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Warzone Brackets.


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Just curious, but now that there is a 50 only bracket, we are no longer able to group with lower level guildees/friends to go into warzones with? I'm no longer able to queue a group if I'm grouped with lower levels.


Was this the way things were intended?

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Just curious, but now that there is a 50 only bracket, we are no longer able to group with lower level guildees/friends to go into warzones with? I'm no longer able to queue a group if I'm grouped with lower levels.


Was this the way things were intended?


It's a matter of game balance really they had to sacrifice the social element it.

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I haven't had any issues today with long queues today. And with the 50 brackets up, I noticed that we seem to have alot more teamwork now than we did when he a plethora of random level people in it.


But at the same time, my server is completely one-sided population wise. It is over a 2:1 ratio. So if I was Imperial I probably would be getting angry with the queues on my server because of how much they outnumber Republic.

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There is a world of difference between new 50's, and Battlemaster/War Hero's though. I played with guildee's who often droped the "new" 50's.


I was just always used to grouping with random guildees, being a healer, I could often keep most of them alive for a good duration of the time.


It was just fun grouping with different people, but now it's not possible.

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Yes. Enjoy your hour+ queue's for the next 2 months till' they decide enough is enough on the QQ'ing and add cross server queueing, which will allow for more QQ'ing.


Our que time at 50 swiftsure server empire side is still the same takes like 3-5 mins.

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