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  1. Das Thema ist völliger quatsch. Findest du es besser, wenn die Leute sich in einer Ecke stellen und nur noch leechen? Da ist es mir doch viel lieber die leaven, denn dadurch wird immerhin ein Platz freigemacht wo jemand nachjoinen kann.
  2. A few people spend a lot of time to grind their Valor in Ilum yesterday. Nobody told them that they should not do it and now you want to punish them?
  3. Elthanas

    Warzone AFK

    He was clearly not AFK since he even wrote you back. Sure he didn´t help to win the warzone but it´s clear he didn´t use a bot. Nothing you can do about it. I think he just want to farm a little valor/gear, so why even bother with him?
  4. I only play with my gf together. And thats sometimes only 2-3 quests every day. We have passed lv 30 after a long playing session yesterday and we could lv up nearly 2 levels. I think this game is huge and if you play it casually you need a few months to reach lv 50. Because getting new levels takes more and more time (not that I really mind). The story is great so far and we enjoy it a lot.
  5. Elthanas

    Warzone AFK

    Sorry, but this won´t help at all. You are only making it harder for all players who really need help with important issues. I know there are ppl waitung 18days+ now for an answer.
  6. Not everyone wants a rollback. I think it is the minority who wants one. I leveled very hard yesterday and made about 2+ Levels and playing the same part again? It is not a big Problem if only a few ppls gained a lot valor. The mass of players won´t even notice such minor problems. So why forcing a rollback on us?
  7. Elthanas

    Warzone AFK

    Here is the chat with a GM about Warzone leeching in German: http://www.swtor.com/de/community/showthread.php?t=198302 They won´t do anything about warzone leecher, because it is allowed to do so. However they will investigate it if you are using bots. Only using bots to AFK farm in warzones is not allowed. Edit: Perhaps these GMs want to pacify the situation with you, but they will never take any action.
  8. Elthanas

    Warzone AFK

    I don´t really know how that will help. The GMs say that leeching in warzones is ok, so why bother about it?
  9. So much ******** in a single post. I play the game the way I like it. I don´t want to rush the game but enjoy every quest. I think I haven´t skipped a single line yet and I enjoy the game very much. This in my opinion is casual play. And getting lv 50 in 48 hours is impossible with casual play...
  10. My girlfriend and I, we did play for 2 hours yesterday and could make 2+ Levels. We just play for the Story and nothing else. I think there are a lot of ppl out there who doesn´t care if there are minor issues like ilum or PvP balance. Now you want to punish us with a Rollback? I don´t think Bioware would want to enrage the majority of their Subs.
  11. Elthanas

    Warzone AFK

    Beeing AFK in Warzones is allowed. You can only write a ticket if they are using bots.
  12. Du muss dir drei Leute suchen und dich vor den Flashpoint terminals stellen. Da skipt ihr alles und brecht die quest nachdem ihr sie angenommen habt direkt wieder ab. Das ganze machst einfach ein paar Stunden und du hast deine gewünschte Stufe.
  13. Das sind aber eigene Restriktionen die du dir selbst auferlegst. Ich finde das sehr löblich, da ich als unterlegener auch oft hoffe, dass das Spiel möglichst schnell vorbei ist. Aber es ändert nichts an der Aussage, dass man als Sieger normal immer mehr Wappen pro BG bekommt.
  14. Was ist dann mit den Casual Spielern, welche die Haupteinnahmequelle darstellen und die gestern mal wieder 2-3 Lv geschaft haben? Die meisten sind einfach noch nicht Lv 50. Ich glaube kaum, dass man diesen einen Rollback zumuten kann, wenn es sich eh nur um eine Handvoll PvPler handelt, die einen winzigen Vorteil bekommen haben, das den meisten gar nicht richtig stört.
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