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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Since the release of this game we have been fighting an uphill battle as Republic on my server due to faction imbalance. Warzones usually had a single 50 or if we got lucky, maybe 2 50s and a mixture of ppl from 10-40s on our side. More often than not we were going against 50 premades consisting of at least 4 50s + a number of players usually in the 30-40s range.


Now a few weeks later we have some geared 50s as well and if the matches had even odds we had good challenging and fun games that we won more often than not.

The 50 only brackets are ok imo, but Empire outgears and outranks our side by a lot, as most republic players just hit max level and start gearing up. I'd say most are in the range of valor 20 to high 30s.


After today's desaster the imbalance will increase even further, because if suddenly a huge number of Imps flew through valor levels and achieved valor 60, that also means that they can start grinding for the gear immediately and that will put us Republic players even further behind who still struggle to get even to valor 50.


Don't get me wrong, I love a good challenge, and I couldnt care less about the title. Let them exploit their way to valor 100 and be named Supreme God of PvP, I dont care. The issue I have is with the gear which -sadly- plays such an important role in the overall performance in a PvP environment. As it is valor rank also determines access to pvp gear, and there already was a huge gap between Rep and Imp side, on most servers at least. After the Ilum grinding today, Republic will be off even worse.


I first said to a guild mate "So what, let them. You ll see PvP scrubs with Battlemaster title, doesnt change the fact that we are still better players than them." Then it dawned on me that by having access to BM gear, a few weeks later it wont matter if they didnt PvP as much or arent as good a player. Sporting a few BM pieces they just dont need to be that good. The gear will negate the lack of skill and effort/experience put into playing actual PvP in Warzones.


I am really wondering if this fiasco can be salvaged into something acceptable, for both sides, because I dont think the Imps who gained their BM title and gear by playing a lot will like the cheap gain of that title any more than we on Rep side do. PvP fun has always come for me from having roughly equal chances in a match of skill and then beating the opposing team, especially if the odds are against us, but I see that pretty much destroyed now after what has happened to Ilum, because the odds arent only not in our favor, they have become entirely impossible to beat.


Add to that the general population imbalance issue, the slight favoring of Empire when it comes to class abilities, casting delays, warzone design etc. and I really wonder why I should bother anymore with PvP. Oh, and the fact that this patch also did nothing to reward objective focused play in WZs and is also still not adressing the issue of less medals gained if you play pure healer is further adding frustration with this game's current state of PvP.


Bioware, I implore you to make some changes, and do them quickly, because I have a very bad feeling about this and I dont want to see this game tank in such a short time.




Jeez dude youre on page 135 you think someones gonna read something this long?

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You know what, Good riddance. All you WoWnubs can keep raging and unsubbing and leave us who still love the actually story aspect of the game to play. Some of us are here because we love Star Wars, Science Fiction and Story. PvP isn't an end all be all.


Keep leaving, then maybe Coruscant general chat will stop being every other discussion be about WoW and how SWTOR is compared to it.


Remind anyone of the forum posts when the pvp rifts came out and got exploited? the good ole "You damn QQ'ers can unsub but the real players will stay and work through this". Not rolling back didn't work out so well for Trion. Let's see how it does with Bioware. To be continued........

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No rollback? Are you kidding me. You admit that you released a crap patch, that it wasnt working as intended, that factions exploited this flawed mechanic, and you are just gonna turn a blind eye to the illegitimate gains made in your FLAWED release.


You have got to be f'n kidding me. For a game to be fun, it MUST be fair. You just set a disastrous precident for this game, and RUINED the better than average launch and goodwill you had been enjoying.


You guys better get on top of this, NOW.

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What would get me to resub? A PvE LFG tool.


over the holiday weekend about 10 people TOTAL were using the current "mark yourself" system which is completely useless.


I agree this PvP debacle might be a little blown out of proportion... but... it's the quickest path to action in the game. if PvE action was easier to come by the problem would be GREATLY diminished...

