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Rage quit because of the fonts


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note to guy who has never played a bioware game before: don't by a bioware game if you cant read.



The guy didn't say he couldn't read. He said he couldn't read the blurry tiny font. Things like font should be something that can be adjusted to suit the player. I don't blame him for being disgruntled.

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As a physician, I am disturbed not only at the missing Reasonable Accommodations RE the UI, but more so by the blatant insensitivity bordering on cruelty by the RL Siths. "Don't buy the game if you can't read?" Seriously? This kind of comment in the XXI Century? To suggest that the OP "can't read" is insulting. To suggest that someone just go away because of a medical condition is discriminatory.


Welcome to the Internet. Believe it or not, not everyone is nice.


(ps, don't get the impression that I support or would ever make offensive comments such as you speak)

Edited by Darth_Romana
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Actually, most of us are so jaded by internet trolls and general fakery that we cannot take a post like this seriously.


There is abolutely NO WAY to tell a troll post from a real one, when it just shows up randomly.


If the OP is actually legitimate - which is suspect, imo, she/he should post their concerns on the customer service and suggestions thread, where Bioware reps might actually read it. Naming a thread "Ragequit..." and ending it with an egregious complaint about "Republic racism due to Twilek coloration" is rather ... fishy.


For that matter, there is a decent chance that YOU are not a real doctor, and are just feeding the trough here.


Forums are simply not the place to post serious topics of this nature.



Why is it so strange that a doctor would post in the SW forums? Do you honestly think that every single person who plays this game is a mouthbreathing nerd who still gets his laundry done by mom because he can't be bothered to leave his computer?


What IS an acceptable topic to post on, if not a person's grievance regarding a medical condition making it difficult to see the font in-game? Would you rather he be like the rest and endlessly pontificate and whine about how SWTOR is going to hell in a handbasket if BW doesn't fix peeveepee RIGHT FREAKING NOW?


logic....why don't they teach LOGIC in these schools?....

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Man you guys need to get your eyes checked. I need glasses to read books, and even so I found myself reducing the font size on the chat in order to conserve space and be able to see more text at one time. I'm not trying to be offensive or elitist here, but I honestly thought this was a joke thread when I read the title.


Until right now, I haven't even had an inkling that something might be wrong with the UI text of SWTOR. And like I said, my eyes are nowhere near perfect.


Honestly I'm concerned for any non-trolls in this thread who have trouble reading the fonts. You should really have a visit with your doctor to either get glasses or upgrade your prescription. =(





I play on a 17.5" notebook at 1920x1200 resolution.

Edited by sollinton
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