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The mods are hurting this community more than helping


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In some ways I agree but in others... No. There needs to be moderation Every rage quit post, every annoying rant about QQing wowfanboys pissing and leaving needs to go. I agree in that valid discussion threads should not be locked but...


"I am quitting---here's why" No. Sick of it. If you wanna quit, quit. I don't care for your reasons. Your reasons aren't gonna change my opinion. And when I quit, I will do you all the courtesy to do it quietly, calmly and not bother anyone here about it.

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The forum mods are doing an excellent job. I don't envy them with the amount BS they have to wade through on a daily basis especially the past 24 hours.


They have rules for posting, people get too emotional, trolling, flaming, etc, your damn right, drop the hammer on those posts.



*lol on a side note, not this isn't the worst by far, pay a visit to the EvE Online forums heh


I understand it is there job and I understand that there are a ton of threads that should be locked, what I don't understand is that even some constructive criticism in a valid thread is brushed into the void under the carpet. Even if you have a huge gaping hole under a carpet, sweeping dirt there will eventually pour out to where you can't possibly manage it. That's just what I think is happening too often here.


I'd like to see an official poll done by the moderators, "how are we doing?" my vote would be 4/10 tops. Although they do have a lot of trash to sift through....

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Can't blame them for wanting their forum to be filled with constructive threads instead of the usual flamewars that forums attract.


I agree with them, tbh. It's such a drag to see good points and arguments drowned out by desperate attempts to be funny on the internet.

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In some ways I agree but in others... No. There needs to be moderation Every rage quit post, every annoying rant about QQing wowfanboys pissing and leaving needs to go. I agree in that valid discussion threads should not be locked but...


"I am quitting---here's why" No. Sick of it. If you wanna quit, quit. I don't care for your reasons. Your reasons aren't gonna change my opinion. And when I quit, I will do you all the courtesy to do it quietly, calmly and not bother anyone here about it.


Look, we're just trying to do our jobs, I don't care if you don't like it

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In some ways I agree but in others... No. There needs to be moderation Every rage quit post, every annoying rant about QQing wowfanboys pissing and leaving needs to go. I agree in that valid discussion threads should not be locked but...


"I am quitting---here's why" No. Sick of it. If you wanna quit, quit. I don't care for your reasons. Your reasons aren't gonna change my opinion. And when I quit, I will do you all the courtesy to do it quietly, calmly and not bother anyone here about it.


If they quit giving valid points as to why they quit, I think it is great that they voiced their opinions. That's how these games evolve over time and survive. One person votes with their wallet, voices that vote and the community tells the developers what they think of that reasoning. The raging quitter, axe his thread, the quitter who wants to see the game succeed, don't silence his voice.

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Ughhh my dog went on the floor. WTS a German Shepherd....


Seriously though guys. I understand this community is a bit caustic, but really it is far from the worst gaming community out there. Have you guys been on some of the fps boards, especially back in the day?


Okay so what someone responds to your post "You idiot, Smugs HAVE to stop to Dirty Kick, but IA get to debilitate on the move, l2theory, scrub" Yeah on the surface that might seem bad, but it's how gamers are. Just like how some Marines use all sorts of foulness to refer and communicate with each other, or how a lot of sports-type people use terns like wimp or other seemingly harsh words even if malice is not in their heart.

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Okay so what someone responds to your post "You idiot, Smugs HAVE to stop to Dirty Kick, but IA get to debilitate on the move, l2theory, scrub" Yeah on the surface that might seem bad, but it's how gamers are. Just like how some Marines use all sorts of foulness to refer and communicate with each other, or how a lot of sports-type people use terns like wimp or other seemingly harsh words even if malice is not in their heart.


And that gamer will rightly earn an infraction. Civil discourse is just better.

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Guys thanks for being respectful given the nature of this thread, seriously I appreciate that..


I only have time for one more post, so I ask the mods to not be so trigger happy. I have seen a number of good threads trashed for whatever reason. Gamers are often a bit more aggressive with words than your grandmother could appreciate. Just pleae try and understand that. All the moderation in the world will not make these boards something Ned Flanders could appreciate, try as you might, that just wont happen.


God Bless you all. I gotta get some friggin sleep.

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If they quit giving valid points as to why they quit, I think it is great that they voiced their opinions. That's how these games evolve over time and survive. One person votes with their wallet, voices that vote and the community tells the developers what they think of that reasoning. The raging quitter, axe his thread, the quitter who wants to see the game succeed, don't silence his voice.


