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Don't blame Bioware!! Hear me out


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I can't help but feel that Bioware has been a poor victim in this mess. It is unjust that they alone are taking all the heat from the trollers, haters, and unsubscribers in the circus that was once called the forums. Yes, there is plenty of blame that must be tossed around because the number of bugs and dissatisfaction in the game is mind-numbing. However, this is the hell Bioware should've prepared for when they agreed to be funded by EA and gave the drivers seat for their PvP endeavors to Mythic.


It doesn't take a game vet to know EA is the greediest, most selfish corporation in the video game industry. With their eyes locked on the coveted $15 monthly fee, they have pounded, pillaged and rayped the soul out of this title to the bone, desperately trying to launch it before the competition rises with Diablo 3 and GW. Anyone who has taken a course in business 101 knows that this is a marketing tactic.


To top it off, Mythic, the developers of Warhammer, holds the PvP reigns for this game. Yes, I have played War. Yes, I have played it in launch. And yes, it was terrible. It's like a case of deja vu; the ability delays, choppy animations and the soullessness of it all is nothing but familiar. The devs of War, and now Swtor devs, does not comprehend the type of PvP we have experienced in other games such as DAOC or WoW. To the devs of Mythic, PvP is just numbers and booleans. For the devs in Blizzard, it's a living, breathing entity.


And Bioware, you have proven you have this "living, breathing entity" in your previous titles. You understand games are more than just a profit, budget, or complicated boolean codes.


Bioware, you must clean house. EA and Mythic are sucking the soul and brand entity you tirelessly worked to build. You have put yourselves in the category of high caliber game developers by making quality, enjoyable games. There is still time to remedy this situation. There are tons and tons of other game developing companies that would fund this project.




Written by Concerned Gamer




EA = Poor customer service, business-minded buffoons

Mythic = Doesn't know squat about PvP

Bioware = They are trying their best to carry the title by providing storyline, which has been awesome at this point


Show EA and Mythic the door, make a bold move and find other game developers out there to save this sinking ship

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I can't help but feel that Bioware has been a poor victim in this mess. It is unjust that they alone are taking all the heat from the trollers, haters, and unsubscribers in the circus that was once called the forums. Yes, there is plenty of blame that must be tossed around because the number of bugs and dissatisfaction in the game is mind-numbing. However, this is the hell Bioware should've prepared for when they agreed to be funded by EA and gave the drivers seat for their PvP endeavors to Mythic.


It doesn't take a game vet to know EA is the greediest, most selfish corporation in the video game industry. With their eyes locked on the coveted $15 monthly fee, they have pounded, pillaged and rayped the soul out of this title to the bone, desperately trying to launch it before the competition rises with Diablo 3 and GW. Anyone who has taken a course in business 101 knows that this is a marketing tactic.


To top it off, Mythic, the developers of Warhammer, holds the PvP reigns for this game. Yes, I have played War. Yes, I have played it in launch. And yes, it was terrible. It's like a case of deja vu; the ability delays, choppy animations and the soullessness of it all is nothing but familiar. The devs of War, and now Swtor devs, does not comprehend the type of PvP we have experienced in other games such as DAOC or WoW. To the devs of Mythic, PvP is just numbers and booleans. For the devs in Blizzard, it's a living, breathing entity.


And Bioware, you have proven you have this "living, breathing entity" in your previous titles. You understand games are more than just a profit, budget, or complicated boolean codes.


Bioware, you must clean house. EA and Mythic are sucking the soul and brand entity you tirelessly worked to build. You have put yourselves in the category of high caliber game developers by making quality, enjoyable games. There is still time to remedy this situation. There are tons and tons of other game developing companies that would fund this project.




Written by Concerned Gamer




EA = Poor customer service, business-minded buffoons

Mythic = Doesn't know squat about PvP

Bioware = They are trying their best to carry the title by providing storyline, which has been awesome at this point


Show EA and Mythic the door, make a bold move and find other game developers out there to save this sinking ship


I agree. BW has been a great producer of games even though they have had some buggy releases. I'll blame EA before BW.

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Bioware is a part of EA. Like it or not, the Bioware that everyone clings to is a memory, nothing more, and has been for some years now.


I believe the dev team has a ton of blame too, and you're right. It's like buying a Saturn... really it's a GM.


Just irks me that people who made WAR still work. If I failed that hard at my job I wouldn't work in that field ever again.

