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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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I'm sorry but there is nothing really special about this announcement except maybe for the Legacy system.


All the rest of the stuff should've been implemented from the start, not be seen as something special..


I mean come on.. a guild bank.. that is just so obvious I really don't understand why they had to wait for the community to ask them.. have they never played MMOs before? he says they will add a guild bank like they are doing us a favor..


Scalable UI? about time! this is also something that should've been there from the start, it's not like this is something new and exciting..


PvP ranking system.. ok that's not bad but at the same time it was to be expected...


All in all it does just seem to be a message to appease the masses.. I guess it was needed but I would've liked to see something new and exciting coming up

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Word of advice to people who keep ************ about the glitches and bugs and performance issues. Just take a look at the patch fixes for WoW in the first few months


Some of World of Warcraft's Patch 1.11.0

- Character model transparency has been modified to fix an issue where PC’s would appear to have a large hole in their model (be on the lookout!).


- Eating and Drinking: You will no longer fall through a chair you are sitting in if you eat or drink.


- Fixed several typographical errors in various guard directions.


- A few more civilians, who previously assisted guards, no longer do so.


Bug Fixes


- You no longer take durability damage if you die from a player-cast debuff after zoning.


- You get a failure message if you fail to dispel debuffs on yourself.


- If Heroic Strike or Raptor Strike fails, your combat swing will do normal damage.


- Fixed cursor tooltip positioning in widescreen video modes.


- You will be removed from combat when Bloodrage ends, unless you are engaged with the enemy.


- The range for resurrection is the same whether the target player has released or not.


-The Warlock Succubus will no longer auto-cast Seduction on a creature with damage over time effects on them.


- Warlock minions are now properly labeled as minions when logging in.


- Pets can no longer agro creatures in rooms above or below them.


- Mind Vision now cancels when the target is not visible.


- Shapeshifted Druids now maintain proper voice over.


- Spell charges are properly retained after zoning.


- Heals from the priest’s Vampiric Embrace will no longer keep the priest in combat.


- Right-clicking on a lower rank Lightwell while a higher rank Lightwell Renew is on will no l-longer expend a charge.


- Ghost icons now appear appropriately in Raid UI pullouts.


- Friendly creatures' pets no longer occasionally attack a player’s pet.


- Area-of-effect spells will no longer occasionally damage creatures with which you are not at war.


- The Warriors’s ability Execute now dims properly when the target is dead.


- If a Hunter dies just as a pet is tamed, the pet won’t lose its innate abilities.


- The Rogue’s ability Distract now works properly against other players.


- Fixed a bug that caused abilities to lock up after being feared, charmed, or polymorphed.


- Other players will properly see the changes when you toggle the Show Helm or Show - - - Cloak option.


- Fixed a bug where characters were able to exceed 100% of their normal mana regeneration while casting.


Seriously Blizzard, why didn't you fix my ability lag...

Edited by Shaudellx
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UI customization is great and all but if I still can't tell my hots from others and add Digits VS Fading Icons for CDs and HOTS then it's moot.


Please don't be like Rift lol Wardens still can't tell a hot from a hot(I believe) in a Raid Via the Raid UI(not even Addons can do it). And for the love of God, give me digits. I wanna know down to the last Nanosecond when that CDs gonna be up and when that hot or dot is gonna be down. This is important for Efficiency.

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UI customization is great and all but if I still can't tell my hots from others and add Digits VS Fading Icons for CDs and HOTS then it's moot.


Please don't be like Rift lol Wardens still can't tell a hot from a hot(I believe) in a Raid Via the Raid UI(not even Addons can do it). And for the love of God, give me digits. I wanna know down to the last Nanosecond when that CDs gonna be up and when that hot or dot is gonna be down. This is important for Efficiency.

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UI customization is great and all but if I still can't tell my hots from others and add Digits VS Fading Icons for CDs and HOTS then it's moot.


Please don't be like Rift lol Wardens still can't tell a hot from a hot(I believe) in a Raid Via the Raid UI(not even Addons can do it). And for the love of God, give me digits. I wanna know down to the last Nanosecond when that CDs gonna be up and when that hot or dot is gonna be down. This is important for Efficiency.


when did games stop being just about fun for you?




I'm sorry but there is nothing really special about this announcement except maybe for the Legacy system.


All the rest of the stuff should've been implemented from the start, not be seen as something special..


I mean come on.. a guild bank.. that is just so obvious I really don't understand why they had to wait for the community to ask them.. have they never played MMOs before? he says they will add a guild bank like they are doing us a favor..


Scalable UI? about time! this is also something that should've been there from the start, it's not like this is something new and exciting..


PvP ranking system.. ok that's not bad but at the same time it was to be expected...


All in all it does just seem to be a message to appease the masses.. I guess it was needed but I would've liked to see something new and exciting coming up


the reason they release this stuff, is to keep players coming back, and dont go all: bawww they just do that caus they knew this game was gona fail and need keep players on a candy trail.


this is just marketing 101, keep the customers coming back with new things


ofcourse with internet communities like this you just keep talking to a wall

Edited by dakkafex
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It's funny how everyone gets into an uproar over BioWare not responding to the community, then a further uproar when they release any new information. Every dev post is ridiculously trolled no matter what they say. If they say something like "Hey you guys wanted more forums, we're working on adding that," they get responses like "Fix your broken game." They talk about future features and additional content that I've seen requested all over these forums, but they of course get responses like "If I don't get my issue fixed next patch, UNSUB!!!"


