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A Sad Day, RIP TOR


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I'm Republic and I'm not complaining.


I just feel about 90% of the people who post on the PvP forums aren't PvPers.


In game not forums. You are odviously an imperial fearing the end of his gravy train.

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Are you all blind? The only people not complaining about this game are the Imperials. Change the game name to "The Old Empire" and save the 70% of your population before they leave like the rest of the republic.


So sad, but so true. Every single person i know that started has already quit. I wonder if its coincidence we were all Republic.


Heads will roll over this game, im all but certain. I bet its one of the last ones to be released way too early, at least. (i hope) I really wanted the game to succeed because im a star wars NUT however this game just plain and simply isnt what was advertised as far as PvP goes...and the PvE isnt anything to brag on either.......not even close lol.


I hope Bioware wakes up soon and address certain issues (that really dont need to be listed...again) but im sure some happy Imperial will chime in and tell us all how wonderful the game is...


To be clear i didnt cancel my account because of yesterdays exploit alone, it was that and all of the other total B.S. that comes along with choosing the Republic in this game. I dont want to be rude to Bioware but ill kindly just say no thanks and watch the house of cards start to fall. And they are falling, dont fool yourself.

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im not a pvper and i do just fine on my server with my sage. Ive had some pretty bad matches but ive had some very good ones too. Stop cockfighting peeps and start learning what it actually takes in a pvp match to win.
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which just goes to prove that reps are carebears


how is your class or faction underpowered when its just a mirror of the imps... ?


and dont start rambling about faction imbalance, that has nothing to do with underpowered.


Which goes to show that you are a n o o b that never rolled a rep char realizing all the weaknesses in all of our animations. You get +0.3 secs MINIMUM on close to all "instant spells" compared to us. Considering that applies to most instant spells that builds up over time.


But go back to illum @1.01 and abuse, noob.

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A game like KOTOR 2 (many years older and in a different genre of games) overshadowing this new Polished Turd of an MMO is an insult. With a different team behind the wheel, I bet TOR could of turned out alot better. I will get my Star Wars fix elsewhere and not waste my money being farmed by Imps.
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Yeah a Sad Day, a day where they released a patch, made some mistakes, fixed it 24 hours later and made the entire situation a lot better where many of the exploits can no longer be used once brought to their attention ACTUALLY listening to their costumers.



yeah real sad day /sarcasm

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Yeah a Sad Day, a day where they released a patch, made some mistakes, fixed it 24 hours later and made the entire situation a lot better where many of the exploits can no longer be used once brought to their attention ACTUALLY listening to their costumers.



yeah real sad day /sarcasm


yeah, you got your shiny battlemaster gear so now they can fix your exploit, right.

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Yeah a Sad Day, a day where they released a patch, made some mistakes, fixed it 24 hours later and made the entire situation a lot better where many of the exploits can no longer be used once brought to their attention ACTUALLY listening to their costumers.



yeah real sad day /sarcasm


Fixed it 24 hrs later? The mass delusion has set into you bad. How is it said...The force can have a strong unfluence on the weak minded??

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After rolling as a Republic Guardian on a pvp server...the PvP imbalances were apparent out the gate. Even fully geared with Champion peices and the knowledge or my class's abilities, my class was extremely under-powered...along with the rest of the Faction.I then turned to an older game, KOTOR 2, and re-made a Guardian style Jedi. I had so much fun re-playing how a Jedi should be. I'm sorry BW...I gave this game a shot. I now wait for another game's attempt to re-create what George Lucas had dreamed.


Please, I am a Sith Assassin Tank and I got hit by a Guardian for 5k and I could barely kill him with that shield he puts on himself, think its a spec thing. All I know is underpowered yea right. The classes are mirrored almost exactly except for a few cosmetic changes.

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Join a premade slaughter warzones, profit. Or else you can just stay the **** out u whiny little ****.


Here you have your ideal Imperial canditate. Aww, you cant exploit pvp unbalance in wz's anymore because of crippling q times? Watch all the tears when the imperials have no one left to kill...

Edited by Fozy
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after rolling as a republic guardian on a pvp server...the pvp imbalances were apparent out the gate. Even fully geared with champion peices and the knowledge or my class's abilities, my class was extremely under-powered...along with the rest of the faction.i then turned to an older game, kotor 2, and re-made a guardian style jedi. I had so much fun re-playing how a jedi should be. I'm sorry bw...i gave this game a shot. I now wait for another game's attempt to re-create what george lucas had dreamed.






