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We demand cross server pvp NOW!


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no, cross server anything ruins communities in mmos


bioware has said before that they would not do cross server anything, i would be disappointed if they go back on that


Please do explain how it hurts communities, would love to hear this ^^.

Most gaming nerds are weak and insecure, they say what they have heard, but they can't explain why it's bad. Just because some weak gaming nerd said it's bad, doesn't mean you all have to follow suit.


Be yourself, stop following mainstream. But please do make 1 arguement against cross server...

Edited by Tiriensoul
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Put as simply as possible - If they don't do something very quickly to increase server populations or allow others to play against each other whenever they log on, then there will be very few players left on the majority of servers.


All other game issues should be put on hold and cross server warzones and/or character transfers and/or server mergers need to be absolute top priority.

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I'm curious, if there is no cross server pvp, how will ranked teams work? I see the same people in warzones most the time on my server. Does that mean there will be 2 maybe 3 ranked teams once it comes out?? Cross server pvp is the only logical option. That or merge some servers. Edited by Brappo
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Has any staff chimed in on this? Do we know which way they are leaning? It's THE deciding factor if I resub over the summer. Sure there are plenty of things that need some work, but if they can't figure this one out...
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  • 2 weeks later...
See EA. This is why you don't cater to PVE kids. They don't care about population or the amount of subs you have. They would rather sit in their towers believing they are the best at starwars pvp because they are the only ones playing/geared. Casuals and pvprs just want to play, these are the ones you want to cater to and enxourage to stick around. Cross server ques now!
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no, cross server anything ruins communities in mmos


bioware has said before that they would not do cross server anything, i would be disappointed if they go back on that


Actually the said cross server would be going with ranked but not regular wz's #get a clue

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People saying that it "ruins" community are over exagerating.


Community is about the people you group with, chat with, guild with... not who you shoot at.


I agree.


And without cross-server ques your community is going to dwindle to you and two other people.

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Who is this we? I don't demand it...and I don't recall giving you permission to speak for me. Do you seriously think that you are "getting their attention"? Thats hilariously ignorant. They already know that people want this kind of stuff, spamming it over and over just annoys everyone.
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Who is this we? I don't demand it...and I don't recall giving you permission to speak for me. Do you seriously think that you are "getting their attention"? Thats hilariously ignorant. They already know that people want this kind of stuff, spamming it over and over just annoys everyone.


Nice try Bioware Employee. You won't silence us!


Seriously though, you obviously aren't on one of the troubled servers if you don't think its a problem that needs to be fixed now. Not a month from now. Not mid or late summer. NOW. It's not a matter of wanting it. It's the fact that tons of people can't even play their characters because there's no one on the server. So yes, we demand it be addressed.


And I'm sure they do "know that people want this kind of stuff." But they obviously don't care because they aren't doing anything about it. That's the point of spamming it over and over. If enough people get proactive and do something instead of just sitting around feeding them money, then at some point they'll have to take action or watch their sales and income plummet.


Ohlen even said in his interview that they don't go into the office in a panic thinking "oh my god! how are we going to fix this!?" but they show up to work calmly blah blah etc. Except they SHOULD be in a panic trying to bust their asses and fix the immediate problems.

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No, don't do it.. I get instant queues. Does not matter how hard it is for some of you to get into WZ's and how cross server WZ's would not affect me in any shape or form it still shouldn't happen.


I know that there are servers where there isn't enough people online at the same time to even form a single WZ at all, But it destroys communities in some mysterious way and it still shouldn't happen.



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No, don't do it.. I get instant queues. Does not matter how hard it is for some of you to get into WZ's and how cross server WZ's would not affect me in any shape or form it still shouldn't happen.


I know that there are servers where there isn't enough people online at the same time to even form a single WZ at all, But it destroys communities in some mysterious way and it still shouldn't happen.




you're right. just let the game die, but keep the "communities" intact. god forbid they suffer.

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Valor 88 agrees with this post. The queue times on my server used to be 1-4 minutes up till about three weeks ago. Within the last two weeks the queue times have reached an all time high 1hr+. How are new players/alts supposed to play under these shabby conditions?


In my older age, I'm starting to understand business a little more. Money drives, and ************ on the forums wont solve anything. Why you might ask? Well, you keep feeding their bottom line and that's all they care about. Unsubscribe and make a difference.


For all the fatman fanboies: screw caving in, I already put my time in for this War Hero gear.


@STWOR PVP PRODUCT OWNER: You've 30 days to fix this garbage. Listen to the original poster.

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Valor 88 agrees with this post. The queue times on my server used to be 1-4 minutes up till about three weeks ago. Within the last two weeks the queue times have reached an all time high 1hr+. How are new players/alts supposed to play under these shabby conditions?


In my older age, I'm starting to understand business a little more. Money drives, and ************ on the forums wont solve anything. Why you might ask? Well, you keep feeding their bottom line and that's all they care about. Unsubscribe and make a difference.


For all the fatman fanboies: screw caving in, I already put my time in for this War Hero gear.


@STWOR PVP PRODUCT OWNER: You've 30 days to fix this garbage. Listen to the original poster.


Careful. You may need to reword your post. I was informed today we're not allowed to attempt to "rally the masses to unsubscribe". I've said the same thing as you many times today and encouraged a single day mass exodus for everyone who wants BW/EA to finally pay attention. But everything i say mysteriously disappears

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regardless of whether or not we "demand" cross server pvp, the cross server feature is clearly something that the devs are not ready to bring out. i believe the term is "waiting for the technology to catch up"


swtor wasnt, as far as i can tell, designed with cross server anything in mind. adding a feature like that in to a live game is no easy thing to do. imho, merging pvp servers into US west, US east, euro and asia/south pacific to consolidate player bases would be an easier task to accomplish for this dev team.

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Just got my Closed Beta for a game i've been waiting since 2010 and all i got to say BYE BYE SWTOR , after deleting most of my posts and infringing on my free speech to post those posts i'm now moving to a community that listens and respects there player base. I didn't want to leave and most others also i bet would say the same too but it was your hand that pushed us over that edge and forced us to move along bye bye.:(
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Ok settle people...

I agree that we urgently need cross server PvP queues, before the critical mass is gone game wide. Look at Horizons/Istaria for an example of too late...


Please , do not organise massive re rolls onto the few surviving heavy servers. While this did actually work in DAOC forcing devs to reply, it also crashed the servers for all those players who did not suffer the issues.


Please do not range out to all other EA games forums with your complaints.

Also please do not ALL unsubscribe , listing this as the primary issue, we need you ingame.


The devs will do what they are going to do regardless of our actions, their ongoing salaries depend on it.

Edited by Elkirin
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