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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nothing has Changed!


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I am/was a guild leader of about 20 active players that all we did was PvP. Now it's about 6. I know 3 that have cancelled their subs and after the Ilum fiasco yesterday less have been on. We felt like a very elite PvP guild, people knew our name everywhere.


Now we all feel disgusted how this patch has changed so much of the core PvP, and the valor farming on Ilum made our valor rank almost worthless. Ilum is worthless now, trying to find rare spawn armaments or I need 30 player kills which are farmed or are no where around.


My heart is a little broken as I have watched this game since it was announced and now I really don't want to come back, as this has left a very bad taste in my mouth as a guild leader that did 80% PvP. I used to think Bioware was one of the best game developers around, after Dragon Age 2 my thoughts changed. Since Bioware grouped up with EA they have just rushed them to make trash now. I'm done Bioware I will never pre order a game from you again. I might wait 6-12months and pick something up from the bargain bin. If it gets a decent review.

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I am/was a guild leader of about 20 active players that all we did was PvP. Now it's about 6. I know 3 that have cancelled their subs and after the Ilum fiasco yesterday less have been on. We felt like a very elite PvP guild, people knew our name everywhere.


Now we all feel disgusted how this patch has changed so much of the core PvP, and the valor farming on Ilum made our valor rank almost worthless. Ilum is worthless now, trying to find rare spawn armaments or I need 30 player kills which are farmed or are no where around.


My heart is a little broken as I have watched this game since it was announced and now I really don't want to come back, as this has left a very bad taste in my mouth as a guild leader that did 80% PvP. I used to think Bioware was one of the best game developers around, after Dragon Age 2 my thoughts changed. Since Bioware grouped up with EA they have just rushed them to make trash now. I'm done Bioware I will never pre order a game from you again. I might wait 6-12months and pick something up from the bargain bin. If it gets a decent review.


I will second this. My thoughts exactly (especially the DA2 bit)


I wish Bioware would listen to us. If they did they could save this game. :(

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I am/was a guild leader of about 20 active players that all we did was PvP. Now it's about 6. I know 3 that have cancelled their subs and after the Ilum fiasco yesterday less have been on. We felt like a very elite PvP guild, people knew our name everywhere.


Now we all feel disgusted how this patch has changed so much of the core PvP, and the valor farming on Ilum made our valor rank almost worthless. Ilum is worthless now, trying to find rare spawn armaments or I need 30 player kills which are farmed or are no where around.


My heart is a little broken as I have watched this game since it was announced and now I really don't want to come back, as this has left a very bad taste in my mouth as a guild leader that did 80% PvP. I used to think Bioware was one of the best game developers around, after Dragon Age 2 my thoughts changed. Since Bioware grouped up with EA they have just rushed them to make trash now. I'm done Bioware I will never pre order a game from you again. I might wait 6-12months and pick something up from the bargain bin. If it gets a decent review.


Couldn't of said it better myself.

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Just to put the numbers i had from my server in again:


Ilum 1: 35 - 55 ( This is probably the closest to playable)

Ilum 2: 25 - 85 ( Yeah, rofl)

Ilum 3: 05 - 19 (at that point of time, now it's around Ilum 2)


Limiting the size of Ilum doesn't fix the core problem. The Faction Imbalance.

And the imbalance still is being ignored completely.


.. what exactly do you expect them to do?


You idiots who think they have control over what characters people choose to roll are living in some sort of fantasy land.

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ok now imperials are just camping at bottom of ranp at rep base


so get on a speeder, and go to one of the other spawn points.


I'd also care if Valor rank meant.. anything. At all.


Access to Battlemaster gear? WOO HOO! 4 rating better! 1 Extra Expertise per slot! 4 extra endurance! ZOMG. GAME-BREAKING IMBALANCE, YO.



Edited by Noctournys
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.. what exactly do you expect them to do?


You idiots who think they have control over what characters people choose to roll are living in some sort of fantasy land.


They could have designed Reps as cool as Imps. They could have designed Reps as efficient as Imps. They could have designed a PvP area which has purpose instead of this brainless zergfest. They could have implemented 3 factions intsead of 2. They could have done many many things to favor balance.


Yes, it is the designers fault, not ours. You are the one living in BW fantasy land of the happy screwed ones.

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So BW told everyone yesterday that they were in the process of figuring out how to more adequately implement the fixes they were going to deploy. But instead, people who are so impatient for what they want ignored the warning and are now still pitching a hissy fit because the things that have been acknowledged as broken are no different then before.


God Please ****, people who have played MMOs and know that things happen and that if we are patient we will get rewarded are simply going to enjoy the game more because you are gone.


