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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Don't blame Bioware!! Hear me out


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However, this is the hell Bioware should've prepared for when they agreed to be funded by EA and gave the drivers seat for their PvP endeavors to Mythic.

Mythic is fine, can you imagine Bioware doing pvp from scratch? lol

EA is fine too, you just need to speak in their language. Money. Make them hurt financially, they'll listen ;)


Example: Unsub, reason --> EU maintenance times :D Enough of this, they'll change it. 100% guaranteed.

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Bioware is not just funded by EA. EA flat out owns BW! Just like they bought and owned Mythic which after the fail of Warhammer they collapsed the ones they did not fire in to bioware.


So blaming bioware is the same as blaming EA they are one and the same!

The only ones EA has to answer to in this game is Lucas Arts which has total control of the IP that is star wars!

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You do realise that Mythic Entertainment, the company which you quite clearly state make "Terrible" PVP are also the company that alongside EA developed DAOC - a game which you then go on to praise for it's PVP experience?


Just saying ;)


You beat me to it - was wondering if anyone had noticed this lol

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Once upon a time, in a galaxy not that far away, there was an MMO called Age of Conan that had 1mil subs. It treated its customers badly, now it's free to play.


Gogo EA, after all, you make SUPERB f2p games, make another one.


LaF ftw, Electronics Arts: Launch and Forget is our motto.

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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:eek: Bioware got a mixed virus of Funcom and SOE! :eek:


Funcom virus made them talk and build up a hype! Player will get this and that and opss we forgot that we can't give them this and that...


SOE virus made them panic and soon we see NGE in a patch! We must save this game!!!! Change the combat system! Niiaaooww!!!

Edited by Bafucin
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There may be outside influences in this travesty but BW has been in the driver's seat from day one. When this game implodes, and implode it will, the only entity to blame at the end of the day will be Bioware.


Also a few people have pointed out that BW of days past and BW of today are not the same thing. Totally true and more people need to wake up to that fact. The Bioware that gave us Baldur's Gate, etc is long gone. Loooong gone.

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There may be outside influences in this travesty but BW has been in the driver's seat from day one. When this game implodes, and implode it will, the only entity to blame at the end of the day will be Bioware.


Also a few people have pointed out that BW of days past and BW of today are not the same thing. Totally true and more people need to wake up to that fact. The Bioware that gave us Baldur's Gate, etc is long gone. Loooong gone.

yep... 1 look at last few releases should be enouhg of a wake up call... da2 is prime example how anything controlled by ea gets so...crapped out its a wonder it was ever anything else

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I think we blame Bioware for all these problems because they're the only ones that can fix it. EA sure as hell doesn't give a crap. Bioware makes quality games, and I'm hoping they won't let this game ruin their reputation. I'm guessing Bioware joined EA for the funding. I really want SWTOR to succeed. I've been looking for a good game for a long time now, and SWTOR at the very least, has a lot of potenetial.
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To be fair to EA, it may have only been responsible for forcing BW to pull the trigger so to speak and finally release this game after a year of delays. BW itself has said all along that they were given carte blanche to design and implement their game any way they saw fit, and the money to do it. If this is the case, and BW's star power during their negotiations may have made that reasonable possible, the state of this game is entirely 100% Bioware's fault and in fact EA - although a despicable cesspool of a company - may in fact be taking heat for something that is entirely Bioware's fault to begin with. Wouldn't that be something? rofl
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Yep. Should be a good community.

Yeah, you can have your SWG back after all, if Bioware keeps messing up. enjoy.


Serious gamers will turn to serious games that offer respect to the customer and serious support.

Unless things change, FAST.

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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