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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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-WHAT- are they going to do to "adress the population imbalance"?


Just start deleting people's characters?


How about closing off Ilum until they at least think of a less horrible way to handle it?


But it's too late now anyway. PvP system is too compromised after yesterday. Damage is done.

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-WHAT- are they going to do to "adress the population imbalance"?


Just start deleting people's characters?


Talk about hyperbole.


These are just a few from the forums, I'd imagine professional game designers could do something even better:

  • They could do a bolster to the undermanned faction.
  • Try to keep the two factions balanced by Ilum instance.

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Even if Ilum was 1:1 ratio, it still sucks just because running around zerg grouping each other is boring. I want some strategy not just throwing myself at packs of enemies until I hit 30 kills, then cursing as I go off to try and do my WZ daily only to have long queues.
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Even if Ilum was 1:1 ratio, it still sucks just because running around zerg grouping each other is boring. I want some strategy not just throwing myself at packs of enemies until I hit 30 kills, then cursing as I go off to try and do my WZ daily only to have long queues.


Agreed, but getting to some semblance of even numbers allows them to enhance the zone with more to do. I don't think the previous version of Ilum was all bad idea, it was just there weren't enough Pubs around, so the few that did show up weren't killed so they'd flip the tanks.

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OK right now after trying for 3 hours to play ilum and anther couple hours trying to pvp my observations is republic needs real help. a few easy fixes are as follows


Warfronts at 50 need brackets based on gear owned or win/loss ratio. If your in full battlemaster gear you should never face off against anyone with none. or anyone with only half for that matter. If that means they get long to nonexistant brackets thats fine by us. We need to catch up and you can call tha the penalty for rushing the game instead of playing it. I dont mean you can pvp in this bracket for higher rewards i mean if your gear is x and everyone elses is y you dont play against them. this keeps it balanced. Granted that means empire will be playing empire because at least on my server no republic has that gear yet.


As Far as ilum is concerned if you have battlemaster gear you dont need to be there. also there is 1 of 2 fixes. and a combination of the two would probably work best.


1. limit the pvp zones to the exact same number of players if there is 10 republic in ilum and you have 10 empire new reinforcements cant even enter till more republic do. if you log in in the pvp zone and you would outnumber the other team you simply get kicked to the pve zone. also the pvp stat is voided out on gear while there. that gives fresh 50's a chance to pvp fairly versus full battlemasster people.


2. You do what wow did if there is 50 empire to 10 republic the republic hits 10x harder heals 10x stronger and has 10x higher hitpoints. if you one shot empire thats ok becuse they ot 5x more people so they'll still bring you down eventually.


Now the half way point here is you set a base minimum and allow up to that amount of people in say you set it to 20 if there is 20 on one side and not 20 on another no more can enter your side till they have 21 if your side has more players than the opposite side then they get a buff to health damage and healing that scales exponentially. expertise is set to say 0 for everyone and is null on gear to create a stable playfield. This is the best and easiest fix.


As it stands if bioware doesn't do something immediatly they are going to lose alot of subs as people move on.to something else. and most people wont even bother to pvp on ilum due to the inbalanced gong on.. As tha goes increasing the cost of pvp gear hurts your game at this point. alot of the problem in 50 warfronts is that some players are already in full battlemaster gear and making it harder to get it for everyone else causes a major imbalance that is now harder to fix. I'd say the easiest fix would have been to make it easier to get the gear so that everyone could catch up quickly without feeling like they are beating their head against the wall


I understand bioware doesnt consider pvp to be an importnat aspect of their game and how they've handled the situtation up to now proves that. However some players will only stay with a game if they can experience a good pvp game and if they want to make a good profit of this game they need to cater to both the pvp and pve players simultaneously

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How about closing off Ilum until they at least think of a less horrible way to handle it?


But it's too late now anyway. PvP system is too compromised after yesterday. Damage is done.


Why? because people got useless valor ranks? ZOMG GAME'S TOTALLY RUINED FOLKS.

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Well as for the useless valor ranks, i believe it was the sith players that decided to make it useless, not the republic. Yes, if we had the numbers we prolly would have done the same thing, but we dont so we didnt. Should BW rollback the valor and take away the battlemaster gear from the imps, absolutly. Dont exploit the game, plain and simple. Wow punishes people for exploting things in there game, BW sgould do the same.
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Well as for the useless valor ranks, i believe it was the sith players that decided to make it useless, not the republic. Yes, if we had the numbers we prolly would have done the same thing, but we dont so we didnt. Should BW rollback the valor and take away the battlemaster gear from the imps, absolutly. Dont exploit the game, plain and simple. Wow punishes people for exploting things in there game, BW sgould do the same.


No, theyre just not that useful.


People are freaking out over ZOMGBATTLEMASTER MENG!




its a 4 rating increase over Champion gear.


4 rating.


It's literally like 1-2 stat points per stat, and 2-3% armor/damage, and 2 expertise, per item. It's nothing.


It's an illusion to make people thing it is somehow special. It isn't i assure you.

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-WHAT- are they going to do to "adress the population imbalance"?


Just start deleting people's characters?


Add valor and/or xp bonus to underpopulated side as incentive. Please stop repeating ignorance and try actually thinking.

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