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swtor is nothing more then....


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a one player champaign game with a mutli person pvp addon......why is is called an mmorpg?


just because it's on some server? because you login to it? because you see ppl standing around fleet? because you need to ask for help to get a quest done?



i'm not saying it's a bad game but how did it get past beta as it is.......

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I agree that's why my wife and I are going to pop a bottle of champagne when we both hit level 50 together as that's how we play the game(as 2player multi play with members of our guild) (currently we are level 32 each...sith sorc (me) sith warrior(wife)
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a one player champaign game with a mutli person pvp addon......


You just kind of defined every MMO currently on the market, that is to say I'm not personally aware of any MMO that makes grouping mandatory to do the majority of the content (i.e. PvE levelling).

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and you have to come in and flame his post. He/she is entitled to post whatever they want. They pay just like you and me. So relax. you also did not have to click it and reply did you. You know what happens when you dont reply it gets sent down to the bottom and goes away.
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a one player champaign game with a mutli person pvp addon......why is is called an mmorpg?


just because it's on some server? because you login to it? because you see ppl standing around fleet? because you need to ask for help to get a quest done?



i'm not saying it's a bad game but how did it get past beta as it is.......


I agree with you Tindin.


Calling this game an MMORPG is a stretch. It's more like a action/adventure game online with some mild RPG elements tossed in, but it deffinitely doesn't belong in the MMORPG category.


It's like Borderlands minus the first person view and dumber enemy AI.

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Calling this game an MMORPG is a stretch. It's more like a action/adventure game online with some mild RPG elements tossed in, but it deffinitely doesn't belong in the MMORPG category.


I'm curious as to what makes you think it's not an MMORPG, because even though I dislike zone instancing it's not the first MMORPG to do it. Not even close. I can't think of anything else you could possibly be referring to.

Edited by PJEBarlow
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why is is called an mmorpg?


just because it's on some server? because you login to it? because you see ppl standing around fleet? because you need to ask for help to get a quest done?



Well...that's the definition of a mmorpg.

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a one player champaign game with a mutli person pvp addon......why is is called an mmorpg?


just because it's on some server? because you login to it? because you see ppl standing around fleet? because you need to ask for help to get a quest done?



i'm not saying it's a bad game but how did it get past beta as it is.......

Where is the idea ? Whining and yelling about problems are pointless.


Think, create and propose my friend...

Edited by Aethusa
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Its funny. People complain that swtor is to derivative and that its simply "wow with lightsabers" Then people complain that its not even in the same category as warcraft. Get on the same page guys cmoon.


It's almost as if there is more than one person on this forum. How strange

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I'm curious as to what makes you think it's not an MMORPG, because even though I dislike zone instancing it's not the first MMORPG to do it. Not even close. I can't think of anything else you could possibly be referring to.


Because it lacks the "massive" feel of a Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game. It's just a collection of different zones and pathways. It's built almost identical to a single player action/adventure game.


Typically MMORPGs (WoW or LOTRO for example) have huge interconnected worlds you can freely explore without constantly being confined by corridors and map borders. This seems excessive on SWTOR, to the point it makes the game feel less like it's own world and more like you are just traversing through a level design.


Like I said in my earlier post - SWTOR is built basically like games such as Borderlands. A great game, but I wouldn't consider it an MMORPG.

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Because it lacks the "massive" feel of a Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game. It's just a collection of different zones and pathways. It's built almost identical to a single player action/adventure game.


Typically MMORPGs (WoW or LOTRO for example) have huge interconnected worlds you can freely explore without constantly being confined by corridors and map borders. This seems excessive on SWTOR, to the point it makes the game feel less like it's own world and more like you are just traversing through a level design.


Have you actually played beyond Nar Shaddaa? Because I had the same feeling until I got to Tatooine and beyond.

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You just kind of defined every MMO currently on the market, that is to say I'm not personally aware of any MMO that makes grouping mandatory to do the majority of the content (i.e. PvE levelling).




Welcome to the MMO market of the past 9-10 years.

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a one player champaign game with a mutli person pvp addon......why is is called an mmorpg?


just because it's on some server? because you login to it? because you see ppl standing around fleet? because you need to ask for help to get a quest done?



i'm not saying it's a bad game but how did it get past beta as it is.......



Its a MMORPG because its the same as approx 80% of the MMORPG games out there.. you solo lvl.... run a few instances for beter gear ....... PVP in a battle grounds or in the designated area.


To be completely honest the last several MMORPG I have played such as Rift,War,SWG,Aion,Conan,RoM can all be solo'd to max lvl just stoping off to do some instances for certain items of gear you may want though aint essential.


RF online is the only game that i have played where you have to be in a group most of the time to progress (@l higher levels)and that because its a grind game and has one quest line other than the one you get at the begining of each lvl with 1 extra quest which is more like a daily/weekly that you can do between a certain lvl ranges

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