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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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At the end of the day something will be done about it, and im sure its BioWare's top priority for the day cause it is a GAME wide effecting issue.


For those on PvP servers my heart goes out to you, it really does...but...after all this is a game wide problem, where many seem to think its on pvp servers only...sadly its not.


Maybe BioWare could of responded a little quicker, but instead of using words they put the dev team to work to come up with a patch.


Thats all good in my book.


Now its funny when you actually do thinkof the numbers of all the people QQ about this. Remember its a game wide issue so its on every server...but think of the numbers:


Take the exact number of players at this point across every server (total SWTOR player base)


Now maybe 5-10 % of those will be level 50...possibly 15 - 18 percent


Now look at the numbers for this thread.


It has had just under 2.500 post's and has been viewed just over 213,000 times, now given that 1/3 or maybe half is consecutive posts (multiple post's by one person) you can then bring that number down to 1,250 individual posts, then take into account informative posts that actually give information, valid reasons for things your looking closer to 800.


So out of the entire SWTOR consumer base ...less than 5% are actually complaining about the 1.1 update to ilum and not just spouting the usual "cancelling sub" crud.


Im still holding confidence in BioWare, I signed for a 6 month sub and IM NOT GOING TO CANCEL because even though it may take time things will eventually blance out. After all this is still a new game THERE ARE PROBLEMS and more problems will come around as the game matures and evolves.


Now also consider this...BioWare tracks everything!!!!!


Evering thing a player says, does, kills, any credits they get items they get, every kill, every skill enhancement...everything right down to Valour Gained, and all that info goes into a nice handy global heatmap....but the trouble is with all this information they then have to pick through it to find those who have exploited or not quite played by the rules...then they can do something about it.


Evidence of this can be found here Now although true this deals with more generic systems like kills on a planet and such it goes to show their level of knowledge when it comes to tracking everything.


Now BioWare WILL NOT ROLLBACK the servers, because of issues it could cause with the coding, having to track down the individual groups of people and much much more, the only option they would have would be to completely roll back everyone for the last 24 hours on everything class progression, mission progression, exp, valor, space...everything, and if they did that there would be a huge uproar from the entire community not just from the people in this thread.


The other option would be to completely restrict PvP until everything was sorted which again would be a huge undertaking with BioWare taking allot of flack as it would mean PvP servers being shut down, and PvP areas on all other servers be it rp, pve etc being adversely effected.


So just sit back, wait see what happens and try and have a little faith.....and to all those that have unsubed.....you expect loyalty from BioWare...yet you take the most disloyal act you can and that's leaving with claims that you will come back when things are sorted.....nice way to show your support and appreciation for what they are trying to do.




I am a 6 month Sub player and I WILL be sticking with BioWare through this.



Trolls and Idiots may now begin flaming....Have a good day.

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Jesus people, this is what they are fixing and will prevent any spawn camping.


Like it is going to fix anything :rolleyes: You are going to be steamrolled by the 4 raids of imps in front of your base instead of inside... Yeah that changed everything :rolleyes:


The population imbalance is starting to be a real issue and to make it worse they allowed the gap to be much larger now. They have to bring real solutions to this problem, as long as they act like it doesn't exist it just going to get worse till the point it's beyond fixable. IMO we already reached that point.

Edited by demotivator
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The fix is extremely easy, can't believe ppl still that's the problem.



The real problem is that THE DAMAGE IS DONE. Ppl already have exploited and gotten a huge advantage over other (Usually the already stronger faction gets stronger thanks to this exploit). If they dont roll back, they are not fixing the problem I think most ppl are quitting over.


I've was 10 levels ahead some of my mates on imp-side before 1.1. They are 10 levels infront of me now, done in one day. And I actually worked hard for my rank and played alot^^.



Future of Ilum - easy fix.

Damage is done. Only option is rollback.

