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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Wow, had no idea how many immature people play this game... reading this thread you think people are in real life pain... The anguish is because some people got "extra" valor....



Haha... :mon_rolleyes:


BioWare sat by for 9 hours while one faction got stomped by the other on nearly every server, due to an exploit, and did nothing about it. They didn't even respond to the multiple forum posts. Just quietly watched players stuck for quite literally hours while the opposing faction spawn camped them. Anyone who did not know about the warzone queue trick was forced to log out AND NOT PLAY THEIR CHARACTER FURTHER. FOR 9 HOURS. Those players deserve some accountability from BioWare on this.


Regardless of how BioWare handles the situation from here on out, their conduct over the course of the day was inexcusable. They should have stepped in and fixed things much, much sooner than they did, especially when they were warned of this very thing by testers on the public test server before this patch went live. They should have been watching for it, and instead they actively ignored it.



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There wont be a rollback, you people should DEAL WITH IT.


It's too big of a complication and it would affect much more people who didn't participate in the exploit, than those who did who are a minority, a vast minority of the general number of players lets face it..


That being said, i am sure that VALOR will be REMOVED from exploiters because they wont have the hard time locating them, those who gained ENORMOUS amounts of valor today can clearly be tracked down.

Edited by Vlacke
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Considering that most people don't even know and care about this event, it's highly unlikely. Sorry to burst a bubble, but those affected are the vast minority of the population, overwhelmed by an enormous proportion.


Exactly because its the same group of deuchers that do it on every game they play. They look for the loophole or exploit and then make youtube vids of it. Nothing new.


Id say most prob have no idea this is even going down unless there is by chance a mention of it on the launcher.

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Ok had some time to read the threads...


This has been a disaster for Bioware, there can be no other way to describe this. A rollback is necessary in this case, but a server-wide rollback is not. Bioware should have the tools to do the following:


*Search for and flag ANY PLAYERS that have been ON ILUM during a specified range of time periods.

*Players THAT HAVE BEEN ON ILUM during that time period would be subject to an ACCOUNT LEVEL OR CHARACTER LEVEL ROLLBACK to a time period before the patch was released.


This is the only way to address this issue as far as I see it while preserving progress of players who was not involved as, based on what I have read, this event only occured on Ilum. This is also predicated on the speculation that Bioware does actually have the tools (AND THEY SHOULD AS A MAJOR MMO) to accomplish this resolution.


Feel free to requote and repeat this message as many times as necessary... I believe I will avoid logging into the game tonite and until I get a solid update from Bioware indicating what they intend to do with the DAMAGE THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN CAUSED as a result of this event.


Have a good night everyone.



That is a good try but it conflicts with the actual faction players that were spawn camped and possibly earned their valor "legitemately"

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The thing that did not knew turrets do not oneshot sounds strange. First time I wenty on Illum was with my lvl 18 commando at launch. Imperial canon had to fire three times to kill me.



Anyway, i did not complain about anything regarding this game. Until this patch, which made change 6 moth sub to 1 month sub. And i will probably cancel even that if i do not see a rollback.

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No, Ability Delay has this beat!


As does "free flight space combat", "same gender romances", "staggered release early access" and my personal favourite "Not available in your region (non-worldwide release)"


All epic threads

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The OP states that no valour can be gained through turret kills, yet people still complain about the "1k valour/minute farming" that the Imps supposedly did.


Can people honestly not read? The replies in this thread make my head hurt.


Stop being sheeps, people. If this massive valour gain actually happened, show us some proof.


Its Valor not VALOUR!! Where did you take VALOUR FROM>

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Heh, keep going. All I'll say is, if you think all imps and no republic getting battlemaster in one day is fair, then cheers to you. Ill have some of what you're having.


noone got battlemaster in 1 day. and i dont really care at all if imps or reps get bm gear, we play against everyone in the warzones anyway. and any reps that are any competition are already battlemaster anyway. so all this is moot.

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Thank you for addressing this problem so quickly, guys. I really appreciate it, knowing the amount of work that goes into a hot fix like this. I would like to make one request, though.


Of all of the people that wrote "Quitting" or "Cancelled" or any of the misspellings thereof, could the community managers please post an actual count of the people that actually did quit or cancel versus the ones that cried wolf? I would really appreciate knowing that information. Thank you for all you do. ;)


And could I get the same for all the people you're gonna "reprimand" for spawncamping today? I would really appreciate knowing that information. Thank you for all you do. ;)

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Can people honestly not read? The replies in this thread make my head hurt.


Stop being sheeps, people. If this massive valour gain actually happened, show us some proof.

Can people honestly be this gullible? Your reply based on smoke being blown up your bum makes my head hurt.


There were live streams running for hours showing turrets giving valor. Believing damage control spinsters is quite sheepish.

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dont need a rollback, just BANS at least you know if they ban 1/3 empire at least noone will do that kind of thing again


Haha good luck. They think in dollars and with the subs going down today ya dollars to them are going to count..

Edited by Grewvin
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I thought the Dev team would have learned lessons from the lumps they took in WAR but I guess those beatings are out of sight out of mind. I was hoping EA's and BioWare's propensity to gut a game would be limited to the former and not bleed into TOR but it would seem that it's more the culture of this group than it is just an isolated, random occurrence.


Didn't listen to your testers on WAR - same ol same for TOR.


Many WAR patches contained "surprise" elements not listed in patch notes - check so far for TOR.


Slow to respond to issues created by patches in WAR - double check in TOR.


