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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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The amount of over-reaction by entitled children and tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists in this thread is amazing. AMAZING!


Seriously, people, grow up. They had an issue, they have addressed it within 24 hours, and will take steps to punish serious offenders. Anyone that cancels an account over it, though, is plain silly.


For the people asking for rollbacks of anyone on Ilum during that time period - screw you. I was there most of today, having gotten 50 yesterday, and working through the story/dallies *not* in the contested zone, and having all of that reversed to punish some jackholes that were exploiting something I wasn't is crap, and is an offense *way* more deserving of a cancelled account.


Bottom line - grow up, companies and people make mistakes, Bioware has made some incredible games, and even with todays mistake, is deserving of way more patience and understanding than they are being given.


Gabe Amatangelo

Principal Lead PvP, Flashpoints and Operations Designer


This man ruined one MMO's PvP and arguably the game. I don't think I'll be giving a company money who employs this guy and his design decisions. I was willing to actually until 1.1 and the notes came out. Now when my guild has TWO people logged on and we are a PvP guild after a major content patch...


I think I'll vote with my wallet thanks!

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the amount of unsubs is a lot less than you think. nice try with the fear mongering though.


I would say the new 'medal' for staying subbed speaks pretty clearly to the amount of subs they have just lost. Release of a reward just to stay subbed after such a huge debacle? PFT.

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Sad to say, every event, big or small plays a part. This stays with folks. You did not burst any bubbles, you merely don't understand.


Perception, handling and actions, will stay with people, and another event, these things will be brought up again. If you cascade all the negative events, it will hurt bad. How they handle this even today, is supremely important.



And as much as people claim no one reads forums, and on one cares, we see time and time again negative subscription retention following such incidents.


They all claimed no one cared about the buggy launch in Vanguard.


They claimed that no one really cared about AoC issues -- because Funcom would fix it well before people would leave Tortage.


They claimed that WAR was fine and that people were just QQing.


They claimed that people playing STO do not care about those issues.



It seems with every game, there are those die hard fans that are convinced that 'this time' it will be different, and that dissatisfied customers have zero effect on the bottom line. However, looking at the status of those games, we see how much of an impact it did have.
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So you had like a guild meeting to discuss the pros and cons of the game and whether or not you should stay or go? Sounds horribly pathetic.


We use voice comms when we are gaming (Teamspeak). Guess what you do on voice comms?


Yes we discussed the game and talked about resubbing tomorrow. Out of the 7 of us there talking, 5 of us aren't resubbing.

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^ This. Seriously. It's a game guys. You guys act like someone literally just killed your a family member. The amount of whiners is AMAZING.


They killed my game. I loved it but ya what the point if I'm a pvper on the republic side already dealing with a unbalanced pvp problem. Obvious the supporters are Imps.

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the amount of unsubs is a lot less than you think. nice try with the fear mongering though.


No, they probably didn't lose a lot of subs, but it has to be a fair amount. Also, think of the people who lessened their commitment also exist.


But I'll put it to you this way. I work in a school. The kids listen to everyone else. There were "rumors" TOR was bad, pvp was bad, blah blah. So they stayed away. I've been hyping the 1.1 pvp changes since they announced it. Today, the kids that play mmos already knew about this. For those that say no one knew about this, think again! BW took a PR hit today whether people are ready to admit it or not.

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I loved this game until I got off of work and got a phone call from a guildie of mine on the way home telling me that pvp was pretty much a no go for us tonight. Then he read the post on this forum regarding Ilum. I was pretty upset that Bioware not only changed the daily and weekly quest, but allowed the mass camping of safe points with this blunder of a patch. I really am sick of raiding after years of the endless grind in WoW and I just wanted a bad *** game that I could pvp in with my friends. Looks like unless they follow through with some serious fix by tomorrow morning then I will be cancelling as well. I just can't believe that Bioware would allow something like this to stand without a valor rollback. If that is the case, then my server is pretty much toast for the Pubs. Fix this Bioware or I fear that the good news of reaching over 1 million subscriptions will be over shadowed by the loss of many of those said subscriptions.
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Great idea to compliment such a piece of #%$#@ patch just before month to month subscriptions start.


If Valor is not rolled back quickly I can see a lot of people dropping this game fast.