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Like it is going to fix anything :rolleyes: You are going to be steamrolled by the 4 raids of imps in front of your base instead of inside... Yeah that changed everything :rolleyes:


The population imbalance is starting to be a real issue and to make it worse they allowed the gap to be much larger now. They have to bring real solutions to this problem, as long as they act like it doesn't exist it just going to get worse till the point it's beyond fixable. IMO we already reached that point.


You really think 4 raids of imps are gonna wait all day outside the repub base for hours on end? Comon, this issue will die down over the next few days.


Before yesterday the most people I saw in Illum was like 10 empire at once time trading.


I agree the faction imbalance is an issue, but they said they are going to limit players in Illum.

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I'll give you the flickering


Decreases FPS? Are you talking about while sitting in Illum because there are 200 players there? My FPS are fine, no one in guild had any issues outside of Illum and we raided last night.


Ability shuttering, again Illum lag? No issues other places.


What UI change?


Faction imbalance has zero to do with this patch but i agree its an issue.


Plenty threads on FPS decrease and increased ability stuttering, go look it up ;)


What UI chance? Try the one with all ability icons constantly lit. Maybe not so much an issue as Imp with mostly red icons, but when more than 50% of your icons are made up by the very same blue color the CD fader uses then a quick glance simply isn't good enough. You actually have to study your quickbars now to tell if an ability is on CD. Also valid for all +1 min abilities as 5-0 secs = can't tell jack appart.

Edited by darthtoph
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Biowares management team continuously making horrible decisions... They are showing they can't handle the responsibilities of handling a MMO.. seriously.. Destroying a game with loads of potential with their horrible decision making.. Ilum yesterday was a F up of massive and epic proportions and the servers were suppose to be pulled IMMEDIATELY to fix the issue.. Not keep posting on the forums that you're evaluating the situation and you'll get back to us later.. That show's the developer team was indecisive and didnt know wth to do about the situation.. Roll back was the ONLY SOLUTION to fix the issue & now its probably to late... So disabling the Taxi's and letting all the people that went up like 10 ranks in a few hours keep their easy valor is the solution.. SMH... I'm pretty sure this wasn't Biowares intent but yet they didn't properly fix the issue.. This is showing the management team is either lazy or incapable of handling these type of situations which puts which puts the entire management team in question if they are up to the task running a MMO imo.. Bioware is allowing the people who went up like 10+ valor ranks in a few hours keep their valor which to me shows a lack of appreciation to the players who put the time and effort (days - weeks) into getting Battle Master. This game is still competing with WoW regardless if the Star wars fan boys like it or not. While this game is the fastest growing Mmo in history. Bioware isn't showing signs of longevity with their decision making. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from a WoW fanboy. I've been waiting for this game for over 3 years and been hoping this game would dethrone WoW to quench my thirst for something new. The leveling experience in swtor is simply amazing but seems lack luster in just about every other area. With all of Biowares questionable so called "fixes", not giving us SERVER FORUMS (which would help the servers get a since of identity to solidify and unify the communities which ANY GOOD MMO MANAGEMENT TEAM would KNOW helps the game but yet they give us SUB forums acting like they are addressing the issue which is beyond an insult), SIMUTRONICS Hero Engine which is laggy and has heavy ability delay issues ( the server has to "OKAY" an ability before it executes which results in missed interrupts, falsely channeled abilities and off -GCD ability which doesn't fire while on GCD), the over excessive amount of bugs (all new mmos have bugs but with the all the other issues it seems magnified) and again Biowares suspect / horrible decision making.. Why play this game over WoW? The leveling experience isn't enough. After we level our 2nd - 3red alt, then what? Regardless if people like it or not, this game is competing with WoW. I'm starting to question myself. Why leave WoW to play a game that seems broke and then on top of that the management team seems not to give a _____ (hoot nanny)? It would be ashame for the fastest growing MMO in history to fade away the fastest.. Edited by Aniliss
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How is it that you still have a job?



