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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game of choice but being punished for switching skill tree specs.


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For a game that promotes the hell out of making choices, why am I penalized by paying a lot of credits to change from Heal spec to DPS spec?


I understand that we shouldn’t be able to change our AC but my main spec is heals and if I want to quest or PVP/PVE as a DPS I shouldn’t have to pay 90k+ credits to do so!


BioWare, please consider lowering the price or allowing us to switch between 2 skill trees!

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For a game that promotes the hell out of making choices, why am I penalized by paying a lot of credits to change from Heal spec to DPS spec?


So you're saying that your choice to play a healer should mean nothing? I think there's a flaw in your logic there.

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So you're saying that your choice to play a healer should mean nothing? I think there's a flaw in your logic there.


No I should have the choice to play either DPS or Healer since we have 3 skill trees to choose from.


How is my logic flawed?


If I need to heal in EV, I need to spec full heals. But when I want to go quest or even PVP as DPS I need to spec DPS. Which in turn costs credits and can get costly.

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it promotes making choices but every choice comes with its consequences.


pretty much. every choice you make changes something. who your character is, how you play him/her. YOU decide if you want to heal, and if you want to keep switching, YOU decide if you want to pay the price.


see in games like RIFT you don't have to make a choice. you don't have to decide. not really. here? you do. its kinda the whole point.

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This game needs dual-spec, there really is no logical argument against it. You just have these masochists who think everyone playing video games should like to suffer as much as they do.


Respec costs are ridiculous, dual spec is needed. If you don't want to respec because you're an RP nerd or something then don't respec. Why should the rest of us be forced to suffer along with the crazies?


I know a lot of the WoW haters think that anything that WoW did is automatically bad and evil, but it is also the most successful MMO for a reason. It has dungeon finder, it has customizable UI, it has macros, it has dual spec. These things will not hurt this game, they will help it.


Stop trying to kill the game you claim to love so much by driving the majority of its players away. All the anti convenience types are a curse that will kill this game if they are catered to. Assuming the massive number of bugs the game still has don't kill it first.

Edited by _Borg_
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FFS I am just asking for a dual spec. I am always fascinated by the people who come here and say NO NO AND NO! DEAL WITH IT.


But this would in no way change or impact your gameplay. NOT ONE DAMN BIT!!



And for those of you who can't read.... I am NOT asking to switch advanced classes. I would just like to have a duel spec!


How many of you that are actually end game healers that would rather quest or do other things in DPS spec and NOT in heal spec?

Edited by MrLeee
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the only people I ever see say nonono or deal with it are pure dps I dont think I have ever seen a healer or tank. I dont mean a ac that can heal or tank I mean a healer or tank

I dont know why dps whins so much about it you want to run stuff but you only use one spec but. you want your healer locked in why. All this has ever done is push people away from being tanks and healer:cool:

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the only people I ever see say nonono or deal with it are pure dps I dont think I have ever seen a healer or tank. I dont mean a ac that can heal or tank I mean a healer or tank

I dont know why dps whins so much about it you want to run stuff but you only use one spec but. you want your healer locked in why. All this has ever done is push people away from being tanks and healer:cool:


Yep 100%!! I never usually see tank or healers saying NO to dual spec.


DPS have it so easy! :p

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I play two different tanks, two healers and two DPS classes. I have no desire for a multi spec option. You say you want more choice, but a previous poster said it gives you less choice, and they are right. You have to choose which spec you will be and deal with the consequences of that decision. But with dual spec, those consequences are lessened quite a bit since there's nothing stopping you from just changing at the drop of a hat. It basically starts you down the road of being able to have all possible configurations for your class at your fingertips, instead of forcing you to make a choice.


So yes, Dual Spec IS a loss of choice.

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your logics flawed because you are devaluing choice, by allowing an easy switch from one option to another. The game when it was in development was based around choice but unforunately this got devalued progressively over 2010-2011 which was a shame.


EDIT: personally i'd rather have less value around the choice on rolls as you say. but as mentioned bioware's "choice manifesto" was based around hard choices that you couldn't revert.

Edited by Kyus
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