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I'm sick of all the brown nosing too, "Do you know how bad WoW was when it first came out!?" This is 2012, shut up, my expectations are higher and yours should be too.


Why dont infants come out the womb walking, talking, and with jobs already? This is 2012!


When you answer this, youll have your answer to why we dont have unrealistic expectations of TOR being 10/10 NOW NOW NOW!...

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I've been playing multiplayer games since the 1970's. Nothing ever works right the first time they patch it- except in the rare and happy case. It's always the same, too. I've seen the complaints bandied about today on the forum for every MMO I ever played. I've seen it on the mailing lists for MUDs and MUSH games. I've seen it on the snail-mail digest of play-by-mail games. I've heard people say it verbally in my physical presence about a game we played which didn't have any player-to-player communication because it was 1979.


New content breaks things. Developers will always be accused of not listening. Game design staff will always be told they should fix bugs before releasing new content, but at the same time will be told they're idiots for delaying new content.


Some users will never be happy. They cannot be pleased; it is an impossibility to do so. A good game company will simply listen to them, nod their heads and smile, and carry on.


Now, the rest of us who understand that stuff happens will chuckle, pick up the mouse and adapt to the circumstances and play for as long as the game continues to deliver entertaiment commensurate with its price.


So true, so very true, i havnt played as long but close and i have seen the same post in the wow launch in the AO launch, people expect the game to be flawless from the start. Go back and look at the wow forums people complain about the samething. I will pick up my mouse and play and enjoy the game also,

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Are you dumb or what? Credit duping was an exploit! It isnt because making money is hard in the game. This is not what is in question here but the fact that they didnt remove the money that was created by this exploit.


What a moron you are!


On topic.... i enjoy the game and will sub at least another month. I do understand how folks could be pissed that the issues generated by today's patch and the "timing" of this offer.


How do you know they didn't? I can't count the number of times I've heard people make claims on here that "CSR did this" "CSR didn't do that" and an actual CSR posted and basically said they were full of crap. I'm just going to automatically chalk this up as another of those.


So before levelling those kinds of comments at me, maybe you should re-examine yourself, imo.

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So true, so very true, i havnt played as long but close and i have seen the same post in the wow launch in the AO launch, people expect the game to be flawless from the start. Go back and look at the wow forums people complain about the samething. I will pick up my mouse and play and enjoy the game also,


I'm happy you have the ability to play at the moment... A lot cannot.

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I think things like these are horrible. It creates the haves and the have-nots based on out-of-game circumstances.


You may argue that it is a fairly minor thing. And it is. It really is. But that's not the point. The point is that it alienates those that come later. No matter what they do, they will never be able to have that title. The will never be able to collect all titles, because there are titles that they cannot have by any means whatsoever.


Making it hard to gain something in-game is one thing.

Making it impossible to gain something is another.


WoW did the same thing and all these small things taken together was inevitably what forced me to quit. In-game events that had transpired at one point or another which I missed, giveaways on real-life events I couldn't possibly have attended.


If I wanted to collect something, it was impossible to excel at it. It was impossible to collect all the recipes as a crafter. It was impossible to collect all the pets. It was impossible to collect all the mounts. No matter what, it was physically impossible to aspire to be the best of any one thing in the entire game, due to things beyond my own control.


I remember WAR doing the exact same thing from the get-go - All Beta-testers got a unique Title. A Title I could never gain no matter what I did. No matter what, I would never be able to collect all the titles of the game. From square one, there's no way for me to "win" the Title "game".


The fact that SWTOR takes this direction so early is disheartening to say the least.


I'll be getting this title just fine. It is the system I have a problem with.


To me, the end result isn't rewarding the ones that gets it. It's punishing all those that don't.



What do you suggest then? That the game should be the exact same from inception to , oh, 12 years from now so that Every person can receive a founders title?


If you were lucky enough to be of the first crew on a ship (I was prior Military) and be labeled a "Plank Owner" would that be right to give a New Sailor 35 years later the same title when he comes aboard?


Of course not. The title is there for those who were here in the beginning.


the title should have been given on DAY ONE of release as a reward and went for the first month afterward.


However I am not complaining about how they are doing it. I agree with These titles. I was here at the beginning, no matter what or how you think of the game, I was here (or you were) and no one can take that away from you.


The game needs time to be fixed. It went live only a month ago. Believe me, It is not THAT bad. Sure there are some fixes needed but Not bad enough to break the game.

Edited by Foofie
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Since my own thread was closed and I was directed here:


"Founder" feature Reaks of Weakness, Greed, and is just plain Lame


I'm going to preface this by saying that my subscription is already setup, I'm not canceling it nor do I have plans to cancel it.


With the game only being a month old, considering the plethora of complaints and claims of cancellation that have been steadily increasing leading up to and with the 1.1 release yesterday, enough to garner newsworthy attention. With most players non-subscribed 30 days just ending. With your emergency patching and weekly inconsistency with maintenance and patching. Bringing the website up today with the top feature being, "Pay us and get some novelty crap," is not only lame, but projects Weakness and Greed for Bioware/EA. Not only are people laughing their face off at this, but it's putting a bad taste in people's mouth and confirming to many the negative impressions they have held or considered.


I want to think that some marketing bimbo thought this up. I know they probably thought this was a nice gesture, but the message it sends is that you need to give people something extra so they subscribe. The game itself isn't good enough. The timing of the feature sends a message of greed and even retribution for people who have voiced complaints. Like you are trying to entice them into subscribing anyway with little trinkets, and punish those who try to prove their point with their wallets.


I see a lot of good communication from developers of this game. Statements conveying confidence that plans are in place, you know what you are doing, you are working on improvements that show you are listening to the customer. I think I have always felt good about this game after reading most of the official statements from every BW poster but Stephen Reid (sorry man, you're just bad at this). Those statements just need to be more timely and more frequent (remember we're in the information age). If BW will just focus on fixing things that are broken and keeping everybody in the loop about it with a tone of confidence, this game can be great.

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Why dont infants come out the womb walking, talking, and with jobs already? This is 2012!


When you answer this, youll have your answer to why we dont have unrealistic expectations of TOR being 10/10 NOW NOW NOW!...


Nice overly used response that is completely irrelevant to releasing MMOs. Does your baby get 6 years of developers to code its actions before its plopped out? Go do something useful. No MMO should be released without a UI that allows draggable windows or a completely missing graphics setting that was used to lure us into playing. Have anything else useful to say?

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Founder title! For when you want to advertise to the world how stupid you were to keep paying for an unfinished game!


Not as stupid as you are, for coming here with a lame comment about a game that you clearly don't like.


I can get why people don't like a game. I've got no problems with something not to a person's tastes.


But what I cannot figure out is why these idiots feel the burning need to insult or convince others that they are 'oh so right.'


Clearly they care a lot about the game because it's causing them stress and they are unable to deal with it in a proper, mature manner.

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I am sure all those NPCs will be impressed. What a bunch of noobs!


^ I LoL'd.


I'm really trying to like where this game is going, we all have a right to have our doubts right? I seriously can't say if I will re-sub.. and though it seems to be bad timing with this semi-unfitting "title". I really has no sway for me to re-sub at all and like many it brings forth questions for me on their focus. I guess it would be nice if BW would give us all some reassurance on these fixes... even if it were to be 3-4 months, heck.. something solid. :confused:


Good Luck BW.

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Reminds me of the "Elder" title from DAOC days.


To the OP.


Why do you care so much if you will not be playing the game?


Hint OP is Bioware are you saying it's so bad Bioware reps are playing WoW?

Edited by Zezel
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