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Subscription cancelled - Maintenance


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So I check out the forums. I live in Dubai, UAE, had the game for around 2 weeks now. My weekend starts on Friday to Saturday so Thursday is a good night for me to play.


I find out this patch is due to finish at 6PM GMT, which is 4 hours behind Dubai, so that means 10PM, on my first night before weekend.


Granted I am probably in the miniroty of ME gamers at SWTOR, this patching time is absolutely ludicrous. I was looking forward to playing tonight, but now, well, I guess that wont be happening.


Good bye SWTOR! Its funny how mis management and improper timing of maintenance in peak hours both for Europe and ME are planned. You can kiss my dollars... I mean dirhams good bye.

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So I check out the forums. I live in Dubai, UAE, had the game for around 2 weeks now. My weekend starts on Friday to Saturday so Thursday is a good night for me to play.


I find out this patch is due to finish at 6PM GMT, which is 4 hours behind Dubai, so that means 10PM, on my first night before weekend.


Granted I am probably in the miniroty of ME gamers at SWTOR, this patching time is absolutely ludicrous. I was looking forward to playing tonight, but now, well, I guess that wont be happening.


Good bye SWTOR! Its funny how mis management and improper timing of maintenance in peak hours both for Europe and ME are planned. You can kiss my dollars... I mean dirhams good bye.


So you cancel because you cant play one night within a month after launch because they are fixing things :confused:


Maintenance WILL always affect some time zone in a way that some people may not like, its tough but they cant arrange it to please all.


Patience padawan.

Edited by Urko
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Did I get this right? The servers down for eight hours one day and then down for six hours the next? I don't think I've ever seen that in an mmo - usually server downtime for new content launch is combined with scheduled maintenance, and extended for an hour or two.


It's a tad annoying when it occurs during the day, yet I can't say I'm that bothered about it. Yet it is a fairly average game, and if I keep finding servers down during my time off work I'm not sure if I'll bother justifying the cost of the monthly sub any longer.

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Did I get this right? The servers down for eight hours one day and then down for six hours the next? I don't think I've ever seen that in an mmo - usually server downtime for new content launch is combined with scheduled maintenance, and extended for an hour or two.


It's a tad annoying when it occurs during the day, yet I can't say I'm that bothered about it. Yet it is a fairly average game, and if I keep finding servers down during my time off work I'm not sure if I'll bother justifying the cost of the monthly sub any longer.


Nope, server was down for 5 hours (ish) yesterday and has a maintenance window of 6 hours today, which may not all be used.


Close, but no cigar.

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Did I get this right? The servers down for eight hours one day and then down for six hours the next? I don't think I've ever seen that in an mmo - usually server downtime for new content launch is combined with scheduled maintenance, and extended for an hour or two.


It's a tad annoying when it occurs during the day, yet I can't say I'm that bothered about it. Yet it is a fairly average game, and if I keep finding servers down during my time off work I'm not sure if I'll bother justifying the cost of the monthly sub any longer.


you have never played an MMO launch have you.. often the servers go up and down for maint in the early days of the game. the game is new it is expected from anyone whos played a launch mmo before

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I know that they are trying to enhance the game. I understand that. I do enjoy the game, its just that it is particuarly annoying that it takes place during my peak time. Yes they cant please everyone, but why dont they do this crap early morning or middle of the night.....really. its pathetic.


And yes, wasnt their a major patch yesterday, why another one? Of course its detrimental to my experience of the game. Paying for a product I cant use in primetime. Thats why I cancelled, because it doesnt set a good tone for the future. First Impressions are everything.....

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As I stated already in another post whining about the patches happening in their "Prime Time":


I work late. So, the weekly maintenance happens every single week during my prime play time.


It sucks. But, I deal with the fact that every single week I will have one night that I just simply can not play the game.


And I'm assuming there are others like me. And I'm guessing the majority of them deal with it.


Why is it so hard for everyone else to deal with one day / a couple hours of downtime occasionally themselves?

Edited by Xanzul
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you have never played an MMO launch have you.. often the servers go up and down for maint in the early days of the game. the game is new it is expected from anyone whos played a launch mmo before


Most MMOs that are released in Europe DO NOT do maintenance at prime time, even when the game is new.

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you have never played an MMO launch have you.. often the servers go up and down for maint in the early days of the game. the game is new it is expected from anyone whos played a launch mmo before


No, YOU have never played during an mmo launch before. Sure, I've seen some abysmal launches with extended server downtimes and the like during the first week - and I've also seen each and every one of those particular games go on to fail spectacularly.


I've never seen a polished, competant product take their servers down for 2 consecutive days because they couldn't combine maint and content launch.

Edited by shootist
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As I stated already in another post whining about the patches happening in their "Prime Time":


I work late. So, the weekly maintenance happens every single week during my prime play time.


It sucks. But, I deal with the fact that every single week I will have one night that I just simply can not play the game.


And I'm assuming there are others like me. And I'm guessing the majority of them deal with it.


Why is it so hard for everyone else to deal with one day / a couple hours of downtime occasionally themselves?


Welcome to the "Age of entitlement"

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Yes they cant please everyone, but why dont they do this crap early morning or middle of the night.....really. its pathetic.


really. this post is pathetic.


You do realize that "early morning or middle of the night for YOU, will be primetime for SOME ELSE?

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Always been the same with american hosted mmo's and it will never change, I guess don't crap on your own doorstep applies.


Rift has different times for EU and US servers. So no, its not the same. There's no good reason why the EU servers have to be patched at the same time as the US ones.

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