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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dual Spec - It's a must! (NOT ACs)


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ok? at the end the day he still made a choice if he doesnt like it play something else not hard all im saying i didnt cry about a feature when i played a pure dps i rerolled and played the game how it was made not beg devs to cater to my needs.


I believe that choice should be applied to your spec. I'm not begging anyone for anything. Never have. Never will. Especially for crap in a video game.


But I can disagree with what they're doing and be vocal about it.

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a con of this tho could end up having a tank who doesnt have proper tanknig gear or the rotation/ability to tank the requied content affectivly resulting in a whipe fest.


This is a problem with being able to change spec - not with dual spec. This issue would be present even WITHOUT dual spec. Moot point.


he con of this would be that some people would feel they have to have a dual spec in order to do certain things because if they only want to dps but are asked to switch to healer they my end up being left out of contnt because they only simply wont to play dps.


That's an issue with the guild, not with dual spec. You can choose not to dual spec two different roles and if your guild won't let you play because of it, find another guild. This is not an issue with dual spec. Moot point.


i also resent a comment made by someone around page 14 that people only choice dps coz they dont want anyt responsibilty. dps is not as easy as people think and dpsers can still mess up a fp/op and cause whipes. not knowing there skills not being geared properly not paying attention. trying not to pull aggro of tank.


DPS is FAR less responsibility than tanking or healing. Good - you like to DPS. Your job is a lot easier to manage than a tank or healers regardless of how difficult you think it is to maintain your rotation.

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That choice in-game is already reversible with the respec option. AC choice has always been a binding choice - you're made well aware of that.

What duel-spec has over respec is that the player can pre-arrange their point and hotbars to suit their 2nd spec. They also don't have to worry about an escalating cost that affects some people more than others - (tanks that solo as DPS for example).


Duel-spec should never become an easy IWIN button for fast switching inside a flashpoint/during a fight. There should also be a money sink aspect to it that allpies fairly and equally to all the use it.


... You're back to arguing that respecing and dual specing are the same? -_-

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No way... the side railing against the "just re-roll" option for different roles is now advocating "just re-roll" for different roles!


hey he made a choice to play marauder like i said i cant tank or my bh because i have a healing spec if i wanted to tank i would have to reroll to a PT but im not crying about it.


dual spec is coming weather you like it or not so deal with it then again shouldnt be hard to deal with since it doesnt change your game.

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hey he made a choice to play marauder like i said i cant tank or my bh because i have a healing spec if i wanted to tank i would have to reroll to a PT but im not crying about it.


dual spec is coming weather you like it or not so deal with it then again shouldnt be hard to deal with since it doesnt change your game.


Why should his choice of role be inflexible and yours not?

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DPS is FAR less responsibility than tanking or healing. Good - you like to DPS. Your job is a lot easier to manage than a tank or healers regardless of how difficult you think it is to maintain your rotation.


It's easier, but not by far. If you're good you use all your utility abilities to your advantage, have to watch and evolve your rotation based on what's going on, watch your position, watch your aggro.


It's not as simple as you're making it out to be. Tanking? Is relatively easy. I've played all roles. Personally? I think healing is the easiest.

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So, no need for dual spec! Thanks!




Or they could add dual specs so i can what i already can do w/o having to wast tons of time rearranging my bars every time i respec.


The cost isn't the issue, the issue having to relearn a new hot bar setup every time you respec.


Dual specs simply makes respecing, an option already in the game, a lot more convenient.

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Why should his choice of role be inflexible and yours not?


what? he picked a pure dps class are you kidding me....... he complaining he can not heal or tank all because he picked a dps class? sounds like bought a apartment but wanted to rent a house after he has been shown what all he would get.

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what? he picked a pure dps class are you kidding me....... he complaining he can not heal or tank all because he picked a dps class? sounds like bought a apartment but wanted to rent a house after he has been shown what all he would get.


You really need to stop making analogies.

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Nah that is NOT convienient OR quality for my life. YOU get two different roles? I want two different roles too. When the group does not have a healer or tank I want to be able to help. I do not mind getting a second set of gear.


Then you shouldn't have picked marauder. How does this argument have anything to do with dual specs. Dual specs won't change anything but a trip to the respec vendor and save credits. If you wanted help tank or heal you should've picked a class that could.

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This is a problem with being able to change spec - not with dual spec. This issue would be present even WITHOUT dual spec. Moot point.


with the respec option there wot point is there for dual spec, sure u can run 2 spec and not have to change ur skill bar. but is it so hard to re arrange 5-6 skills each time. sure the cost is abit steep but for me thats a good thing. i have respecced healer a few times on my commando and welcome the cost of doing so, why because it tells me pick one spec and stick with it. if i want to be healer i just stay heals. sure on less populated servers groups can be hard to get. but dual spec wont solve the problems completly youll have people switchnig to tank spec and whiping groups coz they didnt really how hard it was thus meaning waiting abit longer for a tank would have been better choice.