Patches in WAR would lead players to think the Dev's didn't understand their own game - triple check for TOR.


WAR patches often FUBAR'd items/content that were not a problem to begin with - seeing a pattern here.


Will you right this ship now, in the early stages, or will you let the same mismanagement that brought WAR down to one North American server doom this game to the same fate? So far, not so good.


Start listening to your testers. Make it so people can mirror their characters over to test so they can help you guys out. Quit thinking you can release patches that have untested or unlisted changes and people won't *****. Be quicker about admitting and fixing your mistakes. Make sure the people in charge of making decisions for this game actually understand it, preferably make them play it in between gaps in their WoW raid schedule. Or was that only the GM and Lead Dev for WAR that played WoW instead of the game they were in charge of? Either way, your next step is a slippery one that will either be downhill or back to solid ground. I wish you a softer landing than you had during the early stages of WAR.

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What was the exploit thought? how do you know your exploiting? if you see a bunch of imperials or republics fighting at an area, you probably will join in.. does that make you an exploiter? probably not intentionally. what about the reports of people going afk and gaining valor?


rather than try to pinpoint the players who exploited ( it would be nice if they did) and those who did things honestly. just punish everyone to be safe. just like if there was a zombie breakout in new-york, they would probably nuke the city/ state to be certain that there was nothing that they missed.


life isnt fair, but you do want it to be as close to fair as possible.


You're being unreasonable. Sorry but saying that they should make the whole user base angry to please the few that are crying in a forum is pretty ludicrous.


It's no matter if those that where on ilum where there in good faith or not (even if honestly anyone with a brain would have understood that the situation was not going as intended and left), they gained an unfair advantage, ad they (and only they) should lose it.


To understand who did it Bioware can simply parse the logs and see who gained more than a reasonable amount of valor in a timeframe and was on ilum at the same time, and remove that valor from THOSE people only.


Simple, effective, solves the problem. But of course some here wouldn't be happy, because they're here only to troll.

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The OP states that no valour can be gained through turret kills, yet people still complain about the "1k valour/minute farming" that the Imps supposedly did.


Can people honestly not read? The replies in this thread make my head hurt.


Stop being sheeps, people. If this massive valour gain actually happened, show us some proof.


The proof was in the warzones this afternoon....

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For some people its not ground breaking. For others its a big deal. Stop being douches and saying you are happy people are leaving. Because if there was something you didnt like and were vocal about youd feel like **** if people were telling you to suck it up.
Anyone that is happy people are leaving over this is clearly looking for this game to go TORtanic. Given mob mentality, I'm sure a lot of otherwise "honest" players got roped into going this stuff... and so far as I am aware, the only mobs around are Imps. It stands to reason then that Republic players are going to be the most upset if something isn't done about this issue; the one group of people that BioWare simply cannot afford to piss off if they ever hope to have a healthy PvP community (which, let's face it, is a pipe dream with current imbalances anyway.)
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Considering that most people don't even know and care about this event, it's highly unlikely. Sorry to burst a bubble, but those affected are the vast minority of the population, overwhelmed by an enormous proportion.


Sad to say, every event, big or small plays a part. This stays with folks. You did not burst any bubbles, you merely don't understand.


Perception, handling and actions, will stay with people, and another event, these things will be brought up again. If you cascade all the negative events, it will hurt bad. How they handle this even today, is supremely important.

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The new Ilum is certainly bad, but I'm not about to quit over it. Who cares about a rollback? Say BW fixes this tomorrow, but some Imps got 20 valor ranks and battlemaster gear or whatever. Well, assume this game reaches 10m+ subs like WoW, and look at all those people that got their battle master gear from exploiting this error. It's pretty insignificant.

BW is already addressing this issue, so odds are it's going to be fixed soon, making this extra valor mean nothing in the long run. But you know what's going to matter many years from now? Your founder title. In all seriousness, they're only going to get rarer once they come out. When this game is as old as WoW, I expect they'll be ridiculously uncommon. My only problem is that it could be something a little more impressive than "founder"...


Really?... Your issue with all of this is that the founder title could have been cooler?

Not the fact that this is the 4th time BW is letting an exploit go without any kind of actual consequense?


So people who were to be insta killed upon entering the opposing camp but were not and could easily camp it and farm Valor and were allowed to do this for hours on end is OK with you. But a title has you worried?



You MUST be a PvE person who thrives on collecting titles and racking up professions

Edited by Victrixz
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Thats true, its not immature to exploit others just to gain a little "extra" valor. /end_sarcasm



Do you realize some people like myself, went to Ilum today to do my daily, (my server Repubs are out numbered more than 2 to 1), and left cause it was lame to camp their base...


In addition I can not speak for everyone, but this is a game... Maybe its more important to you than others, but really, this much upset over "Valor" you think people who farm Valor today stole your life savings... Perspective...


SWTOR is an online video game, its genre is a MMO/MMORPG these avatars you control in game are not real, and the things you collect and earn with them mean nothing in the real world...


I read this thread and feel sad, basically I use to be like this, when I played Everquest, I fell into an gaming addiction, and wasn't until years later I can now be honest and say, I played that game too much, and I value what I did in that game too much... perspectives like that is why whe have 140+ page thread on this topic...


For some of you I do hope you cancel your account before caring so much about a game ruins your real life...your job, your relationships, your health... this is no joke... if this kind of thing makes you rage, take a step back now..



Edited by GatorSixCharlie
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