hood over my helmet, please just give this to me.... please!


you got to be kidding you want a hood roll as force user and you can have pleanty cloaks


A hood off is what i invision there are so many good armours but due to the fixed hood i need to pick a diffrent armour since you cannot put the hood up or down I do not understand why Bioware cannot do this function

Even in the Movies they could put the hoods down

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What's the deal with all the haters? There's always hiccups when a new game launches. I will give you the fact that they had this in the works for way too long, but this is far from Duke Nukem Forever.


This is coming close to DNF. PvP is in such a poor state following with the persistent 'hackers' that cheat, teleport, flying, noclip through everything etc. There is minimal security regarding anti-cheat it's pathetic even the years old known programs works.


As much as I love levelling there has to be persistent endgame content not just get bored sitting at 50. Basilisk Droid has already had a mass exodus. They have until I've levelled each class to 50, to fix PvP and customer service otherwise I'll just cancel my subscription.

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The UI customization in the video looked very sub par compared to pretty much -any- other game on the market... just from what was shown in the video.


If you can't scale the UI elements independently, then there's no real customization other than moving something around to where it looks out of place.


But at least there's hope for dual screens.


Oh yeah... chat bubbles. Are those on a list somewhere, as an option of coarse?

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Finally some UI scaling. And Legacy, we get access to more abilities? That I didn't expect.


Oh yeah... chat bubbles. Are those on a list somewhere, as an option of coarse?

YES! Please, chat bubbles (or visible chat over heads) is a must. I didn't see it but I totally agree! Have been missing this alot.

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i got a sick feeling that this game is on the same shuttle to the sun that DC Universe strapped itself to right out of the gate. the makers are so fixated on trying to make their game so unique, they skipped over a lot of basics that should have been taken care of right away... so many good games have come and gone for this purpose.. learn from their mistakes. Edited by PlacidDream
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I am sorry, this game is leaps years ahead of DC Universe Online. I have a life Subscription and well in 2 days you are grinding and grinding.


This game makes me feel like I am a part of the Star Wars Universe and DC Failed at making me feel like a hero or villian in DC Comics.


I am really looking forward to the future of this game.

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I really like the Legacy concept. SWTOR is one of the MMO where I really do enjoy leveling alternative characters without the feeling of undermining another of my character development.


I enjoy experiencing each class and faction without "dialog-skipping" them. The only quest cutscenes that I end up kicking quickly out the way are the Flashpoints because these ones are really repeatitive once you've listened to them once already :p


Right now I have a Jedi Sage level 50, a Mercenary level 50 and current active Jedi Guardian level 43, and others "newborn classes" from level 1 to 6 waiting to be played.

And as today, my Legacy level is 18.


For these reasons I share the following concerns about the Legacy system:


I'd like some more details on the Legacy system:

-Will it give incentives for playing the opposite faction?

-Will the perks be retroactive to existing characters?


Right now I've stopped creating alts due to the limitation on character slots per server and a fear that I will miss out on some Legacy features if I create an alt prematurely. That's right: I've stopped creating alts because of a system that is supposed to encourage creating alts. This needs to be addressed.


And as long as there's a chance someone is actually reading this, I'd like to know if Bioware would ever consider increasing/lifting the character cap on servers, and how the community feels about it. I'd personally like to ultimately create a character of all 16 ACs on the same server, but at present this is not possible. My alternative is having an Imperial server and a Republic server, but if the Legacy system creates incentives to play both factions on a single server, this idea has to be scrapped too (which brings me right back to needing details on the Legacy system).


Help me, Bioware. You're my only hope!


UI improvements - yes please. ASAP.


Legacy system is retroactive I hope? meaning existing Alts can benefit from whatever it is they get?


PvP ranking is fine but please fix abilities, give ability to mark targets, macro (i.e. mouseover, focus, mark targets etc)


With the legacy system we see a Blind Sith Warrior and the comment is new characters can be added to the family tree.


What of existing characters or will this not be retroactive?


With the Mircule (sp) sith warrior is that what it will open up the option to play republic races as empire and empire races and republic? Will there be any new species added. I don't think anyone has said they want more near human options but rather more of the alien options. Blind Human, Green Human, Cyborg Human or Grey Human all are ultimately Humans.



