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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Bioware has a chance to fix this now. Roll back the entire day and everything will be corrected. Help save the game before too many (including myself) just leave the game.


No. That's just a chance to kick every single player in that played the game today in the face to appease a vast minority of complainers.


Guess what? It's not gonna happen, no matter how much you threaten.

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It says they are aware of individuals, it is up to Bioware to punish the players who did the insane farming and griefing. They will probably strip them of titles and reset their personal valor.


it seems logical then everyone in the server having a rollback.

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I don't understand why people are so rageface right now. This whole trololol of a thread might be valid if the patch tomorrow doesn't roll back valor, but for now people are just pissing themselves because their game is broken for 24 hours and they don't know what else to do.




Impatience is entertaining.

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I don't understand why people are so rageface right now. This whole trololol of a thread might be valid if the patch tomorrow doesn't roll back valor, but for now people are just pissing themselves because their game is broken for 24 hours and they don't know what else to do.




Impatience is entertaining.


I just rolled another character on Republic. Their starting zones and music is beautiful. :D

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No. That's just a chance to kick every single player in that played the game today in the face to appease a vast minority of complainers.


Guess what? It's not gonna happen, no matter how much you threaten.


Well, we agree insofar as I think BioWare has made it pretty clear that server-wide roll backs are not going to happen at this point.



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Or a community wondering where the company was while people were hitting Battlemaster in a matter of hours. This wasn't even an issue just a potential one for a while, pretty arrogant if you ask me, but this community is the cesspool of venomous people with nothing to spew.


I could almost say the exact same thing about this cocky attitude Bioware took and has taken to this problem.

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I play a Sith Assassin on Infinite empire, Yesterday I hit level 59 in valor. Valor I gained by only doing warzones, (no illum) so you can imagine how much time that took.


I mean, maybe I'm mistaken (and I'm not being sarcastic) but isn't the entire point of gearing up for pvp supposed to make you more of a threat against lesser geared players?


So, with this patch most of that time and hard work has been negated due to exploits. That's quite disheartening. I am of the opinion that a rollback seems like the appropriate thing to do. (if feasible)


I'm not trying to whine about this, and I'm not going to finger point at Bioware, those comments will get us nowhere. Instead of petty arguments dancing around the key issues, we should submit some actual constructive criticism, it helps with communication between the player base and developers. It's someones job to read these forums and help implement player ideas into the game. We need to help them do their job by calmly discussing the issues and offering real opinions and not just pointless hyperbole and melodrama.

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Let today be an example for the need for faction-less MMO's. factional mmos can not be balanced. At the very least, stop making factional MMO's with a good and evil side.




That is very true, i realyl dislike faction based MMO. Thats why i most enjyo pvp in Global Agenda, everything perfect there and most thanks goes to the fact there arent factions.

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I think Bioware is going to adapt a "what's done is done" approach and allow the situation to reconcile itself... hoping new content along the way will overshadow the gripes players have... until such time that everyone reaches that status quo once more.


Bioware makes excellent single-player games, but it would seem they have yet to walk the trenches of the MMO world. Community input in this arena is even more valuable than your single-player campaign releases.


At this point, you might be better off completely removing the PvP aspect of this game... it is a great PvE game afterall.


Sorry Bioware... it seems SWTOR did not quite reach the bar that has been set in the world of MMOs.

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Let today be an example for the need for faction-less MMO's. factional mmos can not be balanced. At the very least, stop making factional MMO's with a good and evil side.


go play LotrO

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"Feedback" is the key word, not crying, and repeating what you read.


'Oh say what?! Lemme grab ma ole' pitch fork, y'all get that thur torch'...yeah this is good feed back. All this blanketed nonsense is flooding out the real feedback.


Hence, crying makes it worse. Having to sift through 100's of pages saying the SAME thing is counterproductive to finding realistic, productive feedback....not another "OMGZ UNSUBBED USUK!!" post.


All I'm saying is they 'get it'. Reading a post, then re-posting what has already been said 100 times over is not going to get it done any faster. Leaving space for different feedback would be more helpful.


Aw my bad yo

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Why would you CAP Ilum? And you better cap it per side, not 20 Rebels + 80 Imperials = 100 Cap on Ilum. That would cause the exact problem we are having now.


You also really need to instill the ability for republic guilds to move to PvP servers with their characters. It's so unbalanced right now. I am an Imperial and it's not fun like it should be. We need more rebels on Vulkar Highway!



After seeing this patch, and how they handled it, I would not expect them to be successful at that -- nor even try.


Odds are, the cap will be total population (your 20 rebs + 80 Imps = 100 Cap).

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Sorry misposted my 2 cents in another thread so correcting it.


Theres nothing to punish really. Bioware wanted PvP on Ilum. Few facts.


A.) Reps, particularly scoundrels Exploit all the time in things liek void star, ie, planting the bomb before the game starts, planting behind the wall ect. Not all no, but some learned how to glitch it.


B.) No one forced the reps to stay in Ilum, and a few times the almost got the imps dislodged out of the base.


C.) If you stayed and fought, by action or ommission you supported the idea and followed the mechanic.


D.) Yes Ilum needs to be reworked, but in all honesty nothing in the rules forbids zerging bases. Whether intentional or not.