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I do agree for the most part but you can't blame anybody but Bioware for this game's horrific writing. The amount of melodrama pumped into all of the dialogue doesn't make the repetitive gameplay feel as epic as they thought it would. You can find better writing in most children's cartoons.
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sad... looks like SWTOR is going down faster than that cruise ship that sank the other day....


but i think ill keep sailing on this fail boat of a game for another month or 2 see if they can turn it around..


still can't believe they closed down SWG for this game....... :(

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I believe the dev team has a ton of blame too, and you're right. It's like buying a Saturn... really it's a GM.


Just irks me that people who made WAR still work. If I failed that hard at my job I wouldn't work in that field ever again.


Funny little story about that, the ones who worked on it up until around closed beta do not. They were sacked for some EA guys, in particular a new director who pushed the game out like a large turd. They knew they weren't close to done, yet EA decided it was time to cash in. Sound familiar?

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I can't help but feel that Bioware has been a poor victim in this mess. It is unjust that they alone are taking all the heat from the trollers, haters, and unsubscribers in the circus that was once called the forums. Yes, there is plenty of blame that must be tossed around because the number of bugs and dissatisfaction in the game is mind-numbing. However, this is the hell Bioware should've prepared for when they agreed to be funded by EA and gave the drivers seat for their PvP endeavors to Mythic.


they brought it on themselves for not only accepting a buyout but coming up with this title.


It doesn't take a game vet to know EA is the greediest, most selfish corporation in the video game industry. With their eyes locked on the coveted $15 monthly fee, they have pounded, pillaged and rayped the soul out of this title to the bone, desperately trying to launch it before the competition rises with Diablo 3 and GW. Anyone who has taken a course in business 101 knows that this is a marketing tactic.


yip pretty much


And Bioware, you have proven you have this "living, breathing entity" in your previous titles. You understand games are more than just a profit, budget, or complicated boolean codes.


they are all big boys and deserve to know when they messed up bad...like every aspect of this game that is broken. the list is far to long to post here

Bioware, you must clean house. EA and Mythic are sucking the soul and brand entity you tirelessly worked to build. You have put yourselves in the category of high caliber game developers by making quality, enjoyable games. There is still time to remedy this situation. There are tons and tons of other game developing companies that would fund this project.


heres the problem., bw is owned by ea not the other way around. the time left is about 1 month untill people start jumping ship in droves. if they dont fix crafting, fix ability delay, and fix pvp the playerbase may very well go poof.

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Considering the estimated budget on his sucker, they're probably close to breaking even, if not already ahead. And good for them. It's a fun game for a lot of us, regardless of the forum trolls. The consensus of all the people I've talked to that don't hang out in this hellhole is that they're happily resubbing and looking forward to what this game turns into.


All I know is I'm having a great time with it, and I'm going to continue playing, and I'll have my friends with me. I couldn't be happier.


Well, fixing the ability delay would make me happier... but I'm still happy.

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Considering the estimated budget on his sucker, they're probably close to breaking even, if not already ahead. And good for them. It's a fun game for a lot of us, regardless of the forum trolls. The consensus of all the people I've talked to that don't hang out in this hellhole is that they're happily resubbing and looking forward to what this game turns into.


All I know is I'm having a great time with it, and I'm going to continue playing, and I'll have my friends with me. I couldn't be happier.


Well, fixing the ability delay would make me happier... but I'm still happy.


admitting that you accept mediocrity is the first step to curing your addiction. GJ!:D

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Considering the estimated budget on his sucker, they're probably close to breaking even, if not already ahead. And good for them. It's a fun game for a lot of us, regardless of the forum trolls. The consensus of all the people I've talked to that don't hang out in this hellhole is that they're happily resubbing and looking forward to what this game turns into.


All I know is I'm having a great time with it, and I'm going to continue playing, and I'll have my friends with me. I couldn't be happier.


Well, fixing the ability delay would make me happier... but I'm still happy.


Not quite sure how 2 million boxes (minus returns) adds up to 500 million, but ok

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However, this is the hell Bioware should've prepared for when they agreed to be funded by EA and gave the drivers seat for their PvP endeavors to Mythic.


To top it off, Mythic, the developers of Warhammer, holds the PvP reigns for this game. Yes, I have played War. Yes, I have played it in launch. And yes, it was terrible. It's like a case of deja vu; the ability delays, choppy animations and the soullessness of it all is nothing but familiar. The devs of War, and now Swtor devs, does not comprehend the type of PvP we have experienced in other games such as DAOC or WoW. To the devs of Mythic, PvP is just numbers and booleans.


Mythic = Doesn't know squat about PvP


You do realise that Mythic Entertainment, the company which you quite clearly state make "Terrible" PVP are also the company that alongside EA developed DAOC - a game which you then go on to praise for it's PVP experience?


Just saying ;)

Edited by BalynRex
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