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So... BIOWARE why hasn't there been a valor rollback


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Doing a valor roll back is not needed, your only punishing the players who by their own adminttance they knew about the bug and yet still went ahead and pvp'ed. The ones that never pvp'ed during that issue nor once they seen the bug they stopped pvping and who have been fighting to get ranks daily will be the ones that are hit the hardest.


I am rank 32 and I never played yesterday even when I was told that Ilum pvp was giving a ton of points after the patch. Why would I want to gain a ton of points from a bug just to get Battle Master gear, then what do I have to look forward to daily.


I want to gain the ranking legitly, not cause Bioware mades mistakes in patching. I am not cancelling my account nor are my guildies. This is a new game, Bioware said they were fixing and adding so I will give them 6 months and see exactly what they do.

If after the 6 months nothing has really changed then I can make decisions based on that. Even putting aside the fact that atm there is really nothing else worth playing. So if as a pvper i can not progress in pvp then i guess it will be fun just to lvl new toons for the main story lines. After that I am sure something else will come out that I can sink my teeth into and hope they will have a good pvp system in place.


I do know that hate bashing is not really what will cause players voices to be heard. If you want to be heard then start writing up some real reports as feed back. one liners are not reports it's trolling and whining. If your one of the players who decided to cancel your account then that is your buisness as it is your money.


Saying that then you need to back off the forums and let the ones who are still subscribing deal with bioware. Trolling the forums, bashing bioware as a non subscriber dosen't help those who are still paying for this game and trying to get their voices heard. It just causes more threads that the bioware devs will ignore. IN that thread could be a real reason as well as a real idea how to get things fixed but not read by a dev because of all the other one liner spamming players who are no longer playing.

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all you people complaining need to calm down. There are more imperials than republic its that simple. I would have rolled republic but i didnt want to throw rocks so i rolled empire. The reason the valor gain was so high was not an exploit it was the buffs that you could get in ilum. 400% valor increase and another 300% for controling ilum. Im not saying that camping is the right thing to do but anyone given the chance would do it anyone saying that they wouldnt is lying. On my server as far as battlemasters go there are alot on both sides and no one got it in a day. You people need to calm down and learn to play. The game has been out a month give them a chance ffs. Every mmo i have played has had issues upon release even vanilla WoW had its issues and people complained just like this and look how its turned out. Rift WaR DaOC Guild Wars they all had problems some got fixed some didnt get use to it they can not make everyone happy. If you want to quit thats your choice just one less person i have to listen to complaining.
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This is coming from a Battlemaster imp, I was BM before the patch.

This has to be the worst patch in history of MMO gaming, and than you just tripled how bad it was by not shutting down the servers soon after people were reporting in mass all of the issues.



You clearly show your design and management incompetence when:



A. Rollback has yet to happen or be announced. (-20 MMO points)



B. Showing a clear favoritism to empire not only in design, animations, armor textures, and damage delays. Now it looks like the ones who abused it (empire) in 1.1, will not be getting their rollback. Clear Favoritism. Making a patch to force fighting but not fixing imbalance issues. Clear Favoritism. (-50 MMO points)



C. Making a world pvp map with large scale battles in mind on an engine that doesn't support over 15-20 vs 15-20. (-10 MMO points)


D. RNG bags and bugged RNG. People with 40+ bags and 2 pieces only of duplicate gear?




E. Most imbalance classes seen in an mmo at launch TO DATE. A 500 expertise tank getting killed in 3-4 seconds by a 45 operative? Shouldn't matter if it was a tank or any class for that matter, I have never played any mmo that failed that much. Everybody knows people like to see BIG numbers when it comes to a damage hit or healing hit, and people like fights that last a good amount of time. NO IT IS NOT JUST BIOCHEM.