That's an issue with the guild, not with dual spec. You can choose not to dual spec two different roles and if your guild won't let you play because of it, find another guild. This is not an issue with dual spec. Moot point.


ur right here but the point is if u join a fp group as dps. u dont get a healer and ur a commando/merc/operative or scoundrel and get asked by that pug group to respec healer and u dont want to, they will kick u from group to find some1 who will. hardly fair on the person who wants to play the roll he enjoys.


DPS is FAR less responsibility than tanking or healing. Good - you like to DPS. Your job is a lot easier to manage than a tank or healers regardless of how difficult you think it is to maintain your rotation.


its not less responibilty. its jsut different mechanic and abit harder for tanks with only 2 taunts it does make it hard an tanks when a dps keeps pulling aggro. healer i have played is not really that hard. i actually like all roles and have all roles created, not all lvl 50 but i have a 50 tank and dps. i like healing on my 21 sage. i dont find any of the roles more responisble than the other as to get content like fps and ops done u need a group that listen to tacs follow them and do they respective roll properly. the differeances is in the mechanics and the roles, not the responibility

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Then you shouldn't have picked marauder. How does this argument have anything to do with dual specs. Dual specs won't change anything but a trip to the respec vendor and save credits. If you wanted help tank or heal you should've picked a class that could.


Are you saying I should not have picked a marauder with DPS like those who picked a jugg with DPS? Or is it that I picked a DPS only class instead of a dual role skill tree'd class in anticipation of a dual spec option?

Edited by Uben
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Why should his choice of role be inflexible and yours not?


Because he chose a class that was limited. Whether dual spec is implemented or not this fact stands and wont change. The jugg will still be able to respec dps or tank whether this change happens. All this change will do is make it less of a hassle to do so.


Is your argument really 'I don't want this because it benefits others more than me'? It still would you know. Being able to swap between pve and pvp specs on the fly isn't so bad.

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Are you saying I should not have picked a marauder with DPS like those who picked a jugg with DPS? Or is it that I picked a DPS only class instead of a dual role skill tree'd class in anticipation of a dual spec option?


What does dual spec have to do with this? He still can go respec tank even if dual spec doesn't happen and you still wont be able to. Obviously you shouldn't have picked a marauder to dps with if you wanted to tank at some point.

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Are you saying I should not have picked a marauder with DPS like those who picked a jugg with DPS? Or is it that I picked a DPS only class instead of a dual role skill tree'd class in anticipation of a dual spec option?


Or the third option - when you picked your AC you made the conscious choice not to pick a class with healing/tanking capabilities in preference for a class that could only DPS.

The ability to rearrange your skll points is already in game. If you ever wanted to do anything other than DPS you would have picked your prefered class as the AC choice.

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Because he chose a class that was limited. Whether dual spec is implemented or not this fact stands and wont change. The jugg will still be able to respec dps or tank whether this change happens. All this change will do is make it less of a hassle to do so.


Is your argument really 'I don't want this because it benefits others more than me'? It still would you know. Being able to swap between pve and pvp specs on the fly isn't so bad.


This pretty much answers my question. I should have picked a class I could of at LEAST picked between something OTHER than DPS. It also supports my argument... :(

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Or the third option - when you picked your AC you made the conscious choice not to pick a class with healing/tanking capabilities in preference for a class that could only DPS.

The ability to rearrange your skll points is already in game. If you ever wanted to do anything other than DPS you would have picked your prefered class as the AC choice.


Read above. :rolleyes:

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Then you shouldn't have picked marauder. How does this argument have anything to do with dual specs. Dual specs won't change anything but a trip to the respec vendor and save credits. If you wanted help tank or heal you should've picked a class that could.


agreed, if he had read the class role properly when creating he would have found out that maruader is pure dps class. same with sentinal and i belive sniper and gunslinger also.


it doesnt take that long really to lvl in this game why not simple do wot most people are doing re rolling an alt so that u have something else to choose from or can bring a char with a certain spec to the group. with or without dual spec marauder will never be able to heal or tank.


as for dual spec, im not 100% against it i just for my own opinion do not see the point when we already have a respec option. sure dual spec saves re arranging and maybe creds depending how the dual spec will work but it does the same job we already have with jsut one minor difference. if i change my commando dps to healer when needed i simple have 5 extra skills maybe a few more then wot i did was on the scrollable middle skill bar move it to an empty one put them there then i can jsut scroll to it when i need it aand scroll back for dps.


granted that issue for tanks and maybe other healing classes may not be entirly possible but it still works.


also people do forget that dual spec WILL be optionally if u dont like it dont use it ;p

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Uben - what is your point. Even as it stands right now, if you respecced you can't heal anything or tank a Flashpoint. That's without duel specs.

You made a choice when you picked your AC to be a pure DPS class. A duel spec DPS class still benefits from the duel spec part of the deal.

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Why should his choice of role be inflexible and yours not?


what? he picked a pure dps class are you kidding me....... he complaining he can not heal or tank all because he picked a dps class? sounds like bought a apartment but wanted to rent a house after he has been shown what all he would get.

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