There is a "Reason for quitting" section when you unsubscribe. The only goal for those ragequit posts are to badmouth the game and try to fearmonger people into quitting too.

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There is a "Reason for quitting" section when you unsubscribe. The only goal for those ragequit posts are to badmouth the game and try to fearmonger people into quitting too.


When I quit WoW I filled out the reason for quitting section, but I also realize that maybe I should voice my opinion to a wider audience. I tried to be civil and objective. I realize my quitting only affects someone on the AH and even then very slightly, but if I quit this game(probably not right away btw, love it overall) and voice my opinion and others speak up on the forums agreeing/disagreeing then BW knows that my opinion and reasoning is valid or not. It would save them subs and possibly get me back. However, from what i have seen, even some great topics are locked because of nothing but wanting the forums to be 80% positive feedback,20% constructiveish ideas.

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i agree, sometimes i wish Annonymus hacked Bioware just to screw a little with them





Anon are doing well posting Titanic videos all over the web. :rolleyes:


But yeah maybe an attack from Anon would be good.


Aim your laserguns! Haha!

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Well sometimes mods have closed threads that were well written and constructive. Dont support this decision.


Still about 90% of the closed threads are anything but constructive. The negativity, hate and crying that goes on makes it difficult to believe we are playing the same game.

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Either you, or the people behind you. Whatever the case may be, your heavy handed moderation has pushed to the back pages many threads that are actually quite informative and well thought out; threads that are not trolls, but labeled as such, threads that actually offer good insight into the nature of this game and the direction the community would like to see it take. Perhaps some threads weren't desired to be on the front page given the precarious state of this young game, so they were simply thrown in the trash bin so as to not come under the scrutiny of a potential customer, or some blogger.


Sure some threads truly deserve to get deleted or locked, but quite often mods are taking down fair threads that have been within the rules. I'm sure some of you have seen this happen.


One of the main problems, it seems, is that these mods, whoever they are, are woefully unfamiliar with gamer culture. A lot of the stuff that appears to someone outside gaming culture as rude is just friendly smack talk among fellow gamers.


Mark My Words - Your Heavy Handed, and oftentimes downright silly and illogical forum moderation will hurt this community more than help it. If you have a bunch of people walking around here on eggshells worried that a well written and well thought out piece of writing is simply going to be locked because some mod misunderstood its content and intention, you'll notice constructive posts, especially ones that deal with problems in the game, will start to wane.



Mods lock topics which offer no constructive discussion. Topics which are simply players QQing and ragequitting are not important, nor do they hold the views of a majority of the community. These topics tend to be hotspots which descend into pointless bickering and flamewars.


I am quite happy the moderation team actually moderates as opposed to other forums for other games where the playerbase typically runs wild.

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I completely agree. I have written a few form asking questions about quest or other thing that I could not find on the forms due to the pages of people crying about how the game is not perfect in there eyes. I even wrote one today about how the people who hate the game are making the forms useless and should just go find a game that makes them happy and leave swtor to us the ones having fun. Well every good form I have made has cotton deleted within a few hours of it being posted. So I am starting to wonder it be like all the hateing or if the moderator hate this game.


I will post the one I made today just to show you and you can tell me if it is " detrimental to the community" as they stated the reason for its removle.



I hope I am not alone in this but I am so sick of coming to the forms to try to find out something about a quest or item and so on, only to have to sort through the pagese of cry babeys. It is one thing to have a problem or something you don't really like and to talk about it like a grown up, but all I see is /ragequiter every where. It is simple fix for the babeys, if you don't like and don't have fun with the game then quit. The devs are not going to read ur fit you call a post and say omg he is going to quit if we don't make our game the exact way he wants. When Skyrim stopped working on my ps3 because the saves got to big, I didn't spend all day on the forms crying about it. I whent to play a different game.


You ether take swtor with the good and the bad or you go some where else.


I am not a fan boy of sw or bw. I am just a gamer and thus I play what is fun to me.


All I am saying is that all the crying in the world will not make swtor in to the perfect game you seem to think it should be. Just leave us the ones having fun to our game and go some where else plz. You bring the game down and don't contribute any thing and just make the forms useless.

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imo they need to lock/delete a lot more threads then they do now if this is to become a place where you can actually discuss the game again.


right now 99% of posts are pointless drivel and moaning about how bioware didnt make the game 100% to your personal liking ...

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