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Get through your thick head that this is the only realistic solution that they can implement. If you think they can punish hundreds of thousands of players that got their progression legitimately in the whole game today in order to roll back the few hundreds that got it by exploiting, you must be the most delusional creature on the planet.


People at level 50 fighting it out on Ilum are the vast minority compared to the vast majority of the playerbase that isn't even near to get there.


Demanding for them to completely void the progression of the vast majority in order to hit the vast minority is ludicrous. The only thing you should be asking for is exactly what they promise, for those in that vast minority to be pinpointed and adressed individually.


There's no other solution in the realm of realism. Simple as that.


Question: which is more ludicrous?


Allowing a primary mechanic of PvP, Valor, to remain broken for the foreseeable future, permanently affecting faction balance and making the PvP grind meaningless?


Or rolling back a day of Valor point gain?



I know, it's a tough one. /sarcasm

Edited by Seattlite
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We would like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ one of the most successful MMO launches of all time. To show our appreciation, from now through March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST, we are rewarding early members of The Old Republic community with a unique Founder’s medal* and title.


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Maybe im stupid or dumb or anything.. but next time i would suggest posting this type of stuff.. on a "better" suited moment. The whole forum is raging and you give it extra fuel *sigh* :(

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Now i keep seeing this argument and i have to ask... Keeping in mind that i dont have a level 50 and have never been to illum. Isnt it possible that those turrets were supposed to be the thing that insta kills players from the opposite faction? I mean why else would they die when they enter?



He doesn't mention that at all.


It makes no sense, why would they put guards in a town that the opposite faction cant even get into.


First they let the slicing exploiters get away with it, now this valor exploit ON TOP of the already advantaged Empire.




Gabe Lies.

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K no rollback? Cancelling, not going to put time into something to then see others exploit their way to where I am and more, what is the point?


and for those who say no valor was gained




That screenshot shows you gaining 500 valor. Here's a screenshot of a warzone giving me 1133.



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And how do you know again? WoW had way less at launch, and a frapton more problems.


Because I was there for all the rollbacks by Origin , SOE, Blizzard, Mythic, and so many others I hate to think of them.


I have yelled, and screamed at the stupidity of developers and watch great gaming ideas die terrible deaths due to infantile developer approaches to 'fixes' and 'nerfs'


The problem with today's problem is multi-faceted , failure to shutdown the servers as soon as the problem was identified, 8 hr response to the problem saying a fix is coming next day, so continue on with the problem, we'll fix it later.


What little trust they had from their non-fanboi clients died today and they are on probation with some who will leave at the next screw up and some will just leave over this one.


Anyone who has seen MMO's die due to system changes, realizes today's patch was bad, very bad, and the response was even worse...

Edited by TheSearcher
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I personally gained about 50k valor total today. About 12k from warzones, the rest from the Ilum madness.


I'd be ok with a rollback, especially if they could separate the valor earned in WZ's versus the valor earned on Ilum.


If not... meh.

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As someone who didn't race to 50, I am glad this is how it went. All these 50s that are unsubbing will level the field for the rest of us.


I <3 Bioware.



And awesome ^^^ they are going to deal with the actual exploiters on a case by case instead of screwing everyone.


This is all insanity.

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Don't usually post on forums but with no rollback, Bioware is pretty much telling people they have the green light to exploit any changes that players know they can take advantage of. Think of the real empire players that didn't exploit or join it, they must feel left out now and probably should've joined the exploit group.
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Maybe im stupid or dumb or anything.. but next time i would suggest posting this type of stuff.. on a "better" suited moment. The whole forum is raging and you give it extra fuel *sigh* :(



Its quite obvious that poor Courtney is not really in the loop with regards to the pvp issues and the patching. - So she is comming out of another department, the one for - well titles and uhm fluff, and puts in her sweet little post. And its disjointed and dissasociated with everything else happening, but she doesnt know that.


It does however lend some insight into just how compartmentalised BW is when it comes to being in touch with their community :)

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you are reading to much in into nothing being done about this give them a chance to do something. you have not given them a chance at all. it this happened in wow everyone would say "oh well Blizz hates me" and move on
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