Dear Bioware,


Can we have some confirmation on whether or not the legacy race features will affect current characters or not?...


As a player who has already created a lot of alts and has put time into them, I would like the option to use these "epic legacy rewards" on all my characters and not just new ones.


I'm sure many people who are already working on their 2nd, 3rd and even 4th level 50 character are as concerned with this subject as I am.


Any confirmation at all would be great,


-Has too much free time-



I have already began leveling my alts as the end game is far from running smooth.I sure hope there is a option once you unlock legacy items to customize your toons , I am not going to delete level 20 alts because the legacy system was not ready at launch.


If the end game wasn't broken I would push just 1 toon to 50 but since I see no reason to push to sit and wait for fixes I leveld all of my toons when they have rested and they are all around 15 - 20. Give us a tailor session or something to use our legacy items or it will just be wasted rewards since legacy doesnt transfer to different servers. Or give us more slots .


While I'm not at all expecting to be able to retroactively modify such things as the race of my alternative characters, I do however really hope the existing characters, and not only characters created after the expanded Legacy system is implemented, will be able to be an active part of the Legacy and to enjoy the new bonuses not related directly to the character creation.


For example if it's possible to create "sisters" in the Legacy system, I want to be able to define my already existing alternative characters as such. And not to have to delete them and start them all over again, just because such feature would only be available to new characters.


After all if I care about such Legacy system, bringing a sens of family of to all your characters, is because I grow found of them while "growing them up".

Edited by Elysith
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you got to be kidding you want a hood roll as force user and you can have pleanty cloaks


A hood off is what i invision there are so many good armours but due to the fixed hood i need to pick a diffrent armour since you cannot put the hood up or down I do not understand why Bioware cannot do this function

Even in the Movies they could put the hoods down


You didn't even read hs post, it was like 1 sentence and you didn't even read it.

What he wants is not just a hood. He wants the hoods to be visible while wearing a helmet, which is something that used to be available in beta.

God would you seriously look before you post.


You basically completely ignored his request and countered with your own request which is completely different.

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I don't clearly see what happens to TOR life after 50 if you are not into Raiding or Flash points, or PVP or group play in general. I would like to know what the team is doing to keep people like me (and it's not just me) who just want to enjoy the game by him/herself and not be bothered with Group Play?


Thank You.


Legacy. Level another character.


Seriously this game is an MMO. Group interaction is pretty much in the job description.

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Legacy. Level another character.


Seriously this game is an MMO. Group interaction is pretty much in the job description.


While your correct that MMO's are suppose to be Group Played Games your also missing the point that BioWare said that one of the cool features about this Game is that you can play the Game by yourself without being forced to do alot of Grouping to do the Major Fun Stuff or great Rewards. So if i understood the person correctly he was just hoping that they would add more stuff to do for People like himself that enjoy being able to play the Game without having to wait and gather a group together to do the things they wanna do.

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This is coming close to DNF. PvP is in such a poor state following with the persistent 'hackers' that cheat, teleport, flying, noclip through everything etc. There is minimal security regarding anti-cheat it's pathetic even the years old known programs works.


As much as I love levelling there has to be persistent endgame content not just get bored sitting at 50. Basilisk Droid has already had a mass exodus. They have until I've levelled each class to 50, to fix PvP and customer service otherwise I'll just cancel my subscription.

then ****! we don't need another one that rushes to endgame in a game that you are supposed to have fun and take your time. All you do is rush to endgame and then moan there is no endgame OF COURSE THERE ISN'T!! It's an mmo! MMOs dont have endgames! It's called raiding..blah blah more same crap. There is NO SET ENDGAME! Why don't people get this !!! **** then if you dont like it!

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See what you have to look forward to in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! This new video highlights just some of the new content and game systems coming out over the coming months, including a look at the expanded Legacy system, UI customization, and information on new Warzones and Flashpoints!


Watch Now


Any word on the options to change the quickbar layouts? I personally prefer my bars 1 and 2 in a 2x6 style because of my choice of hotkeys.


(Bar 1)

1 2 3 4 5 6

z x c v f g


for a rough example.


Anyone got an idea on that?

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