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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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You think that's bad its 8 am here been in the WZ queue for nearly 3 hours. 2 days ago ive would of played at least 12-13 games by now, sure some of em ended within 2 mins but it was something to do. And most of the time when the games played out it was an even number of 50's on either side.


This is a real problem, they need to implement cross server PVP fast. For 50's only, if nothing else. It's a bigger issue than Ilum.

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You PVPers don't concider PVErs do you? My guild just had MAJOR progress last night, loads of hardmodes and we cleared all the new content on normal. If we get a rollback, this would be much more damaging to PVEers than it would be a gain for PVPers. So no. NO rollback. Stop whining and farm your way to the valor rank you want without using any kind of exploit. That would be much more satisfactory for yourself wouldn't it? And the noobs that are valor 100 with the ilum bug, wow they get some pieces of gear but they have not acquired any kind of skill during this exploit. So actually, it doesen't matter.
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14 valor? Dunno.All he said was that the other team had BM gear and his team was getting destroyed.


So you don't even know enough to tell that it's impossible to get rank 60 before level 50 but you're just going to take some random "fact" and quote it all over the forums?

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Oh I'm well aware of that. I just don't believe that an entire team in a WZ went from non battle master to fully battle master geared by farming Ilum... how many warzone commendations do you earn in Ilum? Hint: It's not a negative number but it's not a positive number either.


I agree the number sound worse then they acutally are, however there was an a huge increase to valor rank today. Even if it was the person that started at valor rank 1.

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I'm really tired.


IRL and of this patch/game.


You can read my thoughts throughout the forum and mostly this thread.


I'll just say that my guild that has 20+ people on at all times was at 2-5 pretty much all day...


Most of those are 50 and we actually play Empire and didn't even want to farm Republic. We rolled on a PvP server, not an RP one.


PS: Empire players are just as mad about you Republic players getting farmed. At least the decent PvP'rs that want a balanced game and not one side having a huge valor/gear advantage are.


Huttball is fun, but not anywhere close to THAT fun.

Edited by mrjoemama
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Oh I'm well aware of that. I just don't believe that an entire team in a WZ went from non battle master to fully battle master geared by farming Ilum... how many warzone commendations do you earn in Ilum? Hint: It's not a negative number but it's not a positive number either.


If you do Ilum daily, you can get a BM bag. If you do the weekly you get a bag. If you do the WZ daily/weekly; same thing. Some people get commendations for BM gear which CAN be chosen now. So they get their weapon/ armor/etc. May not be fully decked out in Battlemaster, but the weapons alone for one team will give them a major advantage.

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Lost some amazing guild members today. Partly for the Ilum fiasco and the ease of gaining valor now, where they did it the "hard" way before today (reminding them of the Jedi fiasco of SWG... not as bad, but reminders none the less). And also because of all the bugs that still should be fixed before new content is introduced... like faction class un-mirrored attacks that obviously give way to the Empire 1st and foremost.
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@Dave - I feel ya, but who will be around in those months? The numbers for this game (specifically, Republic) are going to drop drastically.

Let's all be honest here, the game has not been handled all that great so far. It came out buggy, understandable.. but the amount of bugs are a bit mindblowing for a game released practically in 2012.


You're one of the more level headed posters here and I respect ya for it, I'm a little irritated so I'm a bit quick to pull the trigger. In all honesty, my subscription rides on what they do tomorrow, and I think that's fair for how their twisting around paying customers.


Thanks, bro. I think their biggest mistake was actually opening too many servers too soon. The populations got spread too thin. They need to start consolidating. And they need to make Republic more attractive.

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My usual pre-made dominated in warzones today, we went 12-1.

Warzones get boring however.. I love world PVP.


I really think they should of just left Ilum the way it was, with sith / republic flipping zones for each other until they found a real solution - This wasn't it.

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If, last night, you only got 500 valor per minute you were just AFKing.


Try 120 valor per tick, at its "worst". That's 120 valor every three seconds. That's not exploiting, either, that's just playing the game as it was intended (because nowhere at all was it stated that Empire couldn't spawncamp Republic; nor was it ever stated that they SHOULD have been killed if they popped into the spawn zone).


For those that don't understand the ramafications this will have on things like server economies... these players just got access to the best available gear. Good luck being a crafter now.