(-20 MMO Points)




F. Still no rollback? Ive been writing this thread for over a couple hours, one tid-bit at a time. /fail.



G. Screwing up the que times just to satisfy the altaholics, and the slow levelers. Im not getting reports that the que times are not only 5x longer since the patch but reversed. As in republic are now waiting in que MUCH longer than imps... this could obviously be that most of the repubs were getting farmed on illum.. but still. (-10 MMO points)



E. Not listening to the community that relayed 80% of the present issues to you in BETA!.

(-20 MMO points)



Unfortunately, you can't get any positive points since everything that is good about this game was taken from other games.


To put things in perspective, there is more fail in just the Hunter class in WoW than in this entire game.


Have patience, your issues (few as they may be) will be solved. No sense blowing a blood vessel.

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This is coming from a Battlemaster imp, I was BM before the patch.

This has to be the worst patch in history of MMO gaming, and than you just tripled how bad it was by not shutting down the servers soon after people were reporting in mass all of the issues.



You clearly show your design and management incompetence when:



A. Rollback has yet to happen or be announced. (-20 MMO points)



B. Showing a clear favoritism to empire not only in design, animations, armor textures, and damage delays. Now it looks like the ones who abused it (empire) in 1.1, will not be getting their rollback. Clear Favoritism. Making a patch to force fighting but not fixing imbalance issues. Clear Favoritism. (-50 MMO points)



C. Making a world pvp map with large scale battles in mind on an engine that doesn't support over 15-20 vs 15-20. (-10 MMO points)


D. RNG bags and bugged RNG. People with 40+ bags and 2 pieces only of duplicate gear?




E. Most imbalance classes seen in an mmo at launch TO DATE. A 500 expertise tank getting killed in 3-4 seconds by a 45 operative? Shouldn't matter if it was a tank or any class for that matter, I have never played any mmo that failed that much. Everybody knows people like to see BIG numbers when it comes to a damage hit or healing hit, and people like fights that last a good amount of time. NO IT IS NOT JUST BIOCHEM.

(-20 MMO Points)




F. Still no rollback? Ive been writing this thread for over a couple hours, one tid-bit at a time. /fail.



G. Screwing up the que times just to satisfy the altaholics, and the slow levelers. Im not getting reports that the que times are not only 5x longer since the patch but reversed. As in republic are now waiting in que MUCH longer than imps... this could obviously be that most of the repubs were getting farmed on illum.. but still. (-10 MMO points)



E. Not listening to the community that relayed 80% of the present issues to you in BETA!.

(-20 MMO points)



Unfortunately, you can't get any positive points since everything that is good about this game was taken from other games.




You sir on the other hand get (+100 points) for writing a post hopefully BIOWARE READS!

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You can say that the title meant nothing 'til you're blue in the face, but to the people who got it legitimately, it meant many long nights of busting heads, to just see it given as charity to the already overpowered faction on each server (whether Republic or Imp).


It also gives you better commendations, and chances at Battlemaster Bags, which are pretty easy to come by, though subject to randomness. Even 100 fresh Battlemasters due to this "bug", which was a result of horrible testing and complete indifference towards what the players had already warned the company of, are too many.


It's spitting in the face of everyone who worked to get it.


Being level 50 in champion gear and farming the levels10-49 is not working hard to get valor and your gear. At those levels you do next to nothing when it comes to damage.

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Show evidence someone gained extreme amounts of Valor, say over 100k, in one day and maybe they'd consider a Valor rollback. Right now I don't think anyone gained extreme amounts of Valor. The only exploiting that happened was the turret exploiting. It's all forum rumors and hysteria.



They literally went from valor 40-60 and even 60-90 in one day.


There are multiple warlords now because of said exploit. The freshly ressed were worth 400 valor a kill IN A FULL OP - and freshly ressed!


I know it's gamebreaking and should be rolled back. And of course you will not see any proof - people are turning off their titles now or reverting back to their champion title for fear of actually getting in trouble because of said exploiting.


Make no mistake though - just like the last exploit where people leveled to 50 in a few days - they will turn on their titles sometime next week when all this blows over.