BioWare already confirmed the graphics issues, and ability delay. That doesn't mean they will just put everything else that's already in development on hold. I imagine they have teams working on content separately from bug fixes. After all, I wouldn't fire the writers or world architects over ability delay. Would you?


In no way am I defending this as a perfect game, because it's far from it. However, in my one month playing it so far, I haven't come across any game breaking issues. I've had slow down, but nothing unplayable. The ability delay is manageable for me. High-end graphics I'm a little peeved about, but again it's quite playable. I'm absolutely baffled at the lack of some features, but it's pretty clear where their focus was when developing the game, and now it's their time to work on making this into an MMO by fixing or adding features.


These forums have been just about as productive as a page of YouTube comments. Constructive criticism is almost nonexistent.


Sorry, end of rant. I like the changes/additions they've laid out, and I hope they come sooner than later. In the meantime, I'll go back to leveling and enjoying the stories.

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It's funny how everyone gets into an uproar over BioWare not responding to the community, then a further uproar when they release any new information. Every dev post is ridiculously trolled no matter what they say. If they say something like "Hey you guys wanted more forums, we're working on adding that," they get responses like "Fix your broken game." They talk about future features and additional content that I've seen requested all over these forums, but they of course get responses like "If I don't get my issue fixed next patch, UNSUB!!!"


BioWare already confirmed the graphics issues, and ability delay. That doesn't mean they will just put everything else that's already in development on hold. I imagine they have teams working on content separately from bug fixes. After all, I wouldn't fire the writers or world architects over ability delay. Would you?


In no way am I defending this as a perfect game, because it's far from it. However, in my one month playing it so far, I haven't come across any game breaking issues. I've had slow down, but nothing unplayable. The ability delay is manageable for me. High-end graphics I'm a little peeved about, but again it's quite playable. I'm absolutely baffled at the lack of some features, but it's pretty clear where their focus was when developing the game, and now it's their time to work on making this into an MMO by fixing or adding features.


These forums have been just about as productive as a page of YouTube comments. Constructive criticism is almost nonexistent.


Sorry, end of rant. I like the changes/additions they've laid out, and I hope they come sooner than later. In the meantime, I'll go back to leveling and enjoying the stories.


Dear BioWare, can I get a like button for his post?

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My impressions


*first two seconds of the video*

No wonder they haven't got anything done, they were busy making flashy introductions. Glad to see they have their priorities right.-- Wait what? Did you say "See how you rank against other players"? Are you seriously trying to make SWTOR a competitive game with the hero engine? Well you must not know what competitive gaming is and how the minds of competitive gamers work. If we cannot shave off 0.2 seconds off every skill and animation then it isn't considered a competitive environment.

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My impressions


*first two seconds of the video*

No wonder they haven't got anything done, they were busy making flashy introductions. Glad to see they have their priorities right.-- Wait what? Did you say "See how you rank against other players"? Are you seriously trying to make SWTOR a competitive game with the hero engine? Well you must not know what competitive gaming is and how the minds of competitive gamers work. If we cannot shave off 0.2 seconds off every skill and animation then it isn't considered a competitive environment.


It was the programmers and class design teams that put the logo and video branding together? Must be crazy working at Bioware - every time someone works on a project, big or small, literally the whole company has to down tools and work on that specific thing as one massive unit!

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And sadly everything introduced will be bugged to hell and broken. Things wont work as intended and then they spend the next few months trying to fix it all. Edited by Paralassa
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New to mmo's aren't you?


^^^You are awesome lol^^^



You people are idiots I am in no way trying to say this game is perfect but HELLO it's an MMO people. They are literally a cycle of constantly fixing things. So much stuff goes into an MMO that things constantly get issues that need fixed.


I bet all you people saying the game was not ready to be released were the ones crying about it being delayed.


Biggest problem is the whole time this game was being made people compared it to WOW now the game is out (and doing a lot better than early days WOW) and you all expect it to be as polished as a game that has been out for what like 10 years. Get real people, babies aren't born with the ability to run.

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I'm tired of people saying "it's an MMO there are going to be problems", well duh, but then there is inexcusable stuff like crap UI options and oh you know, the whole PvP fiasco...their beta-testing was a joke, they barely listened to their testers and neglected to find things out that very well could have been found out and addressed prior to release if they'd simply had half a clue and cared about anything besides being able to market and make money.
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Jesus people paying 15 dollars a month to complain and whine about every little flaw in this game -___- seriously. I will admit yes the game needs some tweaks here and there. AND PLEASE STOP COMPARING TO WoW... This game just came out and WoW has been out for years so yes... No **** its not as buggy... I give this game maybe a year before all major flaws are fixed. I played WoW on release... You think this **** is bad you must be new to MMOs then...
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