I really don't see that happening because of this.


Vast majority of players has nothing to do with Ilum or top level PvP just yet.

More people would cancel sub IF THERE WAS A ROLLBACK, because they had absolutely nothing to do with today's Ilum events.

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Still waiting for the proof of ppl getting insane amount of Valor. Sure I were there.. I saw some valor fly in.. think I got from 53 to 54 in 1-2 hour.. I wouldnt say thats impressive.


Well 53 to 54 takes a lot if you only win 1k in warzones....And only in 2 hours?

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Sad to say, every event, big or small plays a part. This stays with folks. You did not burst any bubbles, you merely don't understand.


Perception, handling and actions, will stay with people, and another event, these things will be brought up again. If you cascade all the negative events, it will hurt bad. How they handle this even today, is supremely important.


Like when that RealID fiasco in WoW killed WoW? Oh, wait... it didn't.


Or, maybe you mean when that $300 monocle killed EVE? Oh wait... it didn't.


You must mean that going F2P thing that killed LOTRO or DDO? Nope, it didn't either. Sorry man, I'm lost.


What I see is a company that rolled out a patch, realized the patch was a but buggy on the PVP side, and wrote a hotfix to be rolled out within 24 hours. If that's not customer service, I don't know what is. It's already been handled, either you're satisfied or you're not. Either it's a first world problem that you quit over, or you don't. But, remember, your anger and dismay is not everyone's, it only belongs to you. And, you alone (or even you and 10-12 people) aren't going to kill an MMO, even if they royally screwed this one up, which didn't happen.

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well, all this spawn camping didn't happen on my server. Just finished about 5 hours in Ilum on Shadowspawn server and we weren't spawn camping. we rushed the turrents a few times but no one was camping the spawn. We mostly hung out at Center or Southern waiting for Republic to come out.


so you people who were spawn camping, you're doing it wrong. stop griefing and messing it up for the rest of us.


oh and if you are on a PvE server, saying you will ragequit over this...then fail on your for joining a PvE server.

Edited by Holinyx
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All the valor gained today should be erased and that is the only way you can make it fair for those of us that made it to level 60 by spending a lot of time doing pvp.

This game may very well be over for me and for a lot of other players.


Bioware you messed up you should make it right!!!

Edited by Quantumb
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I would like to know what you all whining about i spend 9 hours there and got 80k valor, i know its a lot, but by all meants it didnt got me that much closer to rank 60.. i am still missing around 200k


80k valor in 9 hours means roughly 10k/hour.. If you do warzones you will finish 4 warzones in hour, which will gives you ( if you know how to farm medals, and you arent lazy to pick up ilum buffs ) around 4*1500 at least = 6k


So yeah 40% boost from normal valor farming, but this update was out just for those 9 hours people didnt had more time to farm mroe valor, means this difference is nothing in the long run.


So please stop all those blabbering about everyone being rank 60 becouse THAT is the ******** and jsut get over it and hope for better future with patch 1,1a


You are not only exaggerating your average valor per win in a warzone, but your math is wrong (10k an hour compared to 6k an hour is much more than 40% more, its closer to 75 or 80%).


Try again.

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I'm shocked they dont consider the valor gain there broken. People are making 10 ranks in less then 6 hours. Given prior to this patch you could play warzones and win all day and make do 3-5 ranks(below rank 50).


Hell one person today in my guild did 60 to 62 which is a little over 100k valor in about 7 hours just zerg farming in ilum. This is way above what you could get just doing warzones all day and making the usual 1-1.5k valor. Would of taken this person about 75 games to get the valor today he got in Ilum and those 75 games would of taken probably 20-30 hours of nothing but warzones.


The valor gain in Ilum is crazy.


If you want to give that much valor in Ilum fine, but make it so you can lose valor by dying, but make it only take from the pool you have gained that day(so you can never go backwards). Only issue here is population imbalance, which I have no clue how you fix, besides giving some time of bolster to the unpopulated side, which still doesnt help much given CC and such.

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All the people say the exploits didn't happen are either Empire characters, on one of the few


balanced servers, or being paid by Bio Ware.


There are multiple videos and links of this Genocide


Thats not even the issue any more.