E.) Its a lesson. For Bioware and for the community. People bash bioware for little reason. It was a great idea, albiet poorly thought out, but you know something? They are trying and for a game this short out of release, move at an exceptional pace and sinc ebeta have shown they do care. The community however, even since the weekend betas act like spoiled brats. People either rubbed it in they had full beta access. Or the weekend people raged when the extended weekend tests ended.


F.) It was legitimate PvP. No hacks used, but we did see reps shooting from inside walls, on top of walls and being un hittable on turrets. Ok, an exploit, but one used to combat a zerg so forgivable.


G.) Complaining about Battlemaster Gear, FYI, its not much better than champion gear. tough. And people post that Imps go from 1-60 instantly. Not so. If an Imperial sat and legitimately fought and put around 6-8 hours in they MAYBE went up 8-10 levels. Big deal. For the game classes as unbalanced as they are, especially considering the Sages and Scoundrels, which make up 60% of rep forces, this only levels the playing field for valor considering how OP they are. Yes the Melee Operative is just as bad as the Scoundrel, minus the ability to exploit Voidstar, but still.


What we should really be doing is giving bioware Ideas and feed back, and not rage or doleing out judgement.


Ideas how to fix Ilum, Ideas for warzones, and ideas to fix glitches and over powered classes.


Looking inward on this, the community as a whole is quick to rage. But again, do what they asked. Give constructive feedback.


Bioware should do the following as a priority.


I.) restore Ilum to its old mechanic. Until a solution can be reached that forbids either side from dominating, perhaps reset after the rep, or imp base is taken, and everyone is teleported back to start. Make it be on a time to prevent stalemates. Just an idea, pretty basic, dont flame it because few others try.

II.)We need more warzones. Hutball sucks. It should never have isolated 50s from everyone else because people were buffed up upon entry. What it should have done is allowed groups and op groups in a seperate queue and solo players in thier queue, make it competative, Make stats and leaderboards for groups and solo.

III.) You cannot deny that certain classes need to be seriously nerfed. Do that ASAP.

IV.)Develope more compettive content such as, PvP flashpoints or even Co-OP flashpoints with Imp and Reps. Like the original Ilum build, no one fought, people stood around having fun and even chatting. Communication and comradery, even cooperation sort of gave some peace to imps and reps, who otherwise develope this misplaced childish biggotry and hate.


Just some Ideas. You know. What BW asked for this morning, as oppose to the rage.

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It's reason like this I have 4-5 toons between level 25-41. The game balance an issues that are in high need to be resolved. Between bugs an a poor design in a pvp system it got a lot of issues.


I for one was pissed because the morons that did war hammer pvp is doing the pvp in this game. A lot of people claimed it was good but bugged out the *****. Now I didn't even care for war hammer an now as I knew in the past those tarts from war hammer are now screwing up the pvp in tor.


I've given this game a grace period an it's a good amount of time. Six months to a year. Anything after six months I could cancel. I really really hope they pull there head out of there hind ends an start fixing the fps issues an balance issues (if any). This world pvp area seems like a nightmare that I'm glad I personally am not apart of with all it's non sense.


Hopefully when I do decide to play one class to achieve items threw pvp an pve allot you people get all issues out an Bw can correct them. Well at least I hope they correct them any how. I still think they need to drop those people from war hammer like a bad habit. As a former player of WoW I still favor there system far more. Only thing keeping me here in this game is because I enjoy syfy an star wars type game far more then elfs an pixie dust. IMO wow did do a great pvp system. Just my two cents


Keep up the complaining an don't let any nonsense go by. This way it's hopefully worth a damn bout time I finish one of my toons

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"Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary. "



Since people seemed to miss this. Sounds like those exploiters who got 30 valour levels in a day are going to be paying for it- and really, that much in one day is very, very easy to track.


Also- no valour from turrets... so, all the people saying they got 50 ranks just killing turrets are clearly full of it.

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Let today be an example for the need for faction-less MMO's. factional mmos can not be balanced. At the very least, stop making factional MMO's with a good and evil side.



A bit late to the party here. Can someone explain exactly what happened?


From how I understand it:


- Some people saying that turrets were giving valour, others deny it.

- Due to better constructed stories and universal mirror imbalances favouring Imperials, on most servers they outnumer Republic significantly.

- Imperials spawn camped Republic for hours in the zone with no way for them to escape/return to the normal game without essentially exploiting themselves.

- Imperials benefitted from this with extreme amount of valour.

- In the future this may well give Imperials an insurmountable gear advantage in PvP against Republic on many servers.

- A rollback is neither expected or essentially possible at this point.


Is that the basics?


If I cared about PvP whatsoever, I would be annoyed.

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A bit late to the party here. Can someone explain exactly what happened?


From how I understand it:


- Some people saying that turrets were giving valour, others deny it.

- Due to better constructed stories and universal mirror imbalances favouring Imperials, on most servers they outnumer Republic significantly.

- Imperials spawn camped Republic for hours in the zone with no way for them to escape/return to the normal game without essentially exploiting themselves.

- Imperials benefitted from this with extreme amount of valour.

- In the future this may well give Imperials an insurmountable gear advantage in PvP against Republic on many servers.

- A rollback is neither expected or essentially possible at this point.


Is that the basics?


If I cared about PvP whatsoever, I would be annoyed.


Pretty much.

Outnumbered, and now heavily outgeared.


Thanks Bioware! Vulkar Highway Republic Players say THANKS BRO

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