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BioWare: Here is what caused the faction imabalance and here is how you fix it.


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Adding Depth to a faction and making a totalitarian regime that commits casual genocide seem like the good guys are entirely different things.


Face it, absolutely everything in SWTOR says: "The republic is corrupt, complacent, internally divided and weak" and "The sith are strong, united, brilliant and fighting against the system"


It's an utterly ridiculous paradigm shift from what StarWars was originally about.


SWTOR makes no effort to ever ask the player "Would you rather support the faction that kills billions of people on a planet to test a weapon or the faction that doesn't?" rather it asks questions like "Would you rather support the faction that is ruled by squabbling delegates that get nothing done or the faction with a strong decisive leader?"


It constantly biases everything to show the Republic in the worst light and the Sith in the best.


except that part inst true. that may be what any of the many conceited arrogant sith (npc's not players) you encounter in the game will say, but that doesn't make it a fact.


i've played both sides there is no "story favoritism"

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You can't make people play something they don't want to. Not can you make a Jedi Sage shoot green lightning instead of blue lightning. This is a pre-existing IP. Jedi throw things. Sith fire lightning.


All this analysis is nonsense. This is the first game since TIE Fighter to give people the chance to play the bad side in Star Wars. Of course they're gonna play it. They've had like, fifty games to play Jedi.

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From a storyline perspective, it makes sense that there would be an overwhelming number of Sith versus the Republic.


First off the Republic was all but defeated and would have been were it not for the doings of a certain person the Emperor had captive. So the Emperor stops his war for a time and you have both governments existing at the tenuous peace of the game. However, being the almost defeated party you would already suspect that Republic population would have dwindled to come closer to the already smaller Sith population.


Then, you have defectors. There would have been plenty. People were probably joining the Sith before the Treaty was even put in place. Once the war was at a ceasefire, you would have more and more joining the more victorious party.


Thus you have the current real world faction imblanace actually matches what would have really happened. Honestly something like Tenacity even though it was seen as a huge failure in WoW would be something doable for Republic because they should be seen as a lone strong bastion versus a sweeping tide of darkness. Not saying just hand it to the faction, just where there is an imbalance.

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You can't make people play something they don't want to. Not can you make a Jedi Sage shoot green lightning instead of blue lightning. This is a pre-existing IP. Jedi throw things. Sith fire lightning.


All this analysis is nonsense. This is the first game since TIE Fighter to give people the chance to play the bad side in Star Wars. Of course they're gonna play it. They've had like, fifty games to play Jedi.


Oh wise one please share you knowledge with me so that I may know the minds of all that play this game, and the reasons they chose their side.

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Oh wise one please share you knowledge with me so that I may know the minds of all that play this game, and the reasons they chose their side.


Why don't you direct your wrath at the guy who posted the OP with all his nonsense amateur psychoanalysis, instead of the one saying "they don't often get the chance to play Sith, so they're probably gonna play Sith".


It's basic logic. Even I want to play Sith because lets face it, being a bastard is kind of fun.

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Oh wise one please share you knowledge with me so that I may know the minds of all that play this game, and the reasons they chose their side.


Why not ask the Republic- they seem to know why everyone is playing what they are, and how all us dumb sith were tricked into playing this side by cinematics of an ugly brute smashing stuff.

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they made the empire a more grey area, they also made the republic more grey as well.


Yea, and I say that's an utterly preposterous miscarriage of the IP.


I mean, reality check. In the movies the empire are the guys that blow up a planet killing billions of people as a show of force and a weapons test.

There is no gray area.


SWTOR completely ignores what the Sith actually stand for. Fascism and genocide are NOT a gray area.

Edited by Rothnang
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The cause was Empire on Empire huttball. Nothing more, nothing less. Empire would have never have been zerged like it was without it.


Empire player queues for warzone within first week. Waits an hour...




That is what happens without same faction warzones. Game balances itself out.


The fact they want to add more Empire vs Empire warzones? Shows how clueless the design team is.


Blah blah advertising, blah blah outfits. Blah blah. That is all horse crap. PvP players will drop a faction at the drop of the hat for a racial (human racial in WoW) or for any advantage.


Insta Queues over hour long queues? There would have been no faction imbalance.


Possible Fixes?


Remove empire on empire huttball. Why won't they do it? Money. Most of their players are empire.


Cut valor in half on empire vs empire huttball. This could work well. People will be mad but they have only themselves to blame.


Or...Make a minimum wait time of 15-20 min on empire vs empire huttball.


Offer faction transfers for 30 days after the above changes. "world pvp" valor gain should be turned off until they have anywhere near a balanced population. Fighting people you outnumber should never give close to the gain you should get from an even warzone.


Why "world pvp" then? For fun. You should get half the valor at max that you can get in a warzone. Anything more then that just leads to exploits etc. WoW found this out a long time ago and put diminishing returns in and made it so the honor gained was crap.

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Get George Lucas to write the Empire story from now on!


Not a bad idea, since he never mistook the Sith for a "gray area" at least.


