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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We demand cross server pvp NOW!


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eq : "NEXUS travel will ruin the community!"

ao: "random mission system will ruin the community!"

wow(launch): "solo leveling will ruin the community!"

wow(few months in): "battlegrounds will ruin the community!"

wow(TBC): "no 40 man raids will ruin the community!"

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Why wouldn't they? Instead of drawing from the small number of players from each server they draw from everyone playing the game, WZ's would pop fast on every server, which would keep servers feeling active even when underpopulated.


Really ? Really ? On the contrary, it would make impossible for empire to get anything than huttball.


Cross server only make sense if you pair servers with opposite faction ratio.

Edited by Dalnar
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Indeed, it is *you* who demand it, not me, not one of my friends I play with every day.


You don't want to wait? Reroll for the opposite faction to even population or migrate to another shard where your chosen faction is in minority.

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Really ? Really ? On the contrary, it would make impossible for empire to get anything than huttball.


Yes really. Since more playrs would be qued up from BOTH sides, the % of Huttball games wouldn't really change.


Besides, broken mechanics like the inability to pick which WZ's you que for will be fixed in time, so it's really not a good reason to be against cross server ques.


In fact, I see a lot of people saying "no, I don't want" but no good reasons to be against it at all.

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eq : "NEXUS travel will ruin the community!"

ao: "random mission system will ruin the community!"

wow(launch): "solo leveling will ruin the community!"

wow(few months in): "battlegrounds will ruin the community!"

wow(TBC): "no 40 man raids will ruin the community!"


This ^


The only thing that ruins the community are MMO players.

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Yes really. Since more playrs would be qued up from BOTH sides, the % of Huttball games wouldn't really change.


Besides, broken mechanics like the inability to pick which WZ's you que for will be fixed in time, so it's really not a good reason to be against cross server ques.


In fact, I see a lot of people saying "no, I don't want" but no good reasons to be against it at all.


It wouldn't change, but there would be a lot more many huttball games going, hence the cycle in which you would land in EvR match is longer. While now you can get in 1 match out of 4, it could be 1 out 10 because you will compete with many more imperials for spot to that match. Since your time in game is limited (well should be, to lets say 2-3 hours), you would get less EvR matches.


Don't forget, the numbers of players in queues is not constant, but varies. And that variance is what would cause even more huttball. Because missing single Republic person for a match at give time, means automatically huttball for you, because there is always plenty of Imps in the huge queue you would love to.

Edited by Dalnar
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In fact, I see a lot of people saying "no, I don't want" but no good reasons to be against it at all.


People behaving even more like idiots because they know they'll never see the people they were matched with again. Community building. Quite some people I have met a lot and whom I know I can rely on to help win the match rather than standing somewhere maximizing medals.


That's quite enough reasons for me.

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People behaving even more like idiots because they know they'll never see the people they were matched with again.


Is that even possible?


Community building. Quite some people I have met a lot and whom I know I can rely on to help win the match rather than standing somewhere maximizing medals.


You can't meet people, make friends and que as a group with them unless the game forces you too?


That's quite enough reasons for me


Still waiting on a good one.

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No thanks.


I love the fact that I recognize the names in my warzones. I know who to look out for, who I can rely on, what guilds run tight teams. I love having this moderate sized community of people I can see on a day-to-day basis. Cross-faction battlegrounds ruined WoW pvp for me, please keep this as-is.


Most players are still in the 20-30 level range. Give it time, lvl 50 queues will spruce up.

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Yes really. Since more playrs would be qued up from BOTH sides, the % of Huttball games wouldn't really change.


Besides, broken mechanics like the inability to pick which WZ's you que for will be fixed in time, so it's really not a good reason to be against cross server ques.


In fact, I see a lot of people saying "no, I don't want" but no good reasons to be against it at all.


On my server, there are very few afkers, but i see it is a problem in the game by reading these forums. When people do afk, I keep their name in mind, and i won't group with them during other aspects of the game.


Basically, they are "somewhat" responsible for the actions they take in game on their server.


Going into a WZ with random folks, this goes out the window, and i would guess will encourage even more folks to go afk.


That right there is enough for me to say no, and i consider it a "good" reason.



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For me they are good enough. What makes your opinion more valid?


Nothing. But you quoted me, as if you had the answer I was looking for. You don't. Your reasons are still bad.


I've played MMOs with and without cross server ques, and the community is the same for both. It's what you put into it, not who the game puts you with.

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On my server, there are very few afkers, but i see it is a problem in the game by reading these forums. When people do afk, I keep their name in mind, and i won't group with them during other aspects of the game.


Basically, they are "somewhat" responsible for the actions they take in game on their server.


Going into a WZ with random folks, this goes out the window, and i would guess will encourage even more folks to go afk.


That right there is enough for me to say no, and i consider it a "good" reason.




What happens when you're in your single server que and you keep getting put in there with the same AFKer all night and there's nothing you can do about it because he doesn't care about anyone but himself?


With cross server ques you might get some AFKers, sometimes, but not consistantly like you can on a single server que. Is seeing the same jerks all the time "community"? I don't think so.


And again.... problems like AFKers in WZ's are problems that should be fixed in the game everntually. So it's really not a good excuse to not add cross server ques. If AFKers are the reason you're against Cross servers, they should fix the AFK problem, not throw out something that can help improve que times for the game as a whole simple because they havn't fixed the AFKers yet.

Edited by Spymaster
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I have played EVE extensively, and there was one thing you couldn't get rid off there: your reputation. Cross-server is the easy way for the asinine to be total morons without consequences.

If someone is consistantly an idiot in server-only activities he'll have a hard time getting support or even groups for PvE quickly. Cross-server he can happily keep doing it ad infinitum. On the other hand, even as a solo player, you can build up a positive reputation. Also not possible cross-server. How is someone who mainly levels by warzones actually supposed to find those friends to group with, if 99% of the people in his teams will be from different servers? Through PvE? Whicn is already boringly easy solo?


Actions -> consequences. That's one of the big plusses of EVE Online.

Edited by Tharrn
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What happens whern you're in your single server que and you keep getting put in there with the same AFKers all night and there's nothing you can do abnout it because he doens't care about anyone but himself?


With cross server ques you might get some AFKers, sometimes, but not consistantly like you can on a single server que. Is seeing the same jerkl all the time "community" I don't think so.


And again.... problem like AFKers in WZ's is a problem that should be fixed in the game everntually. So it's really not a good excuse to add cross server ques. If AFKers are the reason you're against Cross servers, they should fix the AFK problem, not throw out something that can help improve que times for the game as a whole simple because they havn't fixed the AFKers yet.




I haven't had that problem at all, there have been very very few afkers on my server. I also think that with cross server queues, and that you really don't see this folks all that often, will produce even more people afking. They will have little responsibilty for their actions.


Is this fact?




but When i played WoW so long ago, there were a whole lot more afkers after cross server queues went in, so its a "good" enough reason for me.

Edited by Tic-
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I haven't had that problem at all, there have been very very few afkers on my server. I also think that with cross server queues, and that you really don't see this folks all that often, will produce even more people afking. They will have little responsibilty for their actions.


Is this fact?




but When i played WoW so long ago, there were a whole lot more afkers after cross server queues went in, so its a "good" enough reason for me.


wasn't the giant explosion in the wow population and the mainstream acceptance of the game, it was the x-server queues!

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