You obviously think that telling someone not to play is going to stop them. Especially when they get marketed to and have other friends who may play and tell them how fun it is.


FACT: PVP is one part of this game, not the entire game.

FACT: Ilum is one planet in the entire game.

FACT: Ilum is not the only option you have for participating in PVP.


Some of you folks really need to pull your heads from your rears and try to have fun instead of being such whiny brats.

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It's exactly the same as yesterday, other than when you die, you can spawn without instant dying again.


I really can't imagine how this was created as "PvP"


It's more like, "stand in one spot spamming AoEs hoping to tag something before you explode into the zerg of Imperials"

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so get on a speeder, and go to one of the other spawn points.


I'd also care if Valor rank meant.. anything. At all.


Access to Battlemaster gear? WOO HOO! 4 rating better! 1 Extra Expertise per slot! 4 extra endurance! ZOMG. GAME-BREAKING IMBALANCE, YO.




Thats the problem, you cant, they camp on top of the respawn area, so when yo urespawn, if you get 3 shots off you're lucky before you die again.

This isn't just on Ilum, its anywhere, you can sit on any planet and kill another player repeatedly and tehy can either walk away until you get bored, or log out and come back on later. If they give you an option to clone at another medical center or use quick travel while dead, that will at least give you an option to get out of there.

The only difference with Ilum is that people earn valor points for kills in the base area. Its really a problem everywhere you can have imperial and republic players that are flagged for pvp.

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They could have designed Reps as cool as Imps. They could have designed Reps as efficient as Imps. They could have designed a PvP area which has purpose instead of this brainless zergfest. They could have implemented 3 factions intsead of 2. They could have done many many things to favor balance.


Yes, it is the designers fault, not ours. You are the one living in BW fantasy land of the happy screwed ones.




The designers utterly failed. Republic is boring, Imperial is a blast.

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Its funny to see that you actually expected any different outcome. What did you THINK would happen? That the empire players just lay down their weapons in awe of the instagib zone and stop playing because the ratio is so unfair?


Just lol...





Anyone with experience in PVP could have told BW that these changes would just turn Ilum into a zerg-gank-fest -- IIRC there were threads about it in the test forum. Add the well known faction imbalance and it's a recipe for a huge PR disaster. Much less the bug/exploit that occurred.


Puck-ups do happen and no one is perfect. BW needs to streamline their emergency response action time. They need to get in-front of these issues instead of giving the impression of damage control multiple hours later.


Doesn't matter if the "wall of death" was really damage control or a real intended mechanic. The impression in the public realm now is it was damage control. BW took to long to publicly admit the issue and too long to address it. The fact the patch took more than 24-hours to get implemented and delayed for 6 of those hours just adds more "evidence" that it was an emergency coding project and not intended mechanic.


BW, your response to this issue has been horrible thus far with statements that sound like they are committee written and stink of bureaucracy.


All that said, I'm NOT going to unsub from TOR. BW's reputation has taken a big hit in my mind and it'll take them time to rebuild my trust. I do hope they've learned from this. Their response time to this issue was just as slow as the credit exploit.

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I gave them the benefit of the doubt, i gave them a second chance and I went to Ilum HOPING that something would have changed- Nothing has.


1. Empire dominated- completely.

2. Empire base camping just a little further down the hill.

3. Leave the base and your insta gibbed by 5 to 1 odds.

4. Empire still farming valor just as before, only not as obviously.


Great fix.....


Dude. Take the flightpath out of your base.

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when people start quitting this game, and there are no republic layers in Ilum at all for sith to kill, then maybe you will start to care and ask for some kinda change. Until then, maybe its time to start looking at diffrent games


Actually that's a far more effective way to get Bioware to listen. If the Republics stop showing up and get instant killed, Bioware will listen. This will also stop the Valor gains since there is no longer any enemy to kill.


Well, people will start creating Republic alts to get killed on purpose, but that's a different issue.

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They could have designed Reps as cool as Imps. They could have designed Reps as efficient as Imps. They could have designed a PvP area which has purpose instead of this brainless zergfest. They could have implemented 3 factions intsead of 2. They could have done many many things to favor balance.


Yes, it is the designers fault, not ours. You are the one living in BW fantasy land of the happy screwed ones.


LOL at the people who think world pvp can ever be anything but a "mindless zergfest". You just do not get it. world pvp is never about fairness or balance. it is about finding an advantage and exploiting it. Zerging...it is simply a numbers game. Ganking lowbies...why fight an even fight when you can faceroll lowbies. World Pvp in any game is nothign but a zergfest...you just figuring this out?

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so get on a speeder, and go to one of the other spawn points.


And then wait for the "Republic Player 001 is located here" message to popup? Moving to a new location would be great, if the game didn't broadcast that fact to everyone.