I have no clue why Gabe is still employed as a lead designer, no clue at all that he did not see this coming and no clue at all why his bosses do not make him fix the gained valor through his teams exploit. Maybe EA needs to pay attention to what BW is doing and how it is being lead.

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I see most people are complaining about BW not rolling back the insane amount of Valour that people have accumulated due to this patch. All this uproar about VALOUR not being rolled back, yet no one really complained about when Slicing got nerfed and how they still got to keep their millions of credits, and I think that credits is far more important than valour tbh, yeah ok. Maybe this is fair that people got to get all their valour and you got to get your credits after the slicing nerf... mhmmm?
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the only way this kind of war worked was with specific time.... like WOE in ragnarok, wars in lineage.... or if you dont have factions... so for me, the only way to fix this is restricting the war by time and balanced numbers.... and the winner could enjoy some kind of benefit... just like in RF online.
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Like it is going to fix anything :rolleyes: You are going to be steamrolled by the 4 raids of imps in front of your base instead of inside... Yeah that changed everything :rolleyes:


The population imbalance is starting to be a real issue and to make it worse they allowed the gap to be much larger now. They have to bring real solutions to this problem, as long as they act like it doesn't exist it just going to get worse till the point it's beyond fixable. IMO we already reached that point.


Its a open world PvP zone not a warzone!



This is where I think you're failing to understand. So you want balanced open world PvP? Tell us how to achieve this. There is always going to be a imbalance of players in a open environment. In every MMO that I have PvP'd in from UO to SWG to WoW I have faced numerically superior forces when I ever I open world PvP'd. Never did I feel it was balanced. Never did I feel it needed to be balanced. It's part of what open world PvP is.



If you want fair and balanced PvP then que for Warzones. Otherwise stop qq'ing about open world PvP and the need to balance it in some way. You simply can't.

Edited by Ceasaigh
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Its a open world PvP zone not a warzone!



This is where I think you're failing to understand. So you want balanced open world PvP? Tell us how to achieve this. There is always going to be a imbalance of players in a open environment. In every MMO that I have PvP'd in from UO to SWG to WoW I have faced numerically superior forces when I ever I open world PvP'd. Never did I feel it was balanced. Never did I feel it needed to be balanced. It's part of wjat open world PvP is.



If you want fair and balanced PvP then que for Warzones. Otherwise stop qq'ing about open world PvP and the need to balance it in some way. You simply can't.


This ^

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Plenty threads on FPS decrease and increased ability stuttering, go look it up ;)


What UI chance? Try the one with all ability icons constantly lit. Maybe not so much an issue as Imp with mostly red icons, but when more than 50% of your icons are made up by the very same color the CD fader uses then a quick glance simply isn't good enough. You actually have to study your quickbars now to tell if an ability is on CD. Also valid for all +1 min abilities as 5-0 secs = can't tell jack appart.


Ok, well there were tons of threads complaining about ability delay and FPS issues before the patch also... I am in a guild of 60 and we do not have any issues. These people are the minority with the FPS crap. They are working on the ability delay, i dont know what to say? We raided and had 0 issues... RABEL RABEL!

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I see most people are complaining about BW not rolling back the insane amount of Valour that people have accumulated due to this patch. All this uproar about VALOUR not being rolled back, yet no one really complained about when Slicing got nerfed and how they still got to keep their millions of credits, and I think that credits is far more important than valour tbh, yeah ok. Maybe this is fair that people got to get all their valour and you got to get your credits after the slicing nerf... mhmmm?


Battle master gear >.....well honestly I cant think of anything you can even buy with credits that is worth it.

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I've was 10 levels ahead some of my mates on imp-side before 1.1. They are 10 levels infront of me now, done in one day. And I actually worked hard for my rank and played alot^^.


BS, this is the first I've heard of anyone (let alone multiple people) getting 20 levels and would only be possible if they were very low valor rank already. How about we fix that, make the valor gained a % so you can't get 10 low levels for less valor than 1 upper level.

