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  1. As for trying to defend Kill Trading, I will continue to do so. I for one am completely on the side of all kill trading that goes on in Ilum. Gratz farmers, get all the valor you can. It only goes to show how broken Ilum is and how little BW cares to fix the issue. Spit on my posts all you want. It only ends up proving how bad BW is because THEY are the ones who are letting this go on and acknowledging that it's ok to be done! So yeah, I guess you could say I completely support BW and their handling of this game in regards to Ilum! Singed, Proud supporter of BW and ITS Kill Trading in Ilum policy! BTW, anyone on Vulkar Highway want to start trading kills? My main is 50 Empire. If you're repub and on this server let me know and we can fill out the details through PM's.
  2. Come on. The "that's why I'm pro-choice" is always a classic and I used it superbly! On a side note: Dumb people are fun to troll, muhahahaha *Not you btw Jiblol*
  3. Post that has nothing to do with anything I said, priceless. You just won the InterN3tz
  4. Gangs are actually made up of normal people. Some are abnormal and others are normal and are there under differing circumstances. It's nice to see you pay absolutely no attention to what's going on in America and every other country though. Thanks for bringing the nation down. Rioters fall under the same provision. Some are normal and fall into the "mob mentallity" while others are abnormal and behave like that all the time. Again, thanks for bringing down the nation with your fail that you believe are comebacks... Trading actually is participation no matter what way you look at it. You log into the game and travel to a destination, pick up a quest, go to said area, meet with other people, talk with other people, kill said people, die yourself, go back to said location. Hmmmmmm.... yeah, that all requires active participation in said game. HELLO, THIS IS NOT CHEATING! I realize you must be a brain surgeon, but it's already been stated by CS that this is NOT CHEATING! Thanks for playing, good bye fool. And yes, many people act differently ingame then they do in real life. It's a chance to get away. I don't go shooting people in the street with my pistol because they are a different color ( using this for faction as it's a visible difference (if you understand the concept because you're obviously inept at many things)) and proceed to kill them. Wowie, I must act the same ingame as I do in real life though because that's what games are there for. To be yourself in the game just like you are in real life and not to be used as a get away to a fantasy world where you can be anyone and do anything. Nope, that's not why games are made. Seriously fool, go tell your mom you are a f*&%ing ret*rd and you need some help. Actually, cancel that. Your mom most likely already knows how much of a dild* you truly are.
  5. Gangs and rioters are typically made up of normal individuals. Thanks for making yourself look like an even bigger arse by continuing to post. Freeloading doesn't come into this equation. If you participate in combat, it can not and would not be considered freeloading. If you don't participate, you don't get credit. As for my sister getting (*&^&$. Grow up dou*he*ag. This is a fu&*ing game. You really need to take a look at your priorities. If you consider a game part of real life and how people act ingame means they are like that in real life you really need to check yourself. It's people who assume like yourself that make everything in this world worse. You speak without knowing the truth or what a person is about. You're the typical witch hunt person. It's a great thing to live on this planet we have but it's a terrible thing that God let people like you exist. You are the reason I am pro-choice!
  6. LOL. You think "if you can't beat them, join them" doesn't fit happen in the real world? What planet are you from? Ever heard of a "gang?" How about "Riots?" It's all pretty much mob mentality and it happens quite frequently... Pride in a realm? I guess I just look at things differently. It's a game. Period. End of discussion. If you don't like what's happening in one area, go to another. If you truly enjoy the game, I'm sure there are multiple facets that complete that enjoyment. Do one of the other things. No one likes a little tattle tale. Suck it up and move on. If you find you aren't enjoying something, do something else. Maybe this game isn't for you. I am one of the ones who already cancelled my account. I come to the forums until my time (6 months, gah) runs out. While I'm at work I post as this is the most enjoyable aspect of the game left for me and I still find it amusing and it passes the down time.
  7. How about you worry about yourself and not what other people in the game are doing? "Waaagggghhhh... I wasn't invited to the cool kids party so I'm going to try and ruin what they are doing because I don't think it's right. Waaagggghhhh." You took your screenshots, you submitted your ticket. Now shut up and move along. If you don't like what is being done, go somewhere else and do something. Stay there and fight it out (PvP) with a bunch of people, do something besides posting on the forums like a little baby. Is there really any reason at all that you are complaining like a little baby on the forums? No one cares to hear your drivel! Go walk upstairs out of the basement and QQ to your mom. She probably doesn't want to hear your belly aching anymore either however.
  8. Do you have any idea how this would affect PvP? Being able to run away from a person with say a sorc sprint and get out of combat and just be able to regen while a dot is ticking on you.... Kinda OP wouldn't you say? It needs to keep breaking the channel as it does now. It is not broken and is working as it should. It gives those of us who can't stealth/run fast away a chance to keep our target and possibly re-engage the fight we had started.
  9. I only do them on alts for awesome exp. I don't do them on my 50 though. Just never felt like it was worth it. Unless the epic bag you can buy for 350+ fleet commendations is dropping all sorts of epics and stuff. Even still, I don't think I could bare to do them on anyone who isn't getting leveling exp off of them.
  10. I tank HM's in rage spec with dps gear. I haven't had any problems with threat since I started doing it. I am in almost full champion gear however and that does make a big difference. I am actually thinking of doing the 14/27 or 25/16 spec though for a while and see how that goes. My healers never complain about healing me either... Proper use of cooldowns/etc... and just the way the game was made ezmode so far HM's are way too easy.
  11. And people who get disconnected randomly from the game? Yeah, lets punish them for paying for this game monthly the same as everyone else and yet it's still broken and random crashes are still happening. Yes, lets punish those people by making them wait to get back into a WZ and also take away the comms/exp/cash they had already worked for. Bad system ideas are just that, BAD. Implementing a system like this will only increase the amount of people who go afk/do tradeskills/dance in the warzones and are of no help to you.
  12. Pumraa

    Ilum Trading Kills

    Well if it's not against BW terms, any Repubs on Vulkar Highway want to start trading? Send me a PM if you're interested.
  13. Pumraa

    Ilum Trading Kills

    Valor 44 tank here. Warzone grind the whole way. Ilum sucks being a melee. I'm all for kill trading at this point however.
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