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So I hopped on at lunch today - found 5 republic players on Ilum, none of them responded to me when I asked if they were pvping or whatnot. So I hopped into the base, looked around - didn't see anyone.


Went out and fixed our turrets, then floated out to southern. Half way through flipping it I saw something red speed past and was gone before I could attack it. Well, thats not bad right, just one guy. So I kept flipping.


Then 10 Imps suddenly showed up and squashed me in under 3 seconds. At which point I just sighed and logged off figuring Ilum was just going to be a big gank area.


Last night I even got a group of 9 together (15 people on Ilum total) and we were floating around the zone, capping objectives, collecting stuff at center. But what was ops chat like?


Me: Ok quick cap south and kill that one Imp there

P1: Crap, help one is on me

P2: Where are you guys again?

P1: Wait, theres more of them

P1: RUN AWAY - they're here!


At which point we ran from the zerg of 20 imps that had been chasing us around the zone for about an hour.


This is just an aside to people that say "get some friends". Well, I did - and they got more friends.


It was after dying for the fifth time and not having killed even one of them (LOL 6 sorcs attacking me at once and healing eachother) that I just gave up and left.

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LOL at the people who think world pvp can ever be anything but a "mindless zergfest". You just do not get it. world pvp is never about fairness or balance. it is about finding an advantage and exploiting it. Zerging...it is simply a numbers game. Ganking lowbies...why fight an even fight when you can faceroll lowbies. World Pvp in any game is nothign but a zergfest...you just figuring this out?


It is not my fault if you are 5 years old and have never heard about DAOC, Ultima, or Lineage 2. Please, come back when yuo have grown up, thanks. For the moment, you are just wasting forum space.

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Honestly... a bunch of spoiled children who have never had to get through the launch of an MMO before. the simple fact is that fixing problems in an MMO takes time. If anything i have high hopes for this game as the dev team did something almost immediately to start the process of fixing the problem.


However the development team can only do so much to balance out the populations on a server. yes being outnumbered sucks, but that as they say is how the cookie crumbles. asking the devs to unbalance the game because the population favors one side over another is not the answer. Speaking from my experience in WAR having 3 people wipe out half a raid is no fun. To fix the problem of being outnumbered the community needs to pony up if you have friends on the other side talk to them and try to convince them that they would have just as much if not more fun on your side. if you know people who might be interested in the game but who are not playing it, get them on it and help them get to 50. show some loyalty and start reciting for your side.


this game will do well. that is if it can survive the kiddies throwing a tantrum whenever something happens that they don't like.

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... However the development team can only do so much to balance out the populations on a server...


.. that is if it can survive the kiddies throwing a tantrum whenever something happens that they don't like.


Stereotype more please.


First, the Devs knew about the imbalance yet pushed out this patch *without* addressing the population imbalance in any way.


Second, the response to yesterday's exploit was slow for a MMO dev team.

Edited by Kunari
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They could have designed Reps as cool as Imps. They could have designed Reps as efficient as Imps. They could have designed a PvP area which has purpose instead of this brainless zergfest. They could have implemented 3 factions intsead of 2. They could have done many many things to favor balance.


Yes, it is the designers fault, not ours. You are the one living in BW fantasy land of the happy screwed ones.


I hear hyperbole is cool.


Cool is in the eye of beholder.


"as efficient as" - what does that even mean?


It has a purpose - allow you to gain more valor.


Three factions in Star Wars. Now the trolling is just obvious.


They could have done "many things to favor balance" but yet you dont list one.


Keep on trollin'

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It is not my fault if you are 5 years old and have never heard about DAOC, Ultima, or Lineage 2. Please, come back when yuo have grown up, thanks. For the moment, you are just wasting forum space.



DaoC: laggy buggfest for the first three years with no semblance of class balance (stealthing archers who two shot people - BALANCE!), unplayable RvR, and a third, useless appendix of a faction (that varried by server).


Ultima: a brutal, grind-heavy, lowbie-ganking grief fest where people could TAKE YOUR GEAR. You really want to go back to that?


Lineage 2: a brutal, grind-heavy, lowbie-ganking grief fest where people could TAKE YOUR GEAR. You really want to go back to that?


I've played em all, son, and the problem is they were all exactly like this. "World PvP" isn't some nirvana. There has never been a single game where it was anything other than a zergfest. Wake up.

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Stereotype more please.


First, the Devs knew about the imbalance yet pushed out this patch *without* addressing the population imbalance in any way.


Second, the response to yesterday's exploit was slow for a MMO dev team.


-WHAT- are they going to do to "adress the population imbalance"?


Just start deleting people's characters?

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