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Consequences for Farming Valor


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I would appreciate a guarantee from BW that those responsible for camping MedCenters on Ilum will be dealt with accordingly. This seems like the least they could do given the oversight.


Anyone else?


Edit - By dealt with I mean rolling back rank, etc.. Not banning or anything like that.


Edit 2 - Rules of Conduct quoted from ABRY's post.


From the Rules of Conduct....


Harassment Policy


Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior


Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.



I would say the behavior displayed was in blatant violation of the Rules of Conduct, and appropriate action should involve suspension of accounts, even if as small as 1 day for those who spawn camped in the bases.

Edited by Ellod
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Because the game wasn't working as intended when valor farming occurred? They've stated that they intended faction bases to be inaccessible to the opposite faction.


Why would you allow the resulting imbalance if the initial problem was an admitted oversight?

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Nope, going where the repubs were to use the system BW implimented is not exploiting in any sense. If you believe their PR line, that the base was an insta-kill zone and "server load" caused it to bug, then you are a blind sheep.


You could always enter the opponents base and the turret is there for a reason.

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Nope, going where the repubs were to use the system BW implimented is not exploiting in any sense. If you believe their PR line, that the base was an insta-kill zone and "server load" caused it to bug, then you are a blind sheep.


You could always enter the opponents base and the turret is there for a reason.


Yep the turret was their insta kill but they messed up and didnt expect a badgillion ppl going into the base .

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Why would you allow the resulting imbalance if the initial problem was an admitted oversight?


Probably because the initial problem was an admitted oversight?


It's really not the fault of the players that BW slipped something into the game that they were able and willing to take advantage of.


There isn't any punishment needed, at the most they may roll back valor ranks, but even that isn't likely imo.


Personally I missed out on the valor farming train, but I don't really care, if people got a few free ranks it's not going to impact me in any way, and if anything it simply makes the "status" symbol of pvp titles a non-factor.


If anything you should be thanking them for making "hardcore" pvpers take themselves less seriously simply because they pulled countless all nighters to grind their way to a title.

Edited by Celebrus
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A few people spend a lot of time to grind their Valor in Ilum yesterday.

Nobody told them that they should not do it and now you want to punish them?


exploiting is to abuse something clearly not working as intended.

If players believe that gaining 30+ valor ranks in one day is working as intended. Yea... no comment.

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Probably because the initial problem was an admitted oversight?


It's really not the fault of the players that BW slipped something into the game that they were able and willing to take advantage of.


There isn't any punishment needed, at the most they may roll back valor ranks, but even that isn't likely imo.


Personally I missed out on the valor farming train, but I don't really care, if people got a few free ranks it's not going to impact me in any way, and if anything it simply makes the "status" symbol of pvp titles a non-factor.


If anything you should be thanking them for making "hardcore" pvpers take themselves less seriously simply because they pulled countless all nighters to grind their way to a title.


A few free ranks? "Status" symbol of pvp titles? Do you understand how the PvP system in the game is dependent upon gear?


If you read this thread and believe that the resulting imbalance is merely the stuff of a mild exploit you are kidding yourself. The individuals that were able to grind out dozens of levels of valor will have a significant advantage over other individuals in PvP for months - unfairly I might add.

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A few free ranks? "Status" symbol of pvp titles? Do you understand how the PvP system in the game is dependent upon gear?


If you read this thread and believe that the resulting imbalance is merely the stuff of a mild exploit you are kidding yourself. The individuals that were able to grind out dozens of levels of valor will have a significant advantage over other individuals in PvP for months - unfairly I might add.


proof? People got Valor yes, but dozens of lvls?

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proof? People got Valor yes, but dozens of lvls?


That BW was willing to act to address the problem (within 24 hours, albeit not as quickly as some would have liked) is evidence enough that the situation was extremely inequitable.

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A few free ranks? "Status" symbol of pvp titles? Do you understand how the PvP system in the game is dependent upon gear?


If you read this thread and believe that the resulting imbalance is merely the stuff of a mild exploit you are kidding yourself. The individuals that were able to grind out dozens of levels of valor will have a significant advantage over other individuals in PvP for months - unfairly I might add.


"Dozens" of levels? Do you actually have any proof of this? I've seen a lot of trolls making this claim, but nobody with anything to support it.


I've also seen Ilum for myself, and nobody gained "Dozens" of levels, even at the low-mid range of Valor.

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A few free ranks? "Status" symbol of pvp titles? Do you understand how the PvP system in the game is dependent upon gear?


So what you are saying is that there is no PvP system in the game? What we have here is a CvC system (Character versus Character) which is by definition completely unbalanced.

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That BW was willing to act to address the problem (within 24 hours, albeit not as quickly as some would have liked) is evidence enough that the situation was extremely inequitable.


The game was almost unplayable as a result of it's terrible rendering ability when it comes to large scale combat. They acted to address the problem of faction imbalance and how large scale combat impacts performance on Ilum.


You don't even have proof that they even acted on what you're saying, and every indication hints that they aren't, but are acting on other things.

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A few free ranks? "Status" symbol of pvp titles? Do you understand how the PvP system in the game is dependent upon gear?


If you read this thread and believe that the resulting imbalance is merely the stuff of a mild exploit you are kidding yourself. The individuals that were able to grind out dozens of levels of valor will have a significant advantage over other individuals in PvP for months - unfairly I might add.


They put the time in to gain the valor and deserve it. They used the system that BW implemented and you call it cheating. There was no cheating done, period, end of story!


There was no exploit. BW didn't test Ilum well enough and that is there fault. It's no fault of anyone who entered the oppositions base and killed them when they spawned. It is a pvp zone. Complete pvp zone! You enter, you realize you can and will be attacked at any time in any place. Those are the terms you agree to when you enter.


You all need to stop being little babies. No one cares about your whine here. Go tell your mom and dad how bad you got it, not the forums.


If you don't like it, leave. Stop paying the BW monthly fee and leave.


Rollbacks? LOL. You're all delirious. Even if people stayed all day and got a few or millions of level of valor it doesn't matter. Good gear does not make a bad player good, it merely lets him live a little longer. If you can't compensate, you're the one with issues!

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"Dozens" of levels? Do you actually have any proof of this? I've seen a lot of trolls making this claim, but nobody with anything to support it.


I've also seen Ilum for myself, and nobody gained "Dozens" of levels, even at the low-mid range of Valor.


Suppose you're right... should the unfair advantages (if it is 1 level or 50) be allowed to persist even if you don't seem too concerned with the outcome?


I'm not sure what you like about the game, but imagine if that aspect was broken temporarily and others benefited in the least bit relative to your progress.


The situation is unacceptable.

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The game was almost unplayable as a result of it's terrible rendering ability when it comes to large scale combat. They acted to address the problem of faction imbalance and how large scale combat impacts performance on Ilum.


You don't even have proof that they even acted on what you're saying, and every indication hints that they aren't, but are acting on other things.


I don't have proof?


"Players can no longer enter the opposing faction’s safe base area, thus preventing players from continually "camping" the other faction's base." - From the patch notes


Are you claiming that this is not a reaction to valor farming?

Edited by Ellod
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