Then you will see a million and one warlords on your server.

Edited by Dustmonger
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You people realize you were all trolled, right? All of you that are up in arms about the instant battlemasters. Trolled. It didn't happen. People gained valor because of the base camping, but it wasn't as bad as was claimed. The consequences of rolling back the valor of everyone, including people (like me) that spent hours in Warzones yesterday are more serious than upsetting a bunch of gullible idiots that believe everything they read on the Internet. It was a little bi of truth mixed in with massive hyperbole and outright lies.


Just shut up already.

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They literally went from valor 40-60 and even 60-90 in one day.


There are multiple warlords now because of said exploit. The freshly ressed were worth 400 valor a kill IN A FULL OP - and freshly ressed!


I know it's gamebreaking and should be rolled back. And of course you will not see any proof - people are turning off their titles now or reverting back to their champion title for fear of actually getting in trouble because of said exploiting.


Make no mistake though - just like the last exploit where people leveled to 50 in a few days - they will turn on their titles sometime next week when all this blows over.


Then you will see a million and one warlords on your server.


Prove it. I haven't seen any evidence to support this. you are just repeating what the trolls told you to believe. It didn't happen. Keep trying.

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You people realize you were all trolled, right? All of you that are up in arms about the instant battlemasters. Trolled. It didn't happen. People gained valor because of the base camping, but it wasn't as bad as was claimed. The consequences of rolling back the valor of everyone, including people (like me) that spent hours in Warzones yesterday are more serious than upsetting a bunch of gullible idiots that believe everything they read on the Internet. It was a little bi of truth mixed in with massive hyperbole and outright lies.


Just shut up already.


lol the valor was like 130 a kill. It was total madness.


They aren't going to do a rollback but don't act like this exploit wasn't abused to the max.

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you can inspect them and bioware would know of the warlords and once again it wanst an expoit it was 800% valor increase and i killed the turrets 5 times yesterday and didnt get any valor. The only reason we even had to deal with the turrets was because the republic wouldnt fight us out of the base. Even when they had more people they were to scared. Not the empires fault for the republic players not wanting to pvp in a pvp zone and let their turrets do all the work I on the other hand only got 4 ranks in an hour so idk what the hell all you people are complaing about.
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Are you kidding me? My guild has a ventrillo and yes they were doing it.


Yes it was broken - and yes it was exploited.


Why do you think bioware shut the servers down for an emergency patch?


Oh wait.. another exploiter who doesn't want a rollback - Ok whatever.



400 valor a kill is what people were getting from freshly ressed players. Guildies who were 50 and valor 26 were unlocking champion titles in hours of gameplay.


Why is this not broken?

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the most valor gained is 160 get your facts right unless you have a photo of 400 thats complete bs. Its buff you get to gain valor because you are doing well. They are just to high. How is pvping an exploit control ilum 300% valor get 5 stacks for killing 5 people or getting 5 boxes 400% valor. Calm down they put that in the game it needs to be changed but 400 points for one kill in an op is bs.
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lol the valor was like 130 a kill. It was total madness.


They aren't going to do a rollback but don't act like this exploit wasn't abused to the max.


There were diminishing returns, so maybe they got 130 per kill initially, but it didn't last. At least for Imps. I know that as a defender healing and using AoEs for about 6 hours I went from Valor rank 31-37. I had very little in the way of diminishing returns because there were nearly 150 Imps versus our 20-30 Rep. I verified the diminishing returns, asking an Imp who tapped me twice in 5 mins if he got valor the second time around. He didn't.


Like I said, it was broken, but the outrageous claims were just that. Outrageous.

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Are you kidding me? My guild has a ventrillo and yes they were doing it.


Yes it was broken - and yes it was exploited.


Why do you think bioware shut the servers down for an emergency patch?


Oh wait.. another exploiter who doesn't want a rollback - Ok whatever.