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LOOK THIS https://www.google.com/finance?client=ob&q=NASDAQ:EA


1.1 awesome patch !!! no rollback .... i think that you are going to lose a lot money .... GO ROLLBACK and FIRE ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WORKS on THIS PATCH


What do you want to tell us with that link ? You are looking at the 1day trading which is not telling you much. Look further and you will see the big drops was on the 12 Jan. Furthermore other company are losing stocks price too.

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Its a open world PvP zone not a warzone!



This is where I think you're failing to understand. So you want balanced open world PvP? Tell us how to achieve this. There is always going to be a imbalance of players in a open environment. In every MMO that I have PvP'd in from UO to SWG to WoW I have faced numerically superior forces when I ever I open world PvP'd. Never did I feel it was balanced. Never did I feel it needed to be balanced. It's part of wjat open world PvP is.



If you want fair and balanced PvP then que for Warzones. Otherwise stop qq'ing about open world PvP and the need to balance it in some way. You simply can't.


Then enjoy your open world PvP desert :)

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you probably are a imp.... cuz the problem is no the balance... the problem is when a faction dont have even a chance to fight back... this is a game, not reality... everybody is paying to play so they have to think a way for everybody to play... the faction is a real problem for open pvp...
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biowares management team continuously making horrible decisions... They are showing they can't handle the responsibilities of handling a mmo.. Seriously.. Destroying a game with loads of potential with their horrible decision making.. Ilum yesterday was a f up of massive and epic proportions and the servers were suppose to be pulled immediately to fix the issue.. Not keep posting on the forums that you're evaluating the situation and you'll get back to us later.. That show's the developer team was indecisive and didnt know wth to do about the situation.. Roll back was the only solution to fix the issue & now its probably to late... So disabling the taxi's and letting all the people that went up like 10 ranks in a few hours keep their easy valor is the solution.. Smh... I'm pretty sure this wasn't biowares intent but yet they didn't properly fix the issue.. This is showing the management team is either lazy or incapable of handling these type of situations which puts which puts the entire management team in question if they are up to the task running a mmo imo.. Bioware is allowing the people who went up like 10+ valor ranks in a few hours keep their valor which to me shows a lack of appreciation to the players who put the time and effort (days - weeks) into getting battle master. This game is still competing with wow regardless if the star wars fan boys like it or not. While this game is the fastest growing mmo in history. Bioware isn't showing signs of longevity with their decision making. Don't get me wrong, i'm far from a wow fanboy. I've been waiting for this game for over 3 years and been hoping this game would dethrone wow to quench my thirst for something new. The leveling experience in swtor is simply amazing but seems lack luster in just about every other area. With all of biowares questionable so called "fixes", not giving us server forums (which would help the servers get a since of identity to solidify and unify the communities which any good mmo management team would know helps the game but yet they give us sub forums acting like they are addressing the issue which is beyond an insult), simutronics hero engine which is laggy and has heavy ability delay issues ( the server has to "okay" an ability before it executes which results in missed interrupts, falsely channeled abilities and off -gcd ability which doesn't fire while on gcd), the over excessive amount of bugs (all new mmos have bugs but with the all the other issues it seems magnified) and again biowares suspect / horrible decision making.. Why play this game over wow? The leveling experience isn't enough. After we level our 2nd - 3red alt, then what? Regardless if people like it or not, this game is competing with wow. I'm starting to question myself. Why leave wow to play a game that seems broke and then on top of that the management team seems not to give a _____ (hoot nanny)? It would be ashame for the fastest growing mmo in history to fade away the fastest..




Edited by Vlacke
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I cant believe that having copy protection is so hard to understand. They dont want people buying 1 copy and all their friends installing it. They still need sales from the boxes too. Think people.


I could install the game on every one of my friends computers and guess what, they haven't lost a single box sale. They still need to purchase an account to play, regardless of whether or not I installed the game on there computer.

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