The real issue is why the Dev team haven't apologized and how they could lie and say it was a bug when it clearly wasnt.




and thats why im UNSUBBED

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At noon your servers should have gone down for Emergency Maintenance, for as long as it took to fix this problem, and when they came back up Ilum should have been locked and everything should have been rolled back.


You didn't do that. You "investigated." You failed.


How you respond to a mistake is often more important than whether you make one or not. And you have shown quite clearly how you respond to them - denial and inaction.

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Makes me sad. Now that the speeder to the battle is now disabled people are still out there farming their asses off while the people that didnt take advantage of an unintended problem are getting screwed.



Biowares fine customer service.


Oh, make sure you pay for your next month for more of the same treatment.
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Like when that RealID fiasco in WoW killed WoW? Oh, wait... it didn't.


Or, maybe you mean when that $300 monocle killed EVE? Oh wait... it didn't.


You must mean that going F2P thing that killed LOTRO or DDO? Nope, it didn't either. Sorry man, I'm lost.


What I see is a company that rolled out a patch, realized the patch was a but buggy on the PVP side, and wrote a hotfix to be rolled out within 24 hours. If that's not customer service, I don't know what is. It's already been handled, either you're satisfied or you're not. Either it's a first world problem that you quit over, or you don't. But, remember, your anger and dismay is not everyone's, it only belongs to you. And, you alone (or even you and 10-12 people) aren't going to kill an MMO, even if they royally screwed this one up, which didn't happen.


Bit buggy?


Or broke the valor system?


Lets be real here.

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Screw this, add me to the 'subscription cancelled' list. I can't take this **** no more.


Not only did BW screw up bigtime whatever PvP that was left but they also introduced the following bugs:


- Random black/loading screen during gameplay every now and then, PvP and Warzones included

- Random black/loading screen between loading screens (lol)

- FPS decrease

- Ability stuttering increase (***)

- Total faction imbalance

- Broken valor system


And this. Just... this:



How on earth am I supposed to tell if 5 is on CD or not off the corner of my eye when the icons are lit constantly and locked to the bottom of my screen? I never used to look at my quickbars, now I gotta pay more attention to them than to the actual action. A quick glance won't do. Couldn't you at least have modified the blue icons with another color? That would have taken 5 minutes tops, be it in Photoshop or Paint...


When the CD notifier is the same color as most of your ability icons = Fail


Nor did BW fix any of the following bugs:

- Green walls all over the place

- Peeps falling through elevators

- Peeps ending up stuck in space during Warzones

- Peeps falling through the floor during HMs

- Ability stuttering

- Crew Skills (Biochem is still way superior)

- No money sinks (peeps are literally giving it away)

- Stuck social/light/dark side bars

- Doc 'Crazy Talk' quest bug

+ many more


BW have no idea how to run a MMO and their customer support is worse than NCfails legendary tech monkeys... I'm not spending another dime on this game until we get a rollback and/or fire Gabe.

Edited by darthtoph
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I would like to know what you all whining about i spend 9 hours there and got 80k valor, i know its a lot, but by all meants it didnt got me that much closer to rank 60.. i am still missing around 200k


80k valor in 9 hours means roughly 10k/hour.. If you do warzones you will finish 4 warzones in hour, which will gives you ( if you know how to farm medals, and you arent lazy to pick up ilum buffs ) around 4*1500 at least = 6k


So yeah 40% boost from normal valor farming, but this update was out just for those 9 hours people didnt had more time to farm mroe valor, means this difference is nothing in the long run.


So please stop all those blabbering about everyone being rank 60 becouse THAT is the ******** and jsut get over it and hope for better future with patch 1,1a

You clearly did something wrong then :)

Look at the screenshot linked earlier, 500 valor per minute is 30k/hour. That's a 400% boost from 6k/hour, so it's not just a minor boost.

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At noon your servers should have gone down for Emergency Maintenance, for as long as it took to fix this problem, and when they came back up Ilum should have been locked and everything should have been rolled back.


You didn't do that. You "investigated." You failed.


How you respond to a mistake is often more important than whether you make one or not. And you have shown quite clearly how you respond to them - denial and inaction.


How do you propose them exactly fixing the problem witout "Investigating" it, genius? Do tell. :rolleyes:

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