Biowares writing is more like a stupid fanfic where overtly evil characters become the protagonists because the writer thought they are cool. :(

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The cause was Empire on Empire huttball. Nothing more, nothing less. Empire would have never have been zerged like it was without it.


Empire player queues for warzone within first week. Waits an hour...




That is what happens without same faction warzones. Game balances itself out.


The fact they want to add more Empire vs Empire warzones? Shows how clueless the design team is.


Blah blah advertising, blah blah outfits. Blah blah. That is all horse crap. PvP players will drop a faction at the drop of the hat for a racial (human racial in WoW) or for any advantage.


Insta Queues over hour long queues? There would have been no faction imbalance.


Possible Fixes?


Remove empire on empire huttball. Why won't they do it? Money. Most of their players are empire.


Cut valor in half on empire vs empire huttball. This could work well. People will be mad but they have only themselves to blame.


Or...Make a minimum wait time of 15-20 min on empire vs empire huttball.


Offer faction transfers for 30 days after the above changes. "world pvp" valor gain should be turned off until they have anywhere near a balanced population. Fighting people you outnumber should never give close to the gain you should get from an even warzone.


Why "world pvp" then? For fun. You should get half the valor at max that you can get in a warzone. Anything more then that just leads to exploits etc. WoW found this out a long time ago and put diminishing returns in and made it so the honor gained was crap.


This. +1

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The original post is a whole load of bullcrap. Normal people did not follow the trailers or the timelines and do not care about the SWTOR lore.


Everyone wants to play Empire because it's more interesting to play a bad guy. That's all. There is no Bioware conspiracy.

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I agree they need to do something before it gets any worse, if it even can (Republic on my server wont even queue for warzones and rarely go to Ilum, and yes it is a PvP server).


A "Quick Fix" is add a buff to either faction if the server population is massively unbalanced. It would only effect player vs player, and not PvE*. That would buy some time to implement a "True Fix" as described below:


Faction Change Quest (Once per character, and its FINAL)

Empire Faction to Republic Faction change Storyline- The Player discovers the Emperor's true desires and what happened on his home planet, Being amazed at his willingness to go to such extremes, they join the Republic's cause to end the Emperor's rule.


Republic Faction to Empire Faction- The Player discovers the truth about what the Jedi Council did to Revan and become disgusted with the Council. Player concludes that perhaps the Empire isn't so bad.


*Rules* for Faction Changes:

Only available once per character

Only available from the overpopulated faction to the under populated faction

Gear (Operation and PvP) would be turned into tokens (1 glove token, 1 pants etc for what Tier it was) upon faction change to allow people to keep their gear.



*Note for the quick-fix buff: personally I dont like the idea of it affecting PvE, but I would see the arguement for it having a small PvE-XP boost tied to it, to encourage NEW players to roll that faction.

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Buff won't solve it. It will get worse.

You assume theat all zone players is in one place in one time. That just doesn't happen and that buff is just the opposite of mmo rules. Any 1vs1 is gonna be unfair, any 2vs2, 3vs3 etc... Only total mayhem mass open pvp is gonna be more less balanced...but i wont buy that. Focus fire and lag does support the bigger group every time.


The solution is: MAKE ILUM FREE FOR ALL, anyone can attack anybody. That's gonna solve it. You just need a good story to back it up and BW is good at stories.

You have WZ fights with the same faction, right?


But i guess that's not gonna happen as it is going to be always reps vs imps in the open world...

Edited by Haristas
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I disagree with your buff suggestion but in Illum that wouldnt be such a bad idea... My thoughts why?


-- In general open world pvp (tatooein,voss,quesh, what ever) not EVERY1 wants to participate in pvp on that world, at the moment, or at all. In ILLUM'S case how ever, people only go there for PvP. I would think it would be a good idea to issue a buff only in the battle site of that planet but not the planet as a whole. this would provide the open world player vs player fix aspect of problems since OPEN WORLD PvP is one of the only factors affected by that.


Sure, it wont get rid of the faction in-balance all together but honestly, I got to lvl 50 with little or not that much world pvp at all. My only world pvp complaint is Illum because it houses dailies that we're constantly deprived from and it's really the only place where side heavy inbalance takes a huge toll.


I speak the truth and see no side effects beside the empire losing their petty "farming" on Illum... Besides, if I was sith in their case, I wouldnt even see doing that as a challenge.... would keep Illum on my list as "Desperation to obtain valor." because it'd bee too easy and would just get old... Also considering their's 13 republic on average on the planet... durring busy hours.


I rest my case! Before u troll, know that I have a LvL 50 Sith Jug. and a LvL 50 Commando on the same server. I'm vouching for both sides because honestly, the sith are getting bored of Illum priity damn fast...

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The original post is a whole load of bullcrap. Normal people did not follow the trailers or the timelines and do not care about the SWTOR lore.


Everyone wants to play Empire because it's more interesting to play a bad guy. That's all. There is no Bioware conspiracy.


Aha, all those billions and billions are spent in vain by clueless people for completely useless marketing. Funny fact is - those who spent a billions on marketing, earns a second one. Wonder how it works then if "normal people did not follow the trailers" :)

Edited by dadamowsky
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