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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rollback or Sub Cancellations


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OP, take a minute to intelligently explain to us exactly what this 'exploit' was and why it warrants a rollback.


He was "ganked" on a "pvp" server in Illum and farmed via aoe's at their spawn if what I read was corect lol .... go figure

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Republic players did not create the server imbalance. Now the imbalance will be huge because of the vast majority of sith being battlemaster equipped. Who wants to get their asses kicked for a few months because a poor choice by bioware? Nobody. So Republic will not pvp anymore (I know I won't). Add to that there is little enough endgame and no token system for pve flashpoints... yes. Bioware will be losing a lot of subs. And they will keep bleeding subs until hooray FTP no more development. I am a huge Star Wars fanboy but I am now at a good 50 valor rank deficit to the majority of the other team. And it's not like they are good and deserve the points. Any republic who died got screwed by spawn campers for hours yesterday. They were camped so far and deep 30 seconds of immunity would not have helped.


I doubt I will sub again. If I do, I doubt I will again after that. I waited for this game for years and they basically ruined it with one poorly thought out change. Thanks Bioware.

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How is he completely wrong, exactly? Most Empire players will now start receiving battlemaster bags that they can open for battlemaster gear.


If you had read the portion of his post that I quoted, you would see what my statement was referring to. Not only does BioWare care about the imbalance, when said imbalance caused Illum to break down they developed an emergency fix and implemented the fix in under 48 hours.


The 'outgearing' the poster refers to is neither proven to be consistent with all Imperial PvPr's, nor has BioWare stated they would not address this.


Looking at the BioWare history of updates to the game over the last month, we find that BioWare cares very much about all aspects of the game, and like you would address any massively complex system, it is being tweaked and refined every single week. To anyone that knows anything about how complex systems are deployed, the speed of BioWares response to issues that have arisen within the game is something truly amazing to behold.


To people that do not understand, and have failed to do even the smallest amount of research, they post whining rants accusing BioWare of nonsensical behaviors that simply aren't true. The original poster makes an assumption based on a illogical and untruthful claim.


So once again, with gusto:


Please apply more than 30 seconds of thought before posting. Focus on the topic at hand, read all relative materials and gather the correct information pertaining to the subject before typing. Give said information considerate and intense thought, collecting your thoughts in an organized and logical manner before clicking on the "Submit New Thread" button. This will save you the embarrassment of being completely wrong.



Thank you.

Edited by Razyr
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OP, take a minute to intelligently explain to us exactly what this 'exploit' was and why it warrants a rollback.


There is absolutely no need for me to do that. If you are not up to speed and you do not know what has happened, I suggest you spend more time in the game or reading the forums. I have a sneaking suspicion you are fully aware of the problems. If not, I'm sorry. Try to find posts that haven't been locked.

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Bioware, apparently, doesn't care about the fact that WZs will be incredibly lop sided now due to Empire outgearing Republic.


It goes both ways depending on what server you're on , like on my server its the republic which is overgearing the empire.

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I dont know whats worse.. that the forums are flooded with people expressing there concerns for the game and what they plan to do in response to what is happening in the game.. or that the community response to HUNDREDS of these posts is "fine.. go away"..


do none of you want this game to succeed? Do none of you realize that when you open the forums and see page after page of "sub cancelled" posts, that it is a "BAD THING". Seriously.. are you all just going to keep your heads in the sand so you can keep trying to convince yourselves that we are the minority.


I typically don't complain about things. It leads to a less stress life. I'll be damned if I'm going to spend my time complaining about a game on a public forum.


I will admit, I did jump on the ilum turret-killing-for-valor bandwagon yesterday, but since no one could prove to me that any wrong doing was done, I didn't get too worked up.


This is just another entitled person with entitlement issues behaving in an entitled manor. Go.

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Most of the people saying "FINE LEAVE!" probably don't even have characters outside of lvl 40 and won't even see the problems this caused for weeks. Then they'll start questioning as to why nothing was done but it'll be too late by then. By the way, just because a problem doesn't currently affect YOU, doesn't mean it isn't a problem. Edited by laparkuh
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Meh, I'd cancel if I was a true PVPer, but I'm not. I'll just stop queuing up for Warzones instead. Imps love Huttball anyway, right?


In all seriousness, bad move IMO, but not enough to make me quit the game. And I doubt me and my mediocre healing quitting PVP is going to change anything.

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There is absolutely no need for me to do that. If you are not up to speed and you do not know what has happened, I suggest you spend more time in the game or reading the forums. I have a sneaking suspicion you are fully aware of the problems. If not, I'm sorry. Try to find posts that haven't been locked.


