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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We demand cross server pvp NOW!


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Really? Not my personal interests.. Try the interests of thousands scattered around on the low population servers. You cant say anything unless you are experiencing what we are. Then you would be humming a different tune.


And why should I have to reroll? When I made my character, this was the server Bioware recommended to me. So I went along with it. Now I'm getting punished for taking their recommendation and all you guys can say is stop qqing and reroll... come on now.


You punished yourself by not researching which servers would have a stable population... Thousands of people knew The Swiftsure would be the server you want to roll on for competitive PvP. It was plastered all over forums, hell even Kotaku had massive posts about it... Think before you go flailing your hands over the keyboard again.\


big NO from me for x-server for anything but rated... I like tog et to know who the other good PvPers are on my server. The guild I am apart of regularly recruits people who show exceptional skill in PUGs... Do you want to deny people the chance at playing with the best of the best just because you couldn't be bothered to do a little research?


If you are really that unhappy with it... Reroll


I'll even help you... (Start a Marauder or Sentinel)

Edited by Izshin
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Yes... X-Server PvP and LFG please... before all of the servers are completely dead and the game dies off when GW2 comes out...


So annnnoying I hate all this "the game is dead when X mmo comes out" lol you do realize that after the qqers ruin gw2 the same thing is gonna happen again...its a never ending cycle. Ne was I quit the game because bioware truly ****ed up on pvp bad...I will come back...only when its fixed...and world pvp I fixed too...such a shame cuz the game has so much potential cross server ques would keep me unsubbed though

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You people on high-pop servers really don't have a clue what it's like on low-pop servers. That, or you just aren't capable of empathy. High-pop people are getting way more for their money. BW is screwing us and themselves by letting this problem go on for months.
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no, cross server anything ruins communities in mmos


bioware has said before that they would not do cross server anything, i would be disappointed if they go back on that


For the sake of the imperials on my server, I'd hope cross-server comes.

Besides, BW is going to do cross server so... yeah.

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I want the xserver to happend as soon as possible.

Not because of long que times, but sadly on my server there is to few republic that que most of the time at 50, and it means that the same pro-reps is like a full 8 man pre-made :(


Sith side there is more intrest so at random hrs random ppl que up.

The reps guys que up for endless hrs and when "peak" hrs hit and more than those 8 ppl que up, they switch to they're sith toons and dominate hard again.


Dont get me wrong theese guys are just fenomenal players in all regards, but it gets old faceing them all day long.


I dont think its ideal that intrest on the server for pvp is so low that we cant have 2-3 matches or more going on 24/7 or atleast during peak hrs.


at best there is 2 matches at the same time in off-peak, and during peak hrs maybe 5-6 at 50's.

5*8 = 40 ppl on a server seems abit little on a server with rating of standard, even though its a rp.


Pre 1.2 there was alot more random ppl queing for wz, but since the gap in pve/pvp and them being to narrowed for use, casuals dont wanna pvp, since the gear isnt "good enough" for pve.


I miss the exitment of meeting random ppl who you dont know how play and win or lose randomly, now its meh.

Starting to see alot of ppl bleed out to GW 2 beta and I dont like that :(


If not xservers, let us xfer toons over to others so we can skip leveling to 50 etc

I'd pay for either.

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I want it. I was against it originally. My main toon is a Valor 92 BH. There are some truely great things about PvP in ToR. A close Huttball match is a thing of beauty. But we need to be honest. Server populations are dropping steadily. My server is an above average population server for its type. There are no L50 wz matches in the early morning hours. Often the first match will not occur until 9 AM PST. And then L50 PvP will be available sporadically until around 4 PM PST at which time there will always be a match going on - although sometimes only one. The guild I belong to is the largest PvP guild on the server. About half the people put aside ToR completely to try the GW2 beta. Even now, only about half of those people have even logged back on to ToR - and most only briefly. And we haven't even seen the impact from D3. We don't have a lot of time. Either x-server happens in the next two or three weeks or it will be too late.
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Cross server should never happen.


server merges or better say free xfers (1 per account to anywhere) and server shutting down should happen though






Cross server pvp ques will happen or SWTOR will die.

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Server transfers, merges AND cross-server has to happen together. Especially with the outer titles on the horizon the transfer/merge combination would be at best a temporary fix. The cross-server function SHOULD be designed in a way to still preferably match people from the same server together before taking people from the other servers into account (after a brief waiting time). I think to remember having read that they will create it just this way.


BW is taking way too long though! Get your acts together already please!

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i dident read all 30 pages, but do server merges rather cross servers and communities will not be runied.


Cross server pvp will DESTROY the game feeling, same thing will happen as rift, communities died and all unsubbed


SERVER MERGE is the win, and not in JULY, to late then, ppl will go to other games my whole guilds talk about it


i mean its sux to ruin a very good pvp game


(except that some ppl ALWAYS get the huball in the middle and some never)

Edited by Keetar
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i dident read all 30 pages, but do server merges rather cross servers and communities will not be runied.


Cross server pvp will DESTROY the game feeling, same thing will happen as rift, communities died and all unsubbed


SERVER MERGE is the win, and not in JULY, to late then, ppl will go to other games my whole guilds talk about it


i mean its sux to ruin a very good pvp game


(except that some ppl ALWAYS get the huball in the middle and some never)


This is BS, there are more players that arn't active in a guild or server communitie, they just want to play PVP.


After the first 2 months i had to create a new caracter on a different server because my server died. I left the guild that i enjoyed and needed to start all over again. This distroyed my SWTOR experience. A lot of the servers are running on low populations. (http://www.torstatus.net/) and this will drop faster after the 30days free play.


Server transfers might help, but i din't mind to stay on a small server with my old guild that felt more like a communitie than the new high pop server.


(oh and i ain't saying this because i have any gain! i unsubed and aint comming back)

Edited by TheRelic
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Due to excessive queue times

Would you like to see cross server pvp implemented immediately ? ;)


One word, "no".

You want it in two words? "No thanks".

Arguments about whether cross-server anything destroys or enhances the community aside, the Devs have enough to be getting on with solving the other problems in the game at the moment as it is. Adding a facility so that you can have cross-server PvP is an interesting idea but in my opinion it should not be a high priority item, and by the time the Devs have knocked off all the high priority items and get to the items at this level of priority, there should be other systems that will make this irrelevant.

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Add cross-server que or merge some server please. I am on a very low-pop server, after 12am server time pretty much there is no any WZ going on. I know it because I always use "search" to see how many WZ is happening while I wait.


People who reject this idea are ppl who are either on high-pop server, or afraid to get stomp by better PVPer from other server. They are selfish and they have never experienced how painful it is just to pray for a WZ to pop after hours.

Edited by Invoky
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add cross-server que or merge some server please. I am on a very low-pop server, after 12am server time pretty much there is no any wz going on. I know it because i always use "search" to see how many wz is happening while i wait.


People who reject this idea are ppl who are either on high-pop server, or afraid to get stomp by better pvper from other server. They are selfish and they have never experienced how painful it is just to pray for a wz to pop after hours.



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For the sake of the imperials on my server, I'd hope cross-server comes.

Besides, BW is going to do cross server so... yeah.


^ Exactly, same on our server too, Imps have already said, that when GW 2 come out MOST of the IMPs on our server are all moving over to that. Were a low pop server, if we loose those guys, PVP is finished on our server. So I hope for their sake, that cross queuing comes, and for our own sake, too. This way we all can get into games with more people across the board, and not feel tired of facing off against each other every day, the same faces, and same predictable score's.

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