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I am a jedi Guardian, I play dps spec in pvp because frankly tanking spec in pvp without CC is simply stupid. I disagee that we are underpowered in general. I can do tons and tons of damage in pvp either 1v1 or aoe. What I can agree with is that our vigilance and defence trees lack pvp utilisation. The ONLY way to be effective and get kills in pvp is going 31 into Focus and rest either in vigi or mix of vigi and defence. That way you can get your force sweep to get a freaking insane amount of damage.


But that's about it, if you have a different style of play you can't pvp.

Edited by aleiro
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The server I'm on actually has the Republic farming Illum. They had complete control of the planet basically, just facerolling the Empire. Guardians seem fine to me also, as do their mirror Jugganauts.


This patch is useless though. And they also need to merge servers to actually increase activity.

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To OP.

Im a rather mature player and have played mmos for over 10 years. From DAOC onwards.


The class balance in SWTOR is just perfect...why? Cause they are exact mirrors of eachother.


How you can say that one side is better is hilarious.

Personally I play a Republic player as well, a Vanguard.


Jedi Guardian is very strong but requires its way to play, it is not a fotm class but do extremly well in able hands.

What you forgot, is that many classes have ranged damage, and you will have issues there unless you utilize your cc and abilities to close gaps fast.


WoW have worse balance then TOR ever had.

There is no class that is super strong or very bad. The class balance is extremly well done.

That some mechanics works less good etc, it will be fixed.

And that Scoundrels and Operatices can do insane burst out of stealth: I find this ok cause its their only way to play, once out of stealth their damage is same as my vanguard, but Im in heavy armor and ****loads of defensive tools.


Assasains and all rogues in Daoc could 1 shot most classes when coming out of stealth.

Witch hunters and Witch elfes did the same in warhammer online.

Rogues in World of Warcraft could do the same.


So why the heck should not scoundrels and operatives?

Im naming these without OP having mentioned it cause Im sure its one of those "why I quit" reasons.

I have never played a smuggler or operative but felt their power, and honestly, its not overpowered.


Again, class balance in TOR is very good. There is no class better then the other.

Its ALL about the player in SWTOR compared to other games.

And the most important factor as always however is gear. a lvl 50 in top gear and a lvl 50 in green gear is just like a lvl 50 fighting a lvl 30 to be honest.


See you

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To OP.

Im a rather mature player and have played mmos for over 10 years. From DAOC onwards.


The class balance in SWTOR is just perfect...why? Cause they are exact mirrors of eachother.


How you can say that one side is better is hilarious.

Personally I play a Republic player as well, a Vanguard.


Jedi Guardian is very strong but requires its way to play, it is not a fotm class but do extremly well in able hands.

What you forgot, is that many classes have ranged damage, and you will have issues there unless you utilize your cc and abilities to close gaps fast.


WoW have worse balance then TOR ever had.

There is no class that is super strong or very bad. The class balance is extremly well done.

That some mechanics works less good etc, it will be fixed.

And that Scoundrels and Operatices can do insane burst out of stealth: I find this ok cause its their only way to play, once out of stealth their damage is same as my vanguard, but Im in heavy armor and ****loads of defensive tools.


Assasains and all rogues in Daoc could 1 shot most classes when coming out of stealth.

Witch hunters and Witch elfes did the same in warhammer online.

Rogues in World of Warcraft could do the same.


So why the heck should not scoundrels and operatives?

Im naming these without OP having mentioned it cause Im sure its one of those "why I quit" reasons.

I have never played a smuggler or operative but felt their power, and honestly, its not overpowered.


Again, class balance in TOR is very good. There is no class better then the other.

Its ALL about the player in SWTOR compared to other games.

And the most important factor as always however is gear. a lvl 50 in top gear and a lvl 50 in green gear is just like a lvl 50 fighting a lvl 30 to be honest.


See you


I would agree with you 100%, except for one major fact. If everything was a mirrored as you say it is, it should be reflected by faction distribution. The imperials overpopulate because NO ONE wants to be the weak under powered class. Case and Point

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Or maybe there are more Imperials because not everybody is a Jedi fanboy?


Or because you get to play as a Jedi, Rebel or Republican is seemingly every Starwars game and people want a change.


I very much doubt the alleged high % of Imperial players (I wouldn't no if it's true, Republican outnumbers us on Ajunta) is due to people switching sides. Most people will be playing the side where the PVE storyline appeals to them.

Edited by DS_Romer
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Pvp forums are such a joke... nothing but qq and empty threats of unsubbing. Hunorous.


I play rep / on an imbalanced server / dont mind at all.


I play the game to have fun and cause i enjoy it.


No, you enjoy the game because you aren't playing top end. I can re-roll alts all day long and be bored outta my skull too




I am not threatning, I did cancel my sub and I still am a Star Wars fan. If you can't see the problems that plaque TOR, your eyes have been covered too.

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