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Suggestion to save the game: Third faction!


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I, as an old Dark Age of Camelot veteran, hate the PVP system in this game. I hoped so much that it will be good.. but its not. The Open PVP Zone Illum, as you all know, is a joke, even more after patch 1.1. In my opinion, the biggest problem is faction unbalance. you will never get a good open pvp zone up with 80% imperial population.


My idea would be to integrate a third, grey faction. based on the light / dark side points system. And the possibility to change the faction. Even in the movies a jedi could become a sith. so why shouldn`t a dark 5 jedi join the imperial forces ? The third faction would be the players who are neither dark 3 ( orsomething) nor light 3. Something like a rebel faction.

Sure it shouldn`t be possible to switch factions all day long but once a month or something like that would be ok.


What do you think?

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People refuse to reroll to Republic, and you think they would reroll to some third faction ? :rolleyes:


This. The only time they had for a third fraction would have been in development. Where it was for a moment, considered to make bounty hunters and smugglers a third fraction that could join either side. Though I believe they had already made the decision to make classes mirrored, so it was not underwent.

Edited by Andrew_Waltfeld
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okay... make a third faction... Where are you going to find the people to play it?



Not to mention it doesn't really make sense story-wise. Star wars has always been good vs evil, jedi vs sith. They shouldn't just make up some random faction.



Not to mention, making the two seperate questing zones on all the planets and such took bioware what... 6 years?



How long do you think it'd take for them to make new planets and everything for a new faction? And by then how many people do you think would give up their geared 50s to make a lvl 1 on the new faction?

Edited by Aidank
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I tell anyone that will listen a 3rd faction is a requirement in PvP from my DAOC experience. The 3rd faction will always keep the other 2 in check and no realm can gain an overwhelming advantage because the other 2 team up. The problem is that this needed to be included pre-launch. Too late now i'm afraid. All these MMO companys follow this same format and its a short term gain, long term failure. People say "how would a 3rd faction fit in the story"? Lets be honest, once you run the story once nobody really cares about it a 2nd and 3rd time. 3rd faction could be based on Tron for all anyone would care. The PvP would of been great. Lastly I'll add..Illum has proven that it cannot handle massive war ..so I guess i'm spitting into the wind anyway. Edited by Senaleb
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I, as an old Dark Age of Camelot veteran, hate the PVP system in this game. I hoped so much that it will be good.. but its not. The Open PVP Zone Illum, as you all know, is a joke, even more after patch 1.1. In my opinion, the biggest problem is faction unbalance. you will never get a good open pvp zone up with 80% imperial population.


My idea would be to integrate a third, grey faction. based on the light / dark side points system. And the possibility to change the faction. Even in the movies a jedi could become a sith. so why shouldn`t a dark 5 jedi join the imperial forces ? The third faction would be the players who are neither dark 3 ( orsomething) nor light 3. Something like a rebel faction.

Sure it shouldn`t be possible to switch factions all day long but once a month or something like that would be ok.


What do you think?



I really like this. A great idea but i don't think BW make it now or soon.

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People refuse to reroll to Republic, and you think they would reroll to some third faction ? :rolleyes:


Why reroll? I think it's easier than that. Just let people switch. You could even give people the choice to do so when they hit 50, so you don't need separate quests and zones. Smugglers and Bounty Hunters should have been in a neutral faction to start with, and those wanting to play Revanite force users would gladly join.


I know my entire guild would probably go neutral in a heartbeat. We're pirates at heart, who cares about republic or empire.





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For balanced Faction PvP you need 3 factions, in SWTOR the 3. faction could be a Hutt criminal cartel. However it would have to be implemented from the start to implement it now is plain stupid.


What they could do is open up transfer from faction to faction for free for a short time. This would be restricted to the side that has the most players are able to use this and they are given one choice to change faction to help even out the sides. Sure lore wise and storywise this would be somewhat problematic, but in the greater picture it would benefit the game as you could have whole guilds transferring and evening out the imbalance. And this would allow for more even pvp fights.

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Why reroll? I think it's easier than that. Just let people switch. You could even give people the choice to do so when they hit 50, so you don't need separate quests and zones. Smugglers and Bounty Hunters should have been in a neutral faction to start with, and those wanting to play Revanite force users would gladly join.


I know my entire guild would probably go neutral in a heartbeat. We're pirates at heart, who cares about republic or empire.






Problem I see with this, is that people would level up on the "Easier faction" then just switch. So most likely people would play empire, then switch neutral.

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Game doesn't need saving.


They are fixing the problem within 24 hours of the patch and are giving the "people" what they want. We got a response the day of instead of a week later to "deal with it"


Stop acting like "oh this ruined the whole game" no it didn't and it's being fixed right now. So yeah

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Third faction creates all sorts of new problems and does not neccesarily fix the problem people claim it fixes. Three factions does not magically end up with equal sides fighting.


Given that it is not likely to solve faction imbalance and that it creates huge new problems like content creation and splitting the player population three ways on servers it is not going to help.


No game has ever had balanced open world pvp including daoc

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Game doesn't need saving.


They are fixing the problem within 24 hours of the patch and are giving the "people" what they want. We got a response the day of instead of a week later to "deal with it"


Stop acting like "oh this ruined the whole game" no it didn't and it's being fixed right now. So yeah


What's the hotfix for faction imbalance?

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Problem I see with this, is that people would level up on the "Easier faction" then just switch. So most likely people would play empire, then switch neutral.


And this is a problem how? Levelling up is mostly PVE anyway, for most people. I play republic as well as empire (trooper and bh) and I can't say levelling on one side is any harder then on the other side.



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