So the economy is shot to ****, Empire just got far better geared than Republic (meaning even more facerollers are going to join the Zergside) and Republic players are cancelling subs in droves.


There's your reality lesson for the day.


+1 For Truth.

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Oh my god all of you grow up would you? So what if PvP isn't working properly? There's hundreds if not thousands of hours of content to be had in the rest of the game. This is not even close to as big of a deal as people are making it out to be.



now go to the ****n FP/OPS sections and tell them its ok that **** aint working either


GG ****


on your logic we may as well just shut down this section of the forums since the part of the game its about is broken. why are you here?

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If, last night, you only got 500 valor per minute you were just AFKing.


Try 120 valor per tick, at its "worst". That's 120 valor every three seconds. That's not exploiting, either, that's just playing the game as it was intended (because nowhere at all was it stated that Empire couldn't spawncamp Republic; nor was it ever stated that they SHOULD have been killed if they popped into the spawn zone).


For those that don't understand the ramafications this will have on things like server economies... these players just got access to the best available gear. Good luck being a crafter now.


So the economy is shot to ****, Empire just got far better geared than Republic (meaning even more facerollers are going to join the Zergside) and Republic players are cancelling subs in droves.


There's your reality lesson for the day.


Now we're earning 120 valor every 3 seconds for hours and hours on end... the only people cancelling are the ones dumb enough to believe this crap, good riddance.

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So you don't even know enough to tell that it's impossible to get rank 60 before level 50 but you're just going to take some random "fact" and quote it all over the forums?


Wonderful. Instant extreme, I like it. He's lv 50, now there is a 50 bracket. The level of the other team doesn't matter, they are lv 50. If they have Battlemaster gear, they are valor 60. Easy to see black/red gunfire sabers. Hurr durr.

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You PVPers don't concider PVErs do you? My guild just had MAJOR progress last night, loads of hardmodes and we cleared all the new content on normal. If we get a rollback, this would be much more damaging to PVEers than it would be a gain for PVPers. So no. NO rollback. Stop whining and farm your way to the valor rank you want without using any kind of exploit. That would be much more satisfactory for yourself wouldn't it? And the noobs that are valor 100 with the ilum bug, wow they get some pieces of gear but they have not acquired any kind of skill during this exploit. So actually, it doesen't matter.


They would never just massively rollback game progress. All they need to do, and have stated they will do, is either recapture valor from or temporarily ban players who excessively exploited the opposing faction.

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Thanks, bro. I think their biggest mistake was actually opening too many servers too soon. The populations got spread too thin. They need to start consolidating. And they need to make Republic more attractive.


The funny part about that was all the people ************ about server queues.

I can't even lie to you man, if I knew what Sentinel PVP armor looked like before I rolled the class.. I would of went Sith Marauder.

I look like a scuba-diving space samurai from the golden age. It's really bad. I seen a Marauder in full Champion PVP gear and he looked bad-***!


At most, I might stick with this game longer just because there isn't anything else out there right now. NHL12 gets boring after a while, haha.

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Now we're earning 120 valor every 3 seconds for hours and hours on end... the only people cancelling are the ones dumb enough to believe this crap, good riddance.


As someone who plays Empire and personally watched as the screen filled up with valor amounts similar to this poster I must be dumb enough to believe the truth.

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OH MY GOD Now there doing the patch from 11PM to 6PM my time, WHICH IS THE TIME I PLAY LOL



Causs of some **** up I can't play causs something OBVIOUS wasnt taking care of!

If your gonna go MMO on us with a game like this then you had better sort your stuff out, causs this is bs.

Me being from EU im getting the middle finger with these ****in pathethic server downtimes, its in the middle of the day, *** is wrong with you people? its for 2 straight days now already.


Plus the whole Illum situation it can be resolved so damn easy by just covering the spawn points with some damn shield or whatever the hell you want 2 put there.

instead I get ****ed out of another day of playing causs you cant get your **** right!



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Wonderful. Instant extreme, I like it. He's lv 50, now there is a 50 bracket. The level of the other team doesn't matter, they are lv 50. If they have Battlemaster gear, they are valor 60. Easy to see black/red gunfire sabers. Hurr durr.


You clearly don't know what you're talking about so you couldn't have possibly verified the information but here you are... tossing it around because you're so sure it's true.

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