400 valor a kill is what people were getting from freshly ressed players. Guildies who were 50 and valor 26 were unlocking champion titles in hours of gameplay.


Why is this not broken?


400 valor a kill is an outright lie. Try again. I doubt all of your claims based on this single and obviously disprovable falsehood.

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Well I didn't exploit it - I am simply repeating what I was told on ventrillo.


When a guild buddy said - and I quote "Holy **** I just got 400 valor from killing that republic"



That was early in the AM yesterday before my guild formed an op and preceded to camp ilum all day - as many others did as well.

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Congratulations, you are one of maybe 50 vs thousands that want the rollback. The rollback is completely needed and they should just give a free sub day added along with it since some people actually legitimately played yesterday.



Where did you get those numbers. Oh yeah...nevermind I can guess.


There are over a million people playing the game. Take a look at the most viewed thread in any of these forums and you will see a tiny fraction visit these forums much less post. The exception being posts with actual usable information from official sources with the company.


Even if the vast majority of PvP players quit over valor, which I doubt, they would lose far more rolling back on those that do not PvP.


They clearly know much more about managing an MMO than wannabe forum ragers like you.

Edited by Hellapain
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They should ban all accounts from the forums using the words 'roll' and 'back' together.... I bet they are as tired of this 'cool' new buzz-word as I am.


Move one with your life. I bet you are still logging in and playing the game even though its "broke", right?

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sorry to say but it sounds like your guildmate is full of ****. Once someone dies the amount of valor they are worth goes down until you get nothing i know cause i was there before we even knew what was going on we were just trying to do the weekly and just happened to get valor in the process. It was not as bad as people say it was its just rumors. I could see 50-60 if you were there all day but thats completely different than 60-90 in a day thats just not possible it takes to much valor past 60 to do that in a day.
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I wanted to farm valor legitimately and since everyone was in Ilum pvp queues were non existent. So i went to bed. Woke up and my some of those in my friend list/guildies who were 50 ish valor rank are as of now. BMs.


With each kill netting us imps at about 90~150 valor per kill. At peak periods, about 1k~2k valor was farmed a minute in VARIOUS Ops groups. At other times where it slowed down. Dropped to about 300~400 valor per minute. Still.. thats pretty ridiculous.

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people are stupid thats just fact


there were rumor about turrets giving valor and then every other player was asking "hit the turrets". I been there did that there is no such thing.


there is no exploit outside being able to camp spawn point. All ti takes for republic to wz queue and leave the area and imps get nothing. For high amounts of valor to be awared you need super high amount of players spawning and getting killed. Like 50 empire farming 100 republic spawn - cant imagine that happening, everone cant have fps lag rly...

It would be possible if repulic would stay and respawn on purpose - like some guild paying opposite faction guild for valor boost - that would be possbile but that whole lot another story.


Ealier battlemasters make the cry to rollback valor but it wont help them as the valor gain is intended and will stay. And finally 50-60 takes more valor then 1-50, so some could get alot of valor levels idd.

Edited by Crawler
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You mean this game isn't perfect, ***? Lol. Every game I have ever played had a problem or two at release, even the precious EQ that seems to get mentioned all the time. How many people play WoW, still 12M? That's about as imbalance you can get in a game and yet people play it.


And don't ever compare a rant on a forum who likes and dislikes the game, we all know more threads and posts are made my the people who hate something. The people enjoying it are playing.


I think some of you expect too much. Personally, I go into an MMO and figure if I can get 3-6 months out of it I'm fine with it. I don't need to play an MMO for 10 years. $15 for a month of enjoying is easy. Almost like I'm ripping them off. Sure beats $60 for 4 days of playing Drakes Fortune, though those are great games ;-).

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I find it funny how the cheater protect his valor hey bud you did this valor in one ours i did mine in 3 week .... So reroll the server will be a good thing !


Ban game exploit user !


That will make me happy and i am sur a lots other player!

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