I still don't know what you're talking about. People camping a spawn? They kicked everyone out of ilum and disabled the taxi. Then they took the servers down today to put in a fix. So in 2 hours people were battlemasters because they aoe spawn killed a handful of republic who were too dumb to log out instead of respawning to their death over and over and over?


Or is it something else?

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yeah cause most people cant reach 50 in 3-4 weeks.


and yeah im 50.



I'm glad so many people can admit they'd rather play this as a single player game. Because if GET OUT is your answer to everything then eventually you'll have what you want...

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There is absolutely no need for me to do that. If you are not up to speed and you do not know what has happened, I suggest you spend more time in the game or reading the forums. I have a sneaking suspicion you are fully aware of the problems. If not, I'm sorry. Try to find posts that haven't been locked.


I have a sneaking suspicion you don't actually realize what the issue is but like forum cattle you clung to the original "Turrets are giving 2k valor and they respawn immediately!" or "Players went from rank X to 60 in less than a day" without, you know, actually taking the time to demand proof of these claims.


This reminds me of the "Players are already level 50 thanks to the PvP system" post that popped up that the Snowdrones clungs to like mad long after it was proven not to be the case.

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I typically don't complain about things. It leads to a less stress life. I'll be damned if I'm going to spend my time complaining about a game on a public forum.


I will admit, I did jump on the ilum turret-killing-for-valor bandwagon yesterday, but since no one could prove to me that any wrong doing was done, I didn't get too worked up.


This is just another entitled person with entitlement issues behaving in an entitled manor. Go.


How did you jump on a bandwagon that doesn't exist? Turrets never gave valor...


And on a another note the people complaining about every imp becoming battlemaster overnight do you realize what it takes to get there? The only people who reached battlemaster from this were at most 10 days from being there on their own. Illum was not giving 500k valor in 8 hours.

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I'm glad so many people can admit they'd rather play this as a single player game. Because if GET OUT is your answer to everything then eventually you'll have what you want...


For the.. I dunno how many "ith" time.. this game is no less single player than any other MMO in existence.


Because YOU CHOOSE to play solo does not change the fact that it is:


1. A massive game

2. A multiplayer game

3. A persistent world

4. Capable of allowing players to group and play together at ANY time.



All four of which are the only requirements a game needs to be an MMO.

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Most of the people saying "FINE LEAVE!" probably don't even have characters outside of lvl 40 and won't even see the problems this caused for weeks. Then they'll start questioning as to why nothing was done but it'll be too late by then. By the way, just because a problem doesn't currently affect YOU, doesn't mean it isn't a problem.


I have a 50 and a 40 two 20's



I say leave if you don't like the game. As that's a logical action.


Stupid people stick around and continue to complain and whine about a game they don't like.


The world has plenty of stupid people, we don't need any more.

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No rollback can occur since it would really screw over a lot of people besides the imps on Ilum.


Plus, the Battlemaster gear isn't some auto-win button in PvP. Its 4 item levels higher... just 4. I play a Jedi Sentinel, it sucks we got the short end of the stick this time, but I'm encouraged they fixed a major issue very quickly.

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For the.. I dunno how many "ith" time.. this game is no less single player than any other MMO in existence.


Because YOU CHOOSE to play solo does not change the fact that it is:


1. A massive game

2. A multiplayer game

3. A persistent world

4. Capable of allowing players to group and play together at ANY time.



All four of which are the only requirements a game needs to be an MMO.



You're rage makes it impossible for you to understand my post so let me help you. I said, "IF people keep telling others to GET OUT, then you're left with no one playing but yourself, IE a single player game." Get it now?

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You're rage makes it impossible for you to understand my post so let me help you. I said, "IF people keep telling others to GET OUT, then you're left with no one playing but yourself, IE a single player game." Get it now?


My rage? how about rage quoting the wrong post?



By the way I'm not raging.



But since you're oddly reorganizing posts and stringing them together.


Post one from my standpoint had nothing to do with post two.


Let me explain it to you so you understand.



Many topics on this forum in the past have called this game a single player one, my post was directed at that stance.



Post two is only pointing out the logical conclusion that if you don't like something, then don't do it. Stop being as baby because things didn't go your way and move on.


Why because while some people do not like the game others do and will continue to play it because of that fact.


Result: I find it very highly unlikely that this game will ever reach a point where there will be absolutely no one to play with thus making it a single player game.



So try to exaggerate harder next time.

Edited by HavenAE
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My rage? how about rage quoting the wrong post?



By the way I'm not raging.



You want people who like the game but have a difference of opinion to leave. I've paid 6month sub. No hatred here, just would like to see a few things polished. The fact you attack those and state they don't like the game proves you're raging pretty hard.


Edit : Nice long edit there for someone who isn't raging at all.

Edited by laparkuh
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