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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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The memory system that ToR uses doesn't allow for roll backs. Not to mention, if they did a "wide roll back" all the people who DID earn their valor would cry even more. You guys kept reading that 500+ page thread and kept hearing "roll back" so you "assumed" they were going to do one without even knowing anything of the details or requirements of said roll-back.


Calm your roll. You're really only upset because -you- didn't get to exploit it.

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Not good enough. I would like to know HOW they're planning to fix the mess that is Patch 1.1. Oh wait, another you gotta wait till the servers are back up, hopefully we got it right this time-moment. Given their track record I wouldn't be surprised if they mess up things even more.


Communication is the key to any successful MMO. Somehow I don't think BW know the meaning of the word.


Coming to you tonight: Patch 1.1 *hotfixed* - We broke things even more!


I got infractions and even a ban over this way before launch: I wasn't complaining about the game itself but about the way BW was treating the community.


They clearly forgot that in order to run an MMO having a solid game is not enough but it is also a matter of how you deal with your community. The NGE itself for instance did less harm to SOE than the way the company has treated its player base (blatant lies, bans, etc.)


BW told us repeatedly over the years this game has been in development that they had learned from the other MMO mistakes... They have learned nothing at all and they show the same arrogance than all these companies that have failed hard these last years.


That's this same arrogance that lead to this situation today. It was obvious that this patch was going to break PvP due to faction population imbalance and the way the most populated faction was getting rewarded. Obvious. Yet they still patched it live... They were fully aware of the issue it was raising but they still were ok with it.


Arrogance and lack of communication are going to kill this game faster than they break it.

Edited by demotivator
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Great... reduce the population size on ilum that way people who are already having hell completeting dailys and weeklys... will now not be able to do them unless they camp the center node and get 1 crate every 1 minutes.



Awesome..... keeping my account canceled. No roll back seriously?



/golfclap juust golfclap



you should have just made this a single player/multiplayer game not an MMO nothing about this is an MMO.


PvP server where i get 2 world pvp kills from 1-50.


just terrible.

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NO MMO since week 1 of Ultima Online has done a rollback. Get over it, stop asking it will NEVER happen.


Nice facts about rollbacks. Wonder have you actually played anything?


Ragnarok had rollbacks.

Ashen Empires had rollbacks (actually several).

If I remember correctly Lineage2 had a rollback.

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Has there ever been a game that has been perfect where no one ever complained? Yes it was a mistake. But at least wait to see if there will be a fix to all of this. It hasn't even been a day yet and people are already crying they are canceling their accounts. At least wait to see if there is a follow up for a solution to all of this. So much nerd rage and it might be over nothing....People have no patient.
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The memory system that ToR uses doesn't allow for roll backs. Not to mention, if they did a "wide roll back" all the people who DID earn their valor would cry even more. You guys kept reading that 500+ page thread and kept hearing "roll back" so you "assumed" they were going to do one without even knowing anything of the details or requirements of said roll-back.


Calm your roll. You're really only upset because -you- didn't get to exploit it.


I'm sure there is some way that a rollback can be implemented. I had a very strange bug 2 days ago (to which i made a ticket that was then deleted with no response 2 days later) in that whenever i tried to put items in my bank i was immediately sent to the character selection screen only to immediatly log on to find my character had been rolled back by about 5 min to my previous location and with everything back in my inventory.

Edited by epijah
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I still could not care less about the gained valor, and iam playing in a republic guild on a server where this happened, too.


As PVP Player i simply cannot stand the fact that they arent acknowleding a serious performance/scaling problem with their game when in situations with several players.


Despite they PVP Lead Designer advertised Ilum as a Zone where 200 People could meet another 100.


- When will this game make use of more then 2 Cores ?

- When will this game make use of more then 4GB Ram?

- When will this game run fluently in OW PVP Situations ?


Post 1.1

- When will the random loading screens in Warzones disappear ?

-- How did these random loading screens make it into a new RetailClient ?

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First rule in fixing bugs (and yes, I work on software) is to not only fix the initial bug, but ensure your "Fix" doesn't introduce any more. IE...how can this affect the rest of the system. You put out a patch to fix silly inconsequential things (Most of which were NOT fixed....still can't abandon those *********** missions!) and introduce GLARING bugs. There are now 3 times the bugs we had before, but these are major bugs. The ones before were just an inconvenience.


That's just shotty development. I have seen people lose their jobs for much less, and I don't work for a billion dollar company.


It was seriously awesome to log into Ilum (I logged off there), get one shot, and subsequently locked into the spawn point for an hour while the imperials, who outnumber us 8 to 1 on my server, gained massive amounts of valor.


Biggest failure I have ever seen. I am having my dev team leader forward his resume to you. Looks like you need someone with some sense.

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I welcome the changes even though it was not an issue on my server. If they did rollbacks, I hope they would have some way of doing them only onl those servers where the issue happened. The factions are balanced on my server so we did not experience the same problem as a lot of folks.
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Nice facts about rollbacks. Wonder have you actually played anything?


Ragnarok had rollbacks.

Ashen Empires had rollbacks (actually several).

If I remember correctly Lineage2 had a rollback.


Dont forget DAoC, it has had 3 or 4 in as many years. So you are way off on your facts bud.


Quoted the wrong dude, sorry was meant for the other guy

Edited by HileyQuiggley
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The memory system that ToR uses doesn't allow for roll backs.


I am very curious where you got that info. I have worked under several memory system under widespread normal system and much more exotic system with fixed memory mapping, and i have never encountered a system for which the memory would have any impact on the ability to do a rollback or not.

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Get through your thick head that this is the only realistic solution that they can implement. If you think they can punish hundreds of thousands of players that got their progression legitimately in the whole game today in order to roll back the few hundreds that got it by exploiting, you must be the most delusional creature on the planet.


People at level 50 fighting it out on Ilum are the vast minority compared to the vast majority of the playerbase that isn't even near to get there.


Demanding for them to completely void the progression of the vast majority in order to hit the vast minority is ludicrous. The only thing you should be asking for is exactly what they promise, for those in that vast minority to be pinpointed and adressed individually.


There's no other solution in the realm of realism. Simple as that.


I was mad about the situation (not thinking about cancelling though still love my pve) and wanted a roll back but you make a good point. If some players spent the day in wz o r through other legit ways getting their valor up in either faction they should not be punish. People neeed to understand that this post probably comes from a division dedicated to the page and public relations not from the actual people who are working on the code. They probably dont want to mention any messuare specifically just to be safe but at least they acknoledged it (not the "possible problems" crap they said in the first post)


They probably have activity logs or other methods to try and find out who where at illum exploiting this . I agree that they shouldve closed it down earlier and the as a programmer myself the excuse that server load was the cause of the instant kill on base code not working seems fishy (or its beyond what ive learned so far) but screaming like crazy people that you are going to unsub and want a roll back is not going to help . After more the 150+ pages of roll back posts I think they get it. Also people who are here exagerating or stating things as fact like " the turrets are giving valor" without confirming it for themselves just because they heard it from others are just creating more chaos.


Also as a republic player , why would I go to Illum? , if nobody goes ,there is nobody to farm so while I understand everybody is curious, people should've stopped going. Going just makes the exploit and the solution of finding out who did it worst


Well thats my take on it , Im not a hardcore pvp'er so I'll just go on enjoying the rest of the game, for those who are I understand your frustration and I hope this gets resolved quickly

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Biggest failure I have ever seen. I am having my dev team leader forward his resume to you. Looks like you need someone with some sense.


You're not helping him, I am sure he doesn't want to work for a fail company...

Edited by demotivator
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You're just posting something you've got no idea about now.


You've ignored the part where we had a 5 hour battle with republic of even numbers out side of their base... good job.


You've ignored the part where it didn't even happen on all servers... good job.


You've ignored the part where I'm not battlemaster or anywhere near... good job.


You instead just made stuff up as most republic are doing right now, such as a couple of hours to get to 60, me being battlemaster, or me being afraid to lose my hard earned valour which you put in quotation marks as if I'm lying about the fact that we had a great battle with equal numbers and shouldn't be punished just because YOUR server doesn't have a lot of Republic players.


So I ask you again, why should everybody be punished for something that happened on a few servers but not all?


Hi, I appreciate your unequivocal perspective. I'm not sure if anyone can come up with a good solution right now given that BioWare has messed this situation beyond recognition. This is fast becoming a massive, massive embarassment on their part.


I'm not sure if you'd want to believe me but there are several dozen Rank 70s on Swiftsure, a Dozen Rank 80s and Several Rank 90s/100s. It seems most people seem to go "no screenshot lol nice troll". I'm not trolling. These players have literally gone MIA since the softfixes to elude public eye.

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NO MMO since week 1 of Ultima Online has done a rollback. Get over it, stop asking it will NEVER happen.



They did many in Darkfall and those were good for the game. I have a feeling BW is making a mistake here.

Edited by Lesrach
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Screw beta, launch and all those bugs and glitches. First they postpone the 1.1 Patch. Then they introduce it afterall and ruin the game completely. It takes BW several hours to come up with a "we're investigating potential issues" and another 12 hours to announce a hotfix/patch. They postpone the patch. And now that the time has come servers are still up.


I can't even laugh no more. I'm beyond that point. I just sit here in awe totally mind****ed by their lack of expertise.

Edited by darthtoph
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its called log out and go outside and get some exercise. its a game people! if your going to quit over a mistake, not an exploit, not a cheat, a mistake then dont let the door hit you in the behind. bw didnt see the potential for what was going to happen and it was to late to do anything about it. and if bw really wanted to they could have shut ilum down. and to anyone who kept logging in to get spawn killed thats their fault. i logged in got my butt handed to me tried to play for a bit then went to a diff char. if the players who kept coming back for more kept coming back then either they got valor or was having fun dying. i know it cost me over a 100,000 credits in repair bills but it was my own fault. no one forced me to keep going back for more i did it cause i had fun. thats why i pay for the game and the sub to have fun. so stop your qq and go have fun or play a different game. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BIOWARE!!!! :)

You're glossing over a couple of points.


1. This was clearly players exploiting a vulnerability in the system architecture.

The Dev response here acknowledges that they did not intend for players to be able to invade Ilum's "safe zones." For them to do so, constitutes an exploit.


2. "Spawn camping" is specifically mentioned in the TOS as an example of in-game harassment -- particularly when it's accomplished as a result of exploitation of a bug or design flaw in the system architecture.

Did the individuals indulging in this behavior agree to the TOS? Yep. Otherwise, they would not be allowed into the in-game environment.


3. We are responsible for our own actions.

Protestations that it's somehow BioWare's "fault" for screwing up their game architecture are unpersuasive to me. The bottom line is clear: these people WERE exploiting a flaw in the architecture, and they WERE griefing opposite-faction players, and they WERE acting in a manner they bound themselves NOT to engage in, in their TOS agreement. In the words of my late grandmother: "If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you jump off too?"


I for one think every player who indulged in this activity will be lucky just to get off with a valor forfeiture. I'd expect account suspensions, and maybe even in some cases for the ringleaders or those with a history of malicious exploitation of in-game systems (such people know who they are), permabans.

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