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Out leveling your quests


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Has anyone noticed that with all the other sources of experience (Heroics, Flashpoints, Space Battles, PvP) You begin to outlevel the quest areas for not only the classes plotline but also the world in general? Im halfway to 19 and I just started Balmorre on sith inquisitor.


I feel that by the time im done Balmorre I might be too high level for the next place....unless there is a sizable gap between the end of Balmorre and the Start of Nar Shadda.



Anyone found this?




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By the time I get to any one planet, I'm usually ready for the Bonus Series.


I don't really do any PvP - some days I do the daily. I make a runthrough of all the Space Missions about every other or every third day, but most of those missions quickly go grey. I do most flashpoints 2 to 3 times (not at once).


And I still outlevel any planet I come to long before I get there. I am level 44, and I just finished Chapter 1 and started Taris.


I'm the kind of person that wants to do all the quests. It's sad that there's really no reward in doing it, which is somewhat disheartening for a completionist like myself.


They could drop XP gain throughout the entire game with about 30-40% and then perhaps it would start to feel a bit balanced. Right now, it's completely borked. Nobody is doing the Bonus Series quests either, because there's really no incentive to do so besides the story. This is making it excruciatingly hard to get groups for the Heroics.

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I noticed this as well, it's very easy to outlevel planets and trivialize content. What has worked for me is that I am playing two different characters. With the first character I did all of Balmorra but only my class quests on Nar Shaddaa, and reversed it with my second character...having him do all of Nar Shaddaa, but only the class quests on Balmorra. This way I've experience...for the most part...all of both planets and didn't feel like I outleveled them and made them too easy. I've started doing the same with Tatooine/Alderaan. This is keeping quests mostly yellow/orange for me. I'm not sure if this will work all the way to 50, but it's working out for me right now.
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This game needs to take a page from most other MMOs and offer a toggle option for XP gains to players. Let them turn their XP gains on and off as they see fit so they can advance at a pace that appeals to them.


Not everyone enjoys facerolling through content with ease because the mobs are 5+ levels lower than them. I don't even do space missions or PvP because I simply can not afford to get any further ahead of the content than I already am. It's ruining the entire game for me. Do you know you don't even get affection points with your companions through quest conversations once the quests are grey?

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I made a comment about this to my guild lastnight. Each planet has its own theme. If you enjoy the theme, you play it all the way through and gain quite a few levels. I find this approach very nice since it means you can do what someone just above me posted, you play an alt on different planets and still experience all the game has to offer, but without the tedium of having to do it every time you play a new character. I am enjoying the many different forms of variety this game lets you experience.
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I'm the kind of person that wants to do all the quests. It's sad that there's really no reward in doing it, which is somewhat disheartening for a completionist like myself.


That makes two of us, Luck. My first (and only so far) 50 is a Trooper. I did all quests i could find and explored all places; I often arrived at planets with green quest marks. After a while i started feeling like it was a bit of a chore to run around cleaning quest marks.


Then i started a Bounty Hunter. She's 31 and i've been balancing questing and PVP in order to have her arriving at target planets at exact level entry points, and i must confess it's been quite enjoyable because there is some decent measure of challenge.

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I do flashpoint once but no spacemissions and pvp, and are outleveling the zones fast. I`m at Alderaan and most quests starts to become grey :-)


Dont mind, just means it plenty of content.

Edited by Lhuna
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Not me. I've been consistently about 1 or 2 levels below the content I'm playing...makes it a challenge, that's for sure.


I was not logging off in cantinas, not doing space combat missions, or heroic group missions, or flashpoints either. I'll get to all that stuff later.


I have started logging in cantinas though, my repair bills were getting really high from tackling higher level content.

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If you skip Heroics & Flashgroups, mainly doing the solo contents (including Space combats), you will remain about the level of class quests until the end.


If you also just do the Bonuses, you will probably already reach 50 just by the time you land on Correlia.


As soon as you start doing repeatable quests, you start as well to outlevel more and more progressively the campaign.

Edited by Elysith
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Since around level 30 (I'm 44), this is all I do:


Class Quests

Main Planet Story Quests

PvP Daily

Space Daily

More PvP


I never do any other planet quests that aren't part of the main line (the one that you can't drop). I really don't mind playing the game this way. Maybe this is what's intended- shoose your own progression. Don't like space combat or PvP? Don't do it, you'll still level at a good pace. It's better than Aion, where the distance between levels was huge and tedious.

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i'm level 39 on my bh and just about to hit taris. I did all previous planets including all bonus series that was available. I also did all flashpoints that i could plus i pvp every once in a while. I can only imagine what level id be if i did any space missions.
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I consider this a FAR FAR better alternative than having the quest gaps that other games often launch with.




OP, you go get to decide how much you do and how long you stay on a planet you know.


Personally, I find that I am consistently about 2 levels above the entry level for a planet by the time I get there. This is with 6 different characters now, and it's pretty consistent. And it's actually a sweet spot because most quests have just turned green by the time I get to them.

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Don't do every quest on every planet. I've just done the class quest on some planets when i felt i was getting to far ahead. And besides next char i lvl up i will skip the planets i did do all quests i found and spend more time on the planets i just did the class quest on.
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They could drop XP gain throughout the entire game with about 30-40% and then perhaps it would start to feel a bit balanced. Right now, it's completely borked. Nobody is doing the Bonus Series quests either, because there's really no incentive to do so besides the story. This is making it excruciatingly hard to get groups for the Heroics.


Or you could start skipping some stuff instead of trying